
Coop Pank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


13.05.2024 08:00:00


Coop Pank AS 2024. aasta aprilli tulemused


Coop Panga 2024. aasta aprillikuu majandustulemused:

  * Panga klientide arv kasvas aprillis 2400 võrra ja aktiivselt arveldavate
    klientide arv kasvas 1500 võrra. Kuu lõpuks ulatus klientide arv 191 800-ni
    ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv 85 900-ni. Aastaga on kliendibaas
    kasvanud 22%.
  * Panga klientide hoiuste maht kasvas aprillis 45 miljoni euro võrra ulatudes
    kuu lõpu seisuga 1,74 miljardi euroni. Äriklientide hoiused kasvasid 33
    miljoni euro võrra ja eraklientide hoiused kasvasid 1 miljoni euro võrra.
    Rahvusvahelistelt platvormidelt kaasatud hoiuste maht kasvas 11 miljoni euro
    võrra. Aastaga on panga hoiuste maht kasvanud 15%.
  * Panga laenuportfell kasvas aprillis 29 miljoni euro võrra ulatudes kuu lõpu
    seisuga 1,56 miljardi euroni. Ärilaenud kasvasid 13 miljonit eurot,
    kodulaenud kasvasid 11 miljonit eurot, liising kasvas 2 miljonit eurot ja
    tarbimisfinantseerimine kasvas 2 miljonit eurot. Aastaga on panga
    laenuportfell kasvanud 14%.
  * Aprillis tehti laenude allahindluseid 0,3 miljoni euro ulatuses.
  * Võrreldes möödunud aasta nelja esimese kuuga on käesoleval aastal sama ajaga
    panga netotulud püsinud samal tasemel ja tegevuskulud kasvanud 23%.
  * Pank teenis aprillis 2,8 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit. Aasta nelja esimese
    kuuga on pank teeninud kokku 12 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit, mida on 8%
    vähem kui aasta tagasi samal perioodil.
  * Panga omakapitali tootlus oli aprillis 18% ja kulu-tulu suhe 48%.

Coop Panga juhatuse liikme ja finantsjuhi Paavo Truu kommentaar:

?Coop Pank jätkab kasvukursil ja näitas aprillis tugevat kasvu kõigis
finantseerivates äriliinides. Kiireim oli portfelli kasv äri- ja kodulaenudes.
Laenuportfellide kõrval tegid korraliku kasvu ka hoiuste portfellid. Kõik see
peegeldab nii ettevõtjate kui ka eraisikute head hakkamasaamist ja optimismi
ning kindlustunde taastumist.

Aprillis toimunud üldkoosolekul kinnitasid panga aktsionärid rekordilise
dividendimakse ja pank kandis mais oma 37 200 aktsionäri pangakontodele üle
dividendi 8,7 senti aktsia kohta ehk kokku 8,9 miljonit eurot. Dividendimakse
läks 98% ulatuses Eesti inimeste ja ettevõtete kontodele Sellega aitab Coop
Panga teenitud tulu edendada eestlaste elu ja majandust laiemalt. Pank kutsub ka
kõiki oma aktsionäre ise panga kasvu panustama ja Coop Panka oma kodupangaks

Aprilli lõpus alustas pank koos oma klientidega Eesti kaitsevõimesse
panustamist, mis haakub hästi panga eesmärgiga muuta elu Eestis paremaks.
Selleks loodi uus Kaardiväe kliendiprogramm, millega liitunud annetavad iga
kaardimaksega 1 sendi  Eesti riigikaitse toetamiseks loodud reservväelaste fondi
ning pank lisab sellele omalt poolt veel 1 sendi juurde."

Coop Panga põhjalikumad finantsaruanded on leitavad aadressil:

Eesti kapitalil põhinev Coop Pank on üks viiest Eestis tegutsevast
universaalpangast. Pangal on 191 800 igapäevapanganduse klienti. Coop Pank
kasutab jaekaubanduse ja panganduse vahel tekkivat sünergiat ning toob
igapäevased pangateenused kodule lähemale. Panga strateegiline omanik on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 320 kauplust.

Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231
E-post: paavo.truu@cooppank.ee (mailto:paavo.truu@cooppank.ee)


Coop Pank AS results for April 2024


Coop Pank's financial results in April 2024:

  * In April, number of the bank's clients increased by 2,400 and number of
    active clients increased by 1,500. By the end of the month number of clients
    reached 191,800 and number of active clients reached 85,900. Over the year,
    customer base has grown by 22%.
  * Volume of the bank's customer deposits increased by 45 million euros,
    reaching 1.74 billion euros by the end of month. Deposits of corporate
    customers increased by 33 million euros and deposits of private customers
    increased by 1 million euros. The volume of deposits attracted from
    international platforms increased by 11 million euros. Over the year, volume
    of bank deposits has grown by 15%.
  * The bank's loan portfolio increased by 29 million euros and reached 1.56
    billion euros by the end of month. Business loans increased by 13 million
    euros, home loans increased by 11 million euros, leasing increased by 2
    million euros and consumer financing loan portfolio increased by 2 million
    euros. Over the year, loan portfolio has grown by 14%.
  * In April, the loan impairment cost was 0.3 million euros.
  * Compared to the first four months of last year, the bank's net income has
    remained at the same level this year and expenses have increased by 23%.
  * In April, the bank earned net profit of 2.8 million euros. In the first four
    months of the year, the bank has earned a net profit of 12 million euros,
    that is 8% less than in the same period last year.
  * In April, Coop Pank's return on equity was 18% and the cost-income ratio was

Comment by Paavo Truu, Member of the Management Board and CFO of Coop Pank:

"Coop Pank continues to increase business volumes and showed strong growth in
all financing business lines in April. The portfolio growth was fastest in
business and home loans. In addition to the loan portfolios, the deposit
portfolios also showed decent growth. All this reflects the good performance of
both entrepreneurs and individuals and the recovery of optimism and confidence.

In April, the bank's shareholders approved the record payment of dividends for
this year at a general meeting held and in May the bank transferred a dividend
of 8.7 cents per share, or a total of 8.9 million euros, to the bank accounts of
its 37,200 shareholders. 98% of the dividend payment went to the accounts of
private individuals and companies in Estonia. With this, the income earned by
Coop Pank helps improve the life and economy of Estonians in general. The bank
also invites all its shareholders to contribute to the growth of the bank
themselves and to choose Coop Pank as their home bank.

At the end of April, together with its customers, the bank started contributing
to Estonia's defense capability, which fits well with the bank's goal of making
life better in Estonia. For this purpose, a new customer program called
Kaardivägi was created, in which those who join donate 1 cent with each card
payment to the reservist fund created to support Estonian national defense, and
the bank adds another 1 cent to it."

More detailed financial reports of Coop Pank are available at:

Coop Pank, based on Estonian capital, is one of the five universal banks
operating in Estonia. The number of clients using Coop Pank for their daily
banking reached 191,800. Coop Pank aims to put the synergy generated by the
interaction of retail business and banking to good use and to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 320 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: +372 5160 231
E-mail: paavo.truu@cooppank.ee (mailto:paavo.truu@cooppank.ee)