Central storage of regulated information

Short selling

In European Union Regulation (EU) No 236/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council regulates short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps. Additional relevant information regarding Regulation (EU) No 236/2012 is available on European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) website

A natural or legal person whose net short position in shares reaches or falls below 0,1 % in relation to the issued share capital of a company that has shares admitted to trading on Estonian trading venue shall notify Finantsinspektsioon. A new notification must be submitted for each 0,1% percentage point change until the position falls below 0,1% of the issued share capital.

When net short position in shares rises above 0,5% of the issued share capital of the company concerned and each 0,1 % above that until position is above 0,5% will be published by Finantsinspektsioon on its central website.

A natural or legal person who has a net short position relating to issued sovereign debt shall notify Finantsinspektsioon, where such a position reaches or falls below the initial threshold 0,1% applicable where the total amount of the outstanding issued sovereign debt is between 0 and 500 billion euro. The additional incremental levels shall be set at 50% of the initial thresholds and shall be each 0,05 % above the initial notification threshold of 0,1% starting at 0,15%. Notifications related to net short position in sovereign debt will not be published.

Net short positions must be notified to Finantsinspektsioon not later than at 15:30 on the following trading day after the transaction day. Notifications must be submitted on the relevant form and signed. Electronically signed notification should be sent as an e-mail attachment to info@fi.ee. Manually signed forms are expected on postal address and as a scanned document by e-mail. 

Notification forms:

a. Notification form for net short position in shares

b. Notification form for net short position in sovereign debt

When Finantsinspektsioon temporarily suspends restrictions as per Regulation (EU) No 236/2012 article 14(2) then a natural or legal person who has an uncovered position in a sovereign credit default swap shall notify Finantsinspektsioon where such a position reaches or falls below the relevant notification thresholds for the sovereign issuer.

Notification Form:

c. Notification form for position in uncovered sovereign credit default swaps

Address: Finantsinspektsioon, Sakala 4, 15030 Tallinn, Eesti

Phone: +372 668 0500

E-mail: info@fi.ee