Market announcement

Enefit Green AS


Results of General Meeting


14.05.2024 19:25:00


Enefit Green AS-i korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


Enefit  Green  AS  (edaspidi  Selts)  (registrikood  11184032, asukoht  Lelle tn
22, 11318 Tallinn,  Harju  maakond,  Eesti)  aktsionäride  korraline üldkoosolek
toimus  14. mail  2024. a.  algusega  kell  13:00 (Eesti  aja  järgi)  aadressil
Fotografiska Tallinn (Telliskivi 60a-8, Tallinn).

Üldkoosoleku   kokkukutsumise   teade   avaldati   22. aprillil  2024. a.  börsi
infosüsteemis,  Seltsi veebilehel ning 23. aprillil 2024. a. ajalehes Postimees.
Hääleõiguslike  aktsionäride  nimekiri  fikseeriti  7. mail 2024. a., Nasdaq CSD
(Eesti) arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga.

Aktsionäride  üldkoosolekul osales 107 aktsionäri,  kellele kuuluvate aktsiatega
oli esindatud 215 735 710 häält ehk 81,63% kogu aktsiakapitalist.

Seltsi üldkoosolekul arutati ja võeti vastu järgmised otsused:

1. Nõukogu esimehe pöördumine

Antud päevakorrapunkti osas hääletamist ei toimunud.

2. 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Otsus: Kinnitada Enefit Green AS 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruanne
üldkoosolekule esitatud kujul.

Otsus võeti vastu 215 733 935 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 100,00% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

3. 2023. aasta juhatuse tasustamisaruande kinnitamine

Otsus: Kinnitada majandusaasta aruande lisana Enefit Green AS 2023. a juhatuse
tasustamisaruanne üldkoosolekule esitatud kujul.

Otsus võeti vastu 214 174 701 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,28% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

4. Kasumi jaotamine


4.1 Jaotada Enefit Green AS-i 2023. majandusaasta puhaskasum summas 55 793 tuhat
eurot järgmiselt:

4.1.1. Maksta dividendidena välja 27 749 tuhat eurot (0,105 eurot aktsia kohta).

4.1.2. Kanda kohustuslikku reservkapitali 2 736 tuhat eurot. Mitte teha eraldisi
teistesse seaduse või põhikirjaga ettenähtud reservidesse.

4.1.3. Kanda eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumisse 25 308 tuhat eurot.

4.2 Dividendiõiguslike aktsionäride nimekiri fikseeritakse 11.06.2024 Nasdaq CSD
(Eesti) arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga. Sellest tulenevalt on aktsiatega
seotud õiguste muutumise päev (ex-date) 10.06.2024; alates sellest kuupäevast ei
ole aktsiaid omandanud isik õigustatud saama dividende 2023. majandusaasta eest.
Dividendid makstakse aktsionäridele välja 18.06.2024.

Otsus võeti vastu 215 724 511 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,99% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

5. Audiitori määramine


1.1   Nimetada 2024-2026 majandusaastateks Seltsi audiitoriks Aktsiaselts
PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood 10142876) ja vastutavateks audiitoriteks
Lauri Past ja Toomas-Hendrik Parts.

1.2   Maksta audiitorile tasu vastavalt Enefit Green AS-i ja AS
PricewaterhouseCoopers vahel sõlmitavale lepingule hankes sätestatud tingimustel
ning näha lepingus ette Enefit Green AS-le võimalus lepingu pikendamiseks
majandusaastateks 2027 ja 2028.

Otsus võeti vastu 215 693 397 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,98% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

6. Põhikirja muutmine


6.1 Muuta põhikirja punkti 4.1.14 (a) ja sõnastada see järgmiselt:

?(a)  osaluse  omandamine,  võõrandamine  või  lõppemine  teistes  ühingutes või
sellise   osaluse   omandamisest   loobumine,   seltsi   poolt   mistahes   muus
ühisettevõtjas   või   partnerluses  või  muus  organisatsioonis  osalemine  v.a
erialaliitudesse kuulumine;"

6.2 Kinnitada Enefit Green AS põhikiri üldkoosolekule esitatud kujul.

Otsus võeti vastu 215 700 742 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,98% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

7. Muudatused nõukogu koosseisus


7.1 Kutsuda Enefit Green AS-i nõukogust tagasi Raine Pajo.

Otsus võeti vastu 214 742 658 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,54% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

7.2 Valida Enefit Green AS-i nõukogu liikmeks Kristjan Kuhi, volitustega alates
käesoleva otsuse vastuvõtmisest tähtajaga 3 (kolm) aastat s.o kuni 14.05.2027.

Otsus võeti vastu 213 300 570 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 98,87% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

7.3 Pikendada Enefit Green AS-i sõltumatu nõukogu liikme Erkki Raasuke volitusi
arvates volituste lõppemisest järgmiseks 3-aastaseks perioodiks s.o kuni

Otsus võeti vastu 214 709 958 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,52% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest. Koosolekule olid registreerunud vähemusaktsionärid kokku
11 804 305 häälega, kellest 10 778 553 ehk 91,31% hääletas antud otsuse poolt.

7.4 Määrata alates 23.10.2024 Enefit Green AS  sõltumatutele nõukogu liikmetele
makstava tasu suuruseks 1500 eurot kuus.

Otsus võeti vastu 214 676 854 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,51% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

8. Nõukogu liikmete nimetamise põhimõtete kinnitamine

Otsus:  Kinnitada nõukogu liikmete nimetamise põhimõtted üldkoosolekule esitatud

Otsus võeti vastu 215 644 611 poolthäälega, mis moodustas 99,96% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest.

Üldkoosoleku  protokoll tehakse aktsionäridele  kättesaadavaks Seltsi veebilehel
hiljemalt 7 päeva möödudes alates üldkoosoleku toimumisest.

Sven Kunsing
Finantssuhtluse juht (


Resolutions of the annual general meeting of Enefit Green AS


The annual general meeting of the shareholders of Enefit Green AS (hereinafter
the Company) (registry code 11184032, located at Lelle 22, 11318 Tallinn, Harju
county, Estonia) was held on 14 May 2024 at 13.00 (EEST) at Fotografiska Tallinn
(Telliskivi 60a-8, Tallinn).

The notice of calling the general meeting was published on 22 April 2024 in the
stock exchange information system, on Company's website and on 23 April 2024 in
the daily newspaper Postimees. The list of shareholders entitled to vote at the
general meeting was determined on 7 May 2024 at the end of the business day of
the settlement system of Nasdaq CSD (Estonia).

107 shareholders participated at the meeting representing 215,735,710 votes or
81.63% of total share capital of the Company

The general meeting discussed and adopted following resolutions:

1. Address of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board

There was no voting carried out under that point of the agenda.

2. Approval of the Annual Report 2023

Resolution: To approve the 2023 annual report of Enefit Green AS as presented to
the general meeting.

The resolution was adopted by 215,733,935 votes, representing 100.00% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

3. Approval of the remuneration report of the Management Board for the financial
year 2023

Resolution: To approve the 2023 remuneration report of the Management Board of
Enefit Green AS as an annex to the annual report as presented to the general

The resolution was adopted by 214,174,701 votes, representing 99.28% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

4. Distribution of profit


4.1 Distribute the net profit of Enefit Green AS for the financial year 2023 in
the amount of 55,793 thousand euros as follows:

4.1.1. Pay out 27,749 thousand euros (0.105 euros per share) as dividends.

4.1.2. Transfer 2,736 thousand euros to the mandatory reserve capital. Not to
make any allocations for other reserves prescribed by law or by the articles of

4.1.3. Transfer 25,308 thousand euros to the retained earnings of previous

4.2 The list of shareholders entitled to receive dividends will be established
on 11 June 2024 at the end of the business day of the settlement system of
Nasdaq CSD (Estonia). Consequently, the day of change of the rights related to
the shares (ex-dividend date) is 10 June 2024; from this date onwards, the
person acquiring the shares is not entitled to receive dividends for the
financial year 2023. Dividends will be paid out to the shareholders on 18 June

The resolution was adopted by 215,724,511 votes, representing 99.99% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

5. Appointment of the auditor


5.1 Appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876) as the audit firm
of the Company for financial years 2024-2026, with Lauri Past and Toomas-Hendrik
Parts as responsible auditors.

5.2 Compensate the auditors according to the agreement to be signed between
Enefit Green AS and AS PricewaterhouseCoopers. The agreement shall be based on
the conditions specified in the tender and it should stipulate an option for AS
Enefit Green to extend the agreement to the financial years 2027 and 2028.

The resolution was adopted by 215,693,397 votes, representing 99.98% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

6. Amendment to Articles of Association


6.1 Change the clause 4.1.14 (a) of the Company's Articles of Association and
establish it in the following wording:

"the acquisition, transfer, or termination of shareholding in other companies or
waiver of acquisition of such shareholding, participation by the Company in any
other joint venture or partnership or other organisation, except membership in
professional associations;"

6.2 Approve Enefit Green AS Articles of Association with abovementioned

The resolution was adopted by 215,700,742 votes, representing 99.98% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

7. Changes in the Supervisory Board composition


7.1 Recall Raine Pajo from the Supervisory Board of Enefit Green AS.

The resolution was adopted by 214,742,658 votes, representing 99.54% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

7.2 Elect Kristjan Kuhi as a member of the Supervisory Board of Enefit Green AS,
with a mandate for a term of 3 (three) years effective from the adoption of this
decision, i.e. until 14 May 2027.

The resolution was adopted by 213,300,570 votes, representing 98.87% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

7.3 Extend the mandate of Erkki Raasuke as independent member of the Supervisory
Board of Enefit Green AS for the next 3-year period from the end of his current
mandate, i.e. until 21 October 2027.

The resolution was adopted by 214,709,958 votes, representing 99.52% of the
votes represented at the meeting. Minority shareholders registered at the
meeting were representing 11,804,305 votes. Of these votes 10,778,553 or 91.31%
voted for this resolution.

7.4 Set the remuneration paid to the independent members of the Supervisory
Board of Enefit Green AS at 1500 euros per month, effective from 23 October

The resolution was adopted by 214,676,854 votes, representing 99.51% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

8. Approval of the Nomination Policy

Resolution: Approve the Nomination Policy (for the nomination of the candidates
for the membership of the supervisory board of Enefit Green AS) as presented to
the general meeting.

The resolution was adopted by 215,644,611 votes, representing 99.96% of the
votes represented at the meeting.

The minutes of the general meeting shall be made available to the shareholders
not later than within 7 days from the date of the general meeting on Company's

Further information:
Sven Kunsing
Head of Financial Communications ( (