Market announcement

Coop Pank AS


Other corporate action


11.12.2023 08:00:00


Coop Pank AS 2023. aasta novembri tulemused


Coop Panga 2023. aasta novembrikuu majandustulemused:

  * Panga klientide arv kasvas novembris 2600 võrra ja aktiivselt arveldavate
    klientide arv kasvas 1400 võrra. Kuu lõpuks ulatus klientide arv 180 300-ni
    ja aktiivselt arveldavate klientide arv 80 800-ni. Aastaga on kliendibaas
    kasvanud 25%.
  * Panga klientide hoiuste maht kasvas novembris 18 miljoni euro võrra ulatudes
    kuu lõpu seisuga 1,78 miljardi euroni. Äriklientide hoiused kasvasid 3
    miljonit ja eraklientide hoiused kasvasid 5 miljonit eurot.
    Rahvusvahelistelt platvormidelt kaasatud hoiuste maht kasvas 10 miljoni euro
    võrra. Aastaga on panga hoiuste maht kasvanud 22%.
  * Panga laenuportfell püsis novembris samal tasemel, kui see oli oktoobris ja
    ulatus kuu lõpu seisuga 1,50 miljardi euroni. Ärilaenud kahanesid 8 miljonit
    eurot, kodulaenud kasvasid 5 miljonit eurot, liising kasvas 3 miljonit eurot
    ja tarbimisfinantseerimise portfell püsis novembris samal tasemel kui see
    oli oktoobris. Aastaga on panga laenuportfell kasvanud 19%.
  * Novembris tehti laenude allahindluseid 0,2 miljoni euro ulatuses.
  * Võrreldes möödunud aasta üheteistkümne esimese kuuga on käesoleval aastal
    sama ajaga panga netotulud kasvanud 63% ja tegevuskulud 29%.
  * Pank teenis novembris 3,4 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit. Aasta üheteistkümne
    esimese kuuga on pank teeninud kokku 38 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit, mida on
    105% rohkem kui aasta tagasi samal perioodil.
  * Panga omakapitali tootlus oli novembris 22,3%, kulu-tulu suhe 45%.

Coop Panga juhatuse liikme ja finantsjuhi Paavo Truu kommentaar:

?Novembris  tegi  Coop  Panga  hoiuste  portfell taas korraliku kasvu, suurendes
kuuga  18 miljonit eurot ja aastaga 22%. Näeme, et hoiuste intressid on oma tipu
saavutanud   ja   pikemate   tähtaegadega   hoiuste   intressid   liiguvad  juba
langustrendis.  Ka rahaturgudel laiemalt on näha, et nii erinevad intressimäärad
kui  ka  väärtpaberid  odavnevad,  sest  turg  ootab,  et Euroopa Keskpank asuks
majanduse elavdamiseks oma intresse langetama.

Selle  tulemusena on lõpuks langustrendi  pöördunud ka euribor, millest võidavad
nii  eraisikutest kui ka ettevõtjatest laenuvõtjad. Novembris kasvasid kiireimas
tempos  kodulaenu  ja  liisingu  portfell,  kuid ärilaenude tagasimaksete tõttu,
püsis    laenuportfell    samal    tasemel    kui   see   oli   möödunud   kuul.
Kinnisvaraarenduslaenude  tagasimaksed  on  aasta  lõpus  tavapärane trend, mida
tänavu   on   võimendanud  järgmisest  aastast  rakenduv  käibemaksu  tõus.  See
motiveerib koduotsijaid uusarendusi ostma just tänavu, et mitte järgmisel aastal
2% kallimat  hinda  maksta.  Kuna  mitmed  elamuarendused  valmivad  järjest  ja
korterite  müük  läheb  hästi,  võimaldab  see  arendajatel  ka laene tagastada.
Aastaga on panga laenuportfell kasvanud 19% ja portfelli kvaliteet püsib hea.

Novembris  teenis Coop Pank 3,4 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit, omakapitali tootlus
oli 22,3% ja kulu-tulu suhe 45%."

Coop    Panga    põhjalikumad    finantsaruanded    on    leitavad    aadressil:

Eesti kapitalil põhinev Coop Pank on üks viiest Eestis tegutsevast
universaalpangast. Pangal on 180 300 igapäevapanganduse klienti. Coop Pank
kasutab jaekaubanduse ja panganduse vahel tekkivat sünergiat ning toob
igapäevased pangateenused kodule lähemale. Panga strateegiline omanik on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 320 kauplust.

Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231
E-post: (


Coop Pank AS results for November 2023


Coop Pank's financial results in November 2023:

  * In November, number of the bank's clients increased by 2,600 and number of
    active clients increased by 1,400. By the end of the month number of clients
    reached 180,300 and number of active clients reached 80,800. Over the year,
    customer base has grown by 25%.
  * Volume of the bank's customer deposits increased by 18 million euros,
    reaching 1.78 billion euros by the end of month. Deposits of corporate
    customers increased by 3 million euros and deposits of private customers
    increased by 5 million euros. The volume of deposits attracted from
    international platforms increased by 10 million euros. Over the year, volume
    of bank deposits has grown by 22%.
  * The bank's loan portfolio remained at the same level in November as it was
    in October and reached 1.50 billion euros by the end of November. Business
    loans decreased by 8 million euros, home loans increased by 5 million euros,
    leasing increased by 3 million euros and consumer financing loan portfolio
    remained at the same level in November as it was in October. Over the year,
    loan portfolio has grown by 19%.
  * In November, the loan impairment cost was 0.2 million euros.
  * Compared to the first eleven months of last year, the bank's net income has
    increased by 63% and expenses by 29% during the same period this year.
  * In November, the bank earned net profit of 3.4 million euros. In the first
    eleven months of the year, the bank has earned a net profit of 38 million
    euros, that is 105% more than in the same period last year.
  * In November, Coop Pank's return on equity was 22.3% and the cost-income
    ratio was 45%.

Comment by Paavo Truu, Member of the Management Board and CFO of Coop Pank:

"In November, Coop Pank's deposit portfolio showed again decent growth,
increasing by 18 million euros in month and 22% in year. We can see that
interest rates on deposits have reached their peak and interest rates on long-
term deposits are already in a downward trend. In the money markets in general,
we can also see a decrease in the price of various interest rates and
securities, because the market is waiting for the European Central Bank to start
lowering its interest rates to revive the economy.

As a result, the euribor has finally reversed its downward trend, which benefits
both private and corporate loan holders. In November, home loan and leasing
portfolios increased at the fastest pace, but due to repayments of business
loans, the loan portfolio remained at the same level as it was last month.
Repayments of real estate development loans are a common trend at the end of the
year, which this year has been amplified by the VAT increase that will be
implemented from next year. This motivates home seekers to buy
homes in new developments this year, so as not to pay a 2% higher price next
year. As several residential developments are being completed in succession and
sales of apartments are going well, it also enables developers to repay loans.
Over the year, the bank's loan portfolio has increasing by 19% and the quality
of the portfolio remains good.

In November, Coop Pank earned a net profit of 3.4 million euros, the return on
equity was 22.3% and the cost-income ratio was 45%."

More detailed financial reports of Coop Pank are available at:

Coop Pank, based on Estonian capital, is one of the five universal banks
operating in Estonia. The number of clients using Coop Pank for their daily
banking reached 180,300. Coop Pank aims to put the synergy generated by the
interaction of retail business and banking to good use and to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 320 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: +372 5160 231

E-mail: (