
ABC Grupp


Muu oluline informatsioon


30.12.2009 17:14:50


2009 I poolaasta konsolideeritud vahearuande korrigeerimine ja osaluse võõrandamine


ABC Grupi AS avalikustab 2009 I poolaasta korrigeeritud konsolideeritud
vahearuande ning ülevaate tehtud parandustest. 
Vahearuannet on täiendatud teabega kontserni ettevõtjate audiitorite ja seotud
osapooltega tehtud tehingute kohta, viidatud on vahearuande vastavusele IAS-ga
Parandatud on ümardamisest tingitud aritmeetilised vead konsolideeritud
finantsseisundi, koondkasumi, rahavoogude ja omakapitali muutuste aruannetes
ning lisades. 
Lisatud on viited lisadele, selgitus lisasse 8 kinnisvarainvesteeringute
õiglase väärtuse kohta, lisasse 13 suhtarvud „tava-ja lahustatud puhaskasum
aktsia kohta” ning korrektne aktsiate arv. Täiendatud on lisasid 2, 3, 6, 7, 14
ja 16, et tagada parem andmete arusaadavus, vastavus konsolideeritud
finantsseisundi ja konsolideeritud koondkasumiaruandega ning võrreldavus
eelneva perioodiga. 
Kõigi eelpoolnimetatud parandustega 2009 I poolaasta konsolideeritud
auditeerimata vahearuanne on kättesaadav NASDAQ OMX Tallinna Börsi ja ABC Grupi
AS-i koduleheküljel http://www.abc.ee. 

30.detsembril 2009.a. võõrandas ABC Grupi AS oma osaluse jaekaubandusega
tegelevas ABC Supermarkets AS-s (100% ABC Grupi AS tütarettevõte), mille
aktsiakapital on 15,4 miljonit Eesti krooni. Tehingu eesmärgiks on parandada
ABC Grupi AS kapitaliseeritust ja vähendada kontserni hulgikaubanduse valdkonna
huvide konflikti jaekaubanduse valdkonnaga. 

Osaluse omandas Continental FIT AS. Tehingu hinnaks on 215 miljonit krooni
(13,7 miljonit eurot) ning tasumise lõplikuks tähtajaks 30.12.2010.a. Kuni
müügihinna täieliku tasumiseni on ABC Supermarkets AS võõrandatud aktsiad
panditud ABC Grupi AS-i kasuks. Tehinguhinna kujunemisel arvestasid pooled
audiitorfirma Rimess poolt teostatud firmaväärtuse hindamise tulemusi. Seoses
tehinguga kontserni kohustused vähenevad, varad ja kasum suurenevad. 

ABC Supermarkets AS jätkab ABC Grupi AS poolt alustatud finantsnõustamisalast
koostööd Redgate Capitaliga, mille eesmärgiks on laienemisprogrammi
elluviimiseks vajaliku lisakapitali hankimine. Ettevõtte juhatuse ja nõukogu
koosseis ei muutu. 

Jüri Vips
ABC Grupi AS juhatuse esimees
Tel: +372 6505505


Amendments to Consolidated Interim Report of First Half of 2009 and Transfer of Shareholding


ABC Grupi AS hereby discloses the amended consolidated interim report of the
first half of 2009 and an overview of the amendments made. 
The interim report includes additional information on the auditors of the group
companies and transactions with related parties and a reference to the
compliance of the interim report with IAS 34. 
Arithmetical errors arising from round-offs have been corrected in the
consolidated statements of financial position, comprehensive income and changes
in owners' equity as well as in notes. 
References to notes, an explanation on the fair value of investment properties
in Note 8, the basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share ratios
and the correct number of shares in Note 13 have been added. Notes 2, 3, 6, 7,
14 and 16 have been supplemented in order to ensure better understanding of the
information, their compliance with the consolidated statements of financial
position and comprehensive income and comparability with the previous period. 
The unaudited consolidated interim report of the first half of 2009 with all of
the abovementioned amendments is accessible on the website of the NASDAQ OMX
Tallinn and that of ABC Grupi AS at http://www.abc.ee. 

On 30 December 2009 ABC Grupi AS transferred its shareholding in retailer ABC
Supermarkets AS (a 100% subsidiary of ABC Grupi AS) with a share capital of
15.4 million Estonian kroons. The objective of the transaction was to improve
ABC Grupi AS's capitalisation and reduce the conflict of interests of the
group's wholesale business with the group's retail business. 

The shareholding was acquired by Continental FIT AS. The transaction cost
amounts to 215 million kroons (13.7 million euros) and the final due date of
payment is 30 December 2010. Until the full payment of the sales price the
transferred shares of ABC Supermarkets AS are encumbered with a pledge for the
benefit of ABC Grupi AS. Upon calculating the transaction price the parties
took into account the results of the goodwill tests conducted by audit company
Rimess OÜ. Due to this transaction the group's liabilities will decrease and
its assets and profit will increase. 

ABC Supermarkets AS will continue the cooperation with Redgate Capital in the
field of financial consultancy started by ABC Grupi AS for the purpose of
obtaining additional capital necessary for implementing the expansion program.
There will be no changes in the management board or supervisory board of the

Jüri Vips
Chairman of Management Board of ABC Grupi AS
Tel.: +372 6505505