
Q Vara


Muu oluline informatsioon


17.04.2008 11:31:37


Q Vara võlakirjainvestorite hääletuse tulemused


7. aprillil 2008 lõppes AS Q Vara poolt korraldatud investorite hääletus Q Vara
Omakapitali osakaalu kohta ja Terminal No. 11 logistikapargi arendamiseks
täiendava kapitali kaasamise kohta. Investorite nõusoleku saamiseks pidi
ettepaneku poolt hääletama Investorite Enamus (Investorid, kellele kuulub üle
poole võlakirjadest, mis ei kuulu Emitendile või Emitendiga seotud isikutele). 

Lõppenud hääletuse tulemusena hääletas Investorite Enamus Q Vara ettepaneku
poolt. Hääletuse protokollija oli AS Sampo Pank. Käesolevale teatele on lisatud
AS Sampo Pank poolt kinnitatud hääletuse protokoll. 

Meelis Šokman
Juhatuse esimees
AS Q Vara
Tel: 668 1600


The results of AS Q Vara bond investors' vote


AS Q Vara investors' voting period during which the Investors could vote for AS
Q Vara's proposal on the equity to assets ratio and on raising additional
capital for developing the Terminal No. 11 project ended on April 7, 2008.  Q
Vara's proposal is deemed adopted if at least the Majority of the Investors
(the investors who own more than 50% of the bonds and who are not related to
the Issuer) voted for the decision. 

As a result of the vote the Majority of Investors voted for the proposal. The
recording secretary of the vote was AS Sampo Pank. The result protocol signed
by AS Sampo Pank is attached to the current announcement. 

Meelis Šokman
Chairman of the management board
AS Q Vara
Tel: 668 1600