
Arco Vara AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


02.03.2010 09:00:00


Arco Vara sõlmis Merko Ehitusega töövõtu- ja finantseerimislepingu


Arco Vara AS Konsterni 100% tütarettevõte AS Kolde ja AS Merko Ehitus sõlmisid  
1. märtsil 2010 töövõtulepingu 4 kortermaja ehitamiseks ja finantseerimiseks    
Arco Vara Kodukolde arendusprojekti järgnevas etapis.                           

Lepingu orienteeruv maksumus on kokku 80 mln krooni (5,2 mln eurot), mida AS    
Merko Ehitus rahastab projekti raames 40 mln krooni (2,6 mln eurot)             
krediidilimiidi ulatuses. Ehituse finantseerimise laenu lõpptähtaeg on veebruar 

Elamukompleks koosneb 96 korterist, suletud netopinnaga  6 370 m²  ja kolmekümne
kahest majadealusest garaaži boksist. Ehitustööd algavad kolme kuu jooksul      
alates lepingu allkirjastamisest ja kestavad kuni 20 kuud. Vastavalt            
töövõtulepingule valmivad esimesed kaks maja 2011. aasta kevadel.               


Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraarenduse ettevõtteid, asutatud  
1992. aastal. Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda 
kinnisvaravahendus ja hindamine, ehitus ning kinnisvarahaldus. Firmal on        
esindused 17 linnas Eestis, Lätis, Ukrainas ja Bulgaarias. Kontsernis töötab ca 
170 inimest.                                                                    

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK                                                               

Lembit Tampere                                                                  
Juhatuse liige                                                                  
Arco Vara AS                                                                    
Tel: +372 614 4630                                                              


Arco Vara and Merko Ehitus executed a contracting and financing contract


On 1 March 2010 AS Kolde, a 100% subsidiary of the Arco Vara AS Group, and AS   
Merko Ehitus concluded a contracting contract for building and financing of the 
construction of 4 apartment buildings of the next stage of Arco Vara's Kodukolde
property development project.                                                   

The estimated aggregate value of the contract is 80 million kroons (5.2 million 
euros), and the contract is financed by AS Merko Ehitus thorough providing a    
credit limit of up to 40 million kroons (2.6 million euros). The maturity date  
of the loan for financing the construction is February 2013.                    

The residential complex consists of 96 apartments with the closed net area of   
6370 m2, and of thirty-two underground garage units. Construction work will     
start within three months from the signing of the contract and will last for up 
to 20 months. According to the contracting contract the first two buildings will
be completed in the spring of 2011.                                             

Additional information:                                                         

Founded in 1992 Arco Vara is one of the leading property developers in the      
Baltic States. The main business of the company is property development, which  
is supported by the group's own property brokering, valuation, construction and 
property management units. The company has representative offices in 17 towns   
across Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Bulgaria. The Group has a staff of ca 170.  

1 EUR=15.6466 EEK                                                               

Lembit Tampere                                                                  
Member of the management board                                                  
Arco Vara AS                                                                    
Tel: +372 614 4630                                                              