
AS Silvano Fashion Group


Oluliste osaluste teated


15.02.2010 09:33:26


Oluliste osaluste muutused


AS SEB Pank teatas AS-ile Silvano Fashion Group (SFG), et Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients esindajakontol olevate SFG aktsiate arv langes alla 10%. Vastavalt edastatud teatele oli Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients esindajakontol 4. veebruari 2010. a päeva lõpu seisuga 3 870 456 SFG aktsiat, mis moodustavad 9,68% kõikidest SFG aktsiatega esindatud häältest.          

Lisaks eelnimetatud teatele teatas AS SEB Pank SFG-le, et Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients esindajakontol olevate SFG aktsiate arv ületas 10% künnise. Vastavalt edastatud teatele oli Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients esindajakontol 8. veebruari 2010. a päeva lõpu seisuga 5 274 456 SFG aktsiat, mis moodustavad 13,19% kõikidest SFG aktsiatega esindatud häältest.          
SIA Alta Capital Partners teatas SFG-le, et temale ja tema tütarettevõtjatele kuuluvate häälte arv SFG-s langes alla 5% künnise kõikidest SFG aktsiatega esindatud häältest. Vastavalt edastatud teatele omavad SIA Alta Capital Partners ja selle tütarettevõtjad 3. veebruari 2010. a seisuga 1 864 286 SFG aktsiat, mis moodustavad 4,66% kõikidest SFG aktsiatega esindatud häältest.

Sergei Kusonski
Juhatuse liige
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +375 172880770


Changes in Substantial Shareholdings


AS SEB Pank notified AS Silvano Fashion Group (SFG) that the number of shares on the representative account of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients decreased under 10%. According to the notification, the number of shares on the representative account of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients constituted 3,870,456 as at the end of the day of 4 February 2010, which represent 9.68% of the total amount of votes represented by all shares in SFG.

In addition to the aforementioned notification, AS SEB Pank notified SFG that the number of shares on the representative account of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients exceeded 10%. According to the notification, the number of shares on the representative account of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Clients constituted 5,274,456 as at the end of the day of 8 February 2010, which represent 13.19% of the total amount of votes represented by all shares in SFG.

SIA Alta Capital Partners notified SFG that the votes acquired by it and its subsidiaries in SFG have reduced below the 5% threshold of the total amount of votes represented by all shares in SFG. According to the notification, SIA Alta Capital Partners and its subsidiaries own 1,864,286 shares in SFG as at 3 February 2010, which represent 4.66% of the total amount of votes represented by all shares in SFG.

Sergei Kusonski
Member of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group
Tel +375 172880770