
Arco Vara AS


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08.10.2009 10:36:15


Arco Vara tütarettevõte Bulgaarias sõlmis pikaajalise üürilepingu


Arco Invest EOOD (100 % Arco Varale kuuluv arendusettevõte Bulgaarias) sõlmis
5-aastase üürilepingu, millega finantsvahendusfirma võtab üürile 4 700 m2
kontoripinda ning 50 parkimiskohta Arco Vara Sofia projektis Boulevard
Residence Madrid alates 1. augustist 2010. Üüripinna ühe ruutmeetri hind kuus
on 172 krooni (11 eurot), millele lisanduvad käibemaks, rent parkimiskohtade
eest ja kõik kõrvalkulud. Lepingu aastane rahaline maht on 10,27 miljonit
krooni (656 398 eurot). 

Lepingupartneril ei ole võimalik lepingut lõpetada enne 2,5 aastat,
lõpetamisega kaasneb trahv kolme kuu üüri ulatuses. Leping on konfidentsiaalne,
mille tõttu lepingupartneri nimi ei kuulu avaldamisele. 

Üüripinnale hakkab haldusteenust pakkuma Arco Vara Bulgaaria Haldus.

Käesoleva lepinguga on Arco Vara Sofia projektis Boulevard Residence Madrid
kaetud üürilepingutega 80 % äripindadest. Elamispindadest on müüdud ca 75 %.
Projektiga on võimalik tutvuda Arco Vara investorsuhete kodulehel:

Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraarenduse ettevõtteid, mis on
asutatud 1992. aastal. Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida
toetavad enda kinnisvaravahendus ja hindamine, ehitus ning kinnisvarahaldus.
Firmal on esindused 17 linnas Eestis, Lätis, Ukrainas ja Bulgaarias. Kontsernis
töötab ca 250 inimest. Arco Vara AS aktsiad on noteeritud Tallinna Börsil. 

1 EUR=15,6466 EEK

Lembit Tampere
Juhatuse liige
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630


Arco Vara subsidiary concluded a long-term lease agreement in Bulgaria


Arco Invest EOOD (100% Arco Vara development company in Bulgaria) concluded a
5-year lease agreement to lease out 4,700 m2 office space and 50 parking lots
to a financial intermediary company in the Arco Vara Sofia project Boulevard
Residence Madrid starting from 1 August 2010. The square meter price per month
is 172 kroons (11 euros); VAT, parking lot rental and all utility costs will be
added to this price. The annual cost of the contract is 10.27 million kroons
(656,398 euros). 

The contract partner has no possibility to terminate the contract before 2.5
years, thereby the rent of three months shall be paid as rent penalty. The
contract is confidential, therefore the name of the contract partner will not
be published. 

The property management service for the rental space will be provided by Arco
Vara Bulgaaria Haldus. 

As a result of conclusion of this agreement, 80% of office spaces in the
Boulevard Residence Madrid project are covered with rental agreements. From
living spaces, approximately 75% are sold. Visit the project page on the Arco
Vara investor relations site: http://www.arcorealestate.com/en/madrid 

Arco Vara is a leading real estate developer in the Baltic's, established in
1992. The company operations involve real estate development, brokerage,
valuation, construction and property maintenance arm. The company is located in
17 cities in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Bulgaria and employs ca 250 people. 
Arco Vara AS is listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange.

1 EUR=15.6466 EEK

Lembit Tampere
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630