
Arco Vara AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


18.09.2009 17:41:30


Arco Vara AS võõrandas osaluse Arco Vara Puukool OÜ-s


Arco Vara AS võõrandas 100-protsendilise osaluse Arco Vara Puukool OÜ-s (100 %
Arco Vara AS tütarettevõte), mille osakapital oli 40 000 krooni (2556 eurot).
Tehingu eesmärk oli eraldada kõrvaltegevus Kontserni põhitegevusest. Arco Vara
Puukool OÜ tegeles metsataimede tootmisega. 

100-protsendilise osaluse Arco Vara Puukool OÜ-s omandas Metsamarket OÜ, mille
juhatuse liige on Lehar Lindre. Tegemist on tehinguga seotud isikuga NASDAQ OMX
Tallinna Börsi reglemendi osa "Nõuded Emitentidele" tähenduses. Lehar Lindre
oli Arco Vara AS 100-protsendilise tütarettevõtte Arco Vara Puukool OÜ juhatuse

Tehingu maksumus oli 600 000 krooni (38 347 eurot) ning tehing tehti
järelmaksuga, maksmise perioodiga 60 päeva. Tehinguhinna tasumise tagamiseks on
Arco Vara Puukool OÜ osadele seatud pant Arco Vara AS kasuks. 

Tehing ei avalda olulist mõju Arco Vara kontserni tegevusele ega ole käsitletav
olulise osaluse võõrandamisena. Arco Vara AS nõukogu ja juhatuse liikmed ei ole
tehingust muul viisil isiklikult huvitatud. 

Arco Vara on Baltimaade üks juhtivaid kinnisvaraarenduse ettevõtteid, asutatud
1992. aastal. Ettevõtte põhitegevuseks on kinnisvaraarendus, mida toetavad enda
kinnisvaravahendus ja hindamine, ehitus ning kinnisvarahaldus. Firmal on
esindused 17 linnas Eestis, Lätis, Ukrainas ja Bulgaarias. Kontsernis töötab ca
250 inimest. 
Arco Vara AS aktsiad on noteeritud Tallinna Börsil.

Lembit Tampere
Juhatuse liige
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630


Arco Vara AS sold shares of Arco Vara Puukool OÜ


Arco Vara AS sold 100 per cent shares of Arco Vara Puukool OÜ (100% subsidiary
of Arco Vara) with the share capital of 40 000 kroons (2556 euros). The purpose
of the transaction was to separate ancillary activities from the principal
activities of the Group. Arco Vara Puukool OÜ was engaged in production of
forestry plants. 

The 100 per cent interest in Arco Vara Puukool OÜ was acquired by Metsamarket
OÜ, whose director is Lehar Lindre. This transaction represents a transaction
with a related person within the meaning of “Requirements for Issuers” of the
NASDAQ OMX Tallinn Rules. Lehar Lindre was a member of the management board of
Arco Vara Puukool OÜ, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Arco Vara AS. 

The value of the transaction was 600 000 kroons (38 347 euros), and the
transaction was carried out as a hire-purchase with a payment period of 60
days. In order to secure payment of the transaction price the shares of Arco
Vara Puukool OÜ have been pledged for the benefit of Arco Vara AS. 

The transaction does not have material economical effect on the activities of
Arco Vara Group and does not qualify as an acquisition of significant holding.
The members of the supervisory board and the management board of Arco Vara As
have no other personal interest in the transaction. 

Arco Vara is a leading real estate developer in the Baltic's, established in
1992. The operations involve real estate development, brokerage, valuation,
construction and property maintenance arm. The company is located in 17 cities 
in Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Bulgaria and employs ca 250 people. 
Arco Vara AS is listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange.

Lembit Tampere
Arco Vara AS
phone: +372 614 4630