
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


09.09.2009 10:07:00


Olulise osaluse muutused


Lähtudes Väärtpaberituru seadusest teavitas HansaAssets OÜ Olympic
Entertainment Group AS-i, et firma osalus Olympic Entertainment Group AS-s on
langenud alla 50% künnise.  Hendaya Invest OÜ teavitas Olympic Entertainment
Group AS-i, et firma osalus Olympic Entertainment Group AS-s on langenud alla
20% künnise. 

Vastavalt edastatud teatele omab HansaAssets OÜ 09. september 2009 seisuga
kokku 71 555 990 Olympic Entertainment Group AS aktsiat, mis moodustab 47,39% 
Olympic Entertainment Group  AS hääleõiguslikest aktsiatest ning Hendaya Invest
OÜ omab seisuga 09. september 2009  kokku 30 093 910 Olympic Entertainment
Group AS aktsiat, mis moodustab 19,93%  Olympic Entertainment Group  AS
hääleõiguslikest aktsiatest. 


Andri Avila                                                                     
Olympic Entertainment Group  AS 
Tel + 372 667 1250                                                              
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu                                                     


Changes in substantial shareholding


Pursuant to the Securities Market Act, HansaAssets OÜ notified  Olympic
Entertainment Group AS that the aggregate holding of the company has decreased
under 50% threshold of the voting stock in Olympic Entertainment Group AS.
Hendaya Invest OÜ notified  Olympic Entertainment Group AS that the aggregate
holding of the company has decreased under 20% threshold of the voting stock in
Olympic Entertainment Group AS. 

According to the notice, as of 09 September 2009, the number of shares held by
HansaAssets OÜ amounts to 71,555,990 which represents 47.39% of the total
voting shares of Olympic Entertainment Group AS. The number of shares held by
Hendaya Invest OÜ amounts to 30,093,910 which represents 19.93% of the total
voting shares of Olympic Entertainment Group AS. 

For further information, please contact:                                        

Andri Avila                                                                     
Olympic Entertainment Group                                                     
Telephone: + 372 667 1250                                                       
E-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu                                                     
Website: http://www.olympic-casino.com