
AS Silvano Fashion Group


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


01.07.2009 08:42:32


SFG: Erakorraline üldkoosolek


AS Silvano Fashion Group			         01. juuli 2009

Eile ei toimunud AS-i Silvano Fashion Group aktsionäride erakorralist
üldkoosolekut, mis kutsuti kokku teatega, mis avaldati Tallinna Börsi
infosüsteemis 19. juunil 2009. a ning ajalehes Eesti Päevaleht 22. juunil
2009. a, kuna koosolekul ei olnud esindatud üle poole aktsiatega esindatud
häältest ning koosolek ei olnud sellest tulenevalt pädev otsuseid vastu võtma. 

Täiendav informatsioon:

Dmitry Ditchkovsky                                                              
Juhatuse esimees
AS Silvano Fashion Group                                                        
Tel. +372 6 710 700


SFG: Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders


AS Silvano Fashion Group				         01 July 2009

The extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of AS Silvano Fashion Group
as convened with a notice published in the information system of the Tallinn
Stock Exchange on 19 June 2009 and in the newspaper Eesti Päevaleht on 22 June
2009 was not held yesterday because more than a half of votes represented by
shares were not present at the meeting, and the meeting therefore was not
competent to pass resolutions. 

Additional information:

Dmitry Ditchkovsky                                                              
Chairmen of the Management Board
AS Silvano Fashion Group                                                        
Tel. +372 6 710 700