
Arco Vara AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


04.06.2009 11:55:06


Arco Vara AS aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


Täna, 4. juunil 2009. aastal toimus Arco Vara AS aktsionäride uus korraline
üldkoosolek Reval Hotel Centralis, Narva mnt 7c, Tallinnas. 

Aktsionäride uus korraline üldkoosolek algas kell 09.10 ja lõppes kell 9.45
ning oli pädev võtma vastu otsuseid päevakorras olnud küsimustes. Päevakord
avaldati 29.aprillil 2009. ja 23. mail 2009. aastal ajalehes Postimees, Tallinn
Börsi infosüsteemis ning Arco Vara koduleheküljel
Arco Vara AS aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek võttis vastu järgmised otsused: 

1.Kinnitati Arco Vara AS-i 2008. aasta majandusaasta aruanne.

2. Otsustati katta aktsiaseltsi kahjum seisuga 31.12.2008 summas 984 668 000
krooni järgmiselt: 
a) Ülekursi arvelt 712 514 000 krooni;
b) Järelejäänud kahjum summas 272 154 000 krooni katta tulevaste perioodide
kasumi arvelt. 

3. Valiti üheks aastaks (kuni järgmise aktsionäride korralise koosolekuni) 1
audiitor ja nimetati selleks audiitorühing Ernst & Young Baltic AS ning
makstakse audiitorile tasu aktsiaseltsi 2009. aasta majandusaasta
majandustegevuse auditeerimise eest vastavalt aktsiaseltsi ja Ernst & Young
Baltic AS vahel sõlmitavale lepingule. 

Koosolek viidi läbi vastavalt seaduse ja põhikirja nõuetele.

Arco Vara AS


Decisions of the annual general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS


The new annual general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS was held today,
on 4 June 2009 at Reval Hotel Central, Narva mnt 7c, in Tallinn. 

The new annual general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS started at 9.10
a.m. and ended at 9.45 a.m. and it was competent to pass decisions regarding
the items on the agenda. The agenda of the annual general meeting of
shareholders of Arco Vara AS was published in the newspaper Postimees on 29
April 2009 and on 23 May 2009, in the information system of the Tallinn Stock
Exchange and on the website of Arco Vara AS http://www.arcorealestate.com. 

The following decisions were passed at the annual general meeting of
shareholders of Arco Vara AS: 

1. To approve the year 2008 annual report of Arco Vara AS;

2. To allocate loss of the financial year that ended 31 December 2008 in the
amount of 984 668 000 Estonian kroons (62 931 755 euros) as follows: 
a) From the account of issue premium in the amount of 712 514 000 Estonian
kroons (45 537 944 euros); 
b) Rest of the loss in the amount of 272 154 000 Estonian kroons (17 393 811
euros) will be covered from the future profits. 

3. To appoint 1 auditor for one year (until the next annual general meeting of
shareholders) and to appoint Ernst & Young Baltic AS as auditor and to pay to
the auditor the fees for the auditing of 2009 financial results according to
the agreement to be signed between Arco Vara AS and Ernst & young Baltic AS. 

The new annual general meeting of shareholders of Arco Vara AS was held
according to law and Statute of Arco Vara AS. 

Arco Vara AS