


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


12.05.2009 10:32:40


Üldkoosoleku otsused


12.05.2009.a. algusega kell 09.00 toimus aadressil Laki 14 AS Norma korraline
aktsionäride üldkoosolek alljärgneva päevakorraga: 

1. AS Norma 2008.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine
2. Kasumi jaotamine
3. Audiitori nimetamine ja tasustamise korra määramine

AS Norma üldkoosolekul võeti vastu alljärgnevad otsused:

1. AS Norma 2008.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada AS Norma 2008.a
majandusaasta aruande. 

2.  Kasumi jaotamine

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas kinnitada AS Norma kasumi jaotamise
ettepaneku alljärgnevalt: 

2008.a. puhaskasum on 137 218 728 krooni (8 769 875 EUR). Maksta aktsionäridele
(korralisi) dividende 50% aktsia nimiväärtusest ehk 5 krooni aktsia kohta (0,32
EUR aktsia kohta), kogusummas 66 000 000 krooni (4 218 169 EUR), ning jätta
ülejäänud puhaskasum jaotamata. Fikseerida dividendiõiguslike aktsionäride
nimekiri 26.mail 2009.a kell 23.59. Dividendid makstakse välja hiljemalt 3.
juulil 2009.a. 

3. Audiitori nimetamine ja tasustamise korra määramine

AS Norma aktsionäride üldkoosolek otsustas valida aktsiaseltsi Norma
audiitoriks tähtajaga üks (1) aasta audiitorühing Ernst & Young Baltic AS.
Audiitorile makstava tasu suuruse otsustab nõukogu, kes sõlmib audiitoriga ka

Peep Siimon
Juhatuse esimees
+ 372 6500 442


Resolutions of ordinary general meeting


The regular meeting of shareholders of AS Norma was held on 12.05.2009 at 09:00
at the address Laki 14 with the following agenda: 

1. Approval of the annual report of AS Norma for 2008  
2. Distribution of profits
3. Appointing an auditor and determining the procedure for remuneration

The following resolutions were made at the General meeting of the shareholders
of AS Norma: 

1. Approval of the annual report of AS Norma for 2008  

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to approve the
annual report of AS Norma for 2008. 

2. Distribution of profits

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to approve the
profit distribution proposal of AS Norma as follows: 

The net profit for the year 2008 is EEK 137 218 728 (EUR 8 769 875). To pay the
shareholders (regular) dividends in the amount of 50 % of the nominal value of
the share, i.e. EEK 5 per share (0.32 EUR/share), in the total amount of EEK
66,000,000 (EUR 4,218,169), and keep the remaining net profits as retained
earnings. To fix the list of the shareholders entitled to dividends on 26 May
2009 at 23.59. The dividends are paid at the latest on 3rd of July 2009. 

3. Appointing an auditor and determining the procedure for remuneration

The General meeting of the shareholders of AS Norma decided to elect Ernst &
Young Baltic AS as the auditor of AS Norma for the term of 1 (one) year. The
Council shall resolve on the compensation of and shall conclude an agreement
with the auditor. 

Peep Siimon
Chairman of the Management Board 
+ 372 6500 442