
Bigbank AS


Juhtkonna vaheteadaanne või kvartaalne finantsaruanne


27.02.2009 17:13:21


BIGPANK - 4.kvartal 2008 vahearuanne


BIGBANK AS'i bilansimaht ulatus kvartali lõpuks 2 908,824 miljoni kroonini,
kasv aasta algusest on 296,448 miljonit krooni. 
Neljandas kvartalis registreeriti BIGBANK AS'i filiaal Lätis, mis tegutseb
sealsel tarbimislaenude turul paralleelselt tütarettevõttega. 
BIGBANK jätkas konservatiivset likviidsuse juhtimise poliitikat ning suurendas
likviidsete vahendite mahtu. Rahaliste vahendite osakaal bilansimahust
moodustas seisuga 31.12.2008 16,5% (võrreldes III kvartali lõpu seisuga 16,1%)
koguvaradest. Nõuded klientidele moodustasid kvartalilõpu bilansimahust 78,7%.
Seisuga 31.12.2008 ulatusid kliendinõuded 2 289,355 miljoni kroonini (võrreldes
III kvartali lõpu seisuga 2 369,001), kusjuures Eesti osakaal moodustas 50,4%,
Läti osakaal 40,2% ning Leedu osakaal 9,4%. Laenuportfelli mõjutavad muutused
makrokeskkonnas ning sellest tingitud laenuvõtjate ebakindlus tuleviku suhtes,
samuti ka Grupi konservatiivne likviidsus- ja krediidipoliitika. 
Laenuportfell on kasvanud kõige enam Leedus, kus BIGBANK'i filiaal tegutseb
alates 2007. aasta kolmandast kvartalist ning turuosa kasvupotentsiaal on
suurim. Nõuded klientidele kasvasid Leedus neljanda kvartali jooksul 14,6% ning
ulatusid kvartali lõpuks 216,388 miljoni kroonini. Grupi laenulepingute arv
kvartali lõpus ulatus 137,9  tuhandeni (sealhulgas Eestis 50,3 tuhat, Lätis
75,2 tuhat ja Leedus 12,4 tuhat). Keskmine laenunõue 2008. aasta lõpus oli
16,980 tuhat krooni. Eraisikutele antud laenude osakaal portfellis moodustas
Kohustuste osas on kõige enam kasvanud tähtajaliste hoiuste maht, mis ulatus
kvartali lõpuks 630,612 miljoni kroonini, kasvades kvartali jooksul 11,1%. 
Seisuga 31.12.2008 moodustasid emiteeritud võlakirjad 63,9% (III kvartalis
66,9%), tähtajalised hoiused 27,1% (III kvartalis 23,8%) kohustustest,
allutatud kohustused 7,4% (III kvartalis 7,3%), muud kohustused 1,0% (III
kvartalis 1,3%) ning kohustused krediidiasutustele 0,6% (III kvartalis 0,7%)
Omakapital ulatus 31.12.2008 seisuga 579,425 miljoni kroonini, mis moodustas
bilansimahust 19,9%. Kapitali adekvaatsus kvartali lõpu seisuga oli 19,32%. 
Intressitulu neljandas kvartalis ulatus 169,349 miljoni kroonini (686,255
miljonit krooni aasta algusest). Intressikulu neljandas kvartalis moodustas
67,584 miljonit krooni, aasta algusest 248,342 miljonit krooni. 
Kasvanud on üle 90 päeva võlgnevuses olevate klientide osakaal
laenuportfellist; kasv peegeldab tavapärast proportsionaalset osa 2007. aasta
kõrgest laenumüügi tasemest. Osakaalu mõjutab ka 2008. aasta oluliselt madalam
laenumüügi tase. Lühiajaliste makseviivituste osakaal on vähenenud. 
Oluliselt on kasvanud laenukahjumite reservi kantud summad - 2008. aasta IV
kvartali lõpuks ulatus reservi suurus 210,781 miljoni kroonini, kasvades IV
kvartalis 12,854 miljonit krooni. Laenukahjumite reservi suurenemine on seotud
jätkuvalt konservatiivsete allahindluste moodustamise põhimõtetega. 
Viivisportfelli kasvust tuleneva positiivse mõjuna on oluliselt kasvanud muud
tegevustulud (enamuse moodustavad sissenõudetulud), mis ulatusid IV kvartalis
38,840 miljoni kroonini (aasta algusest 130,018 miljonit krooni), kasvades 2,4
korda võrreldes eelmise aastaga. 
Neljandas kvartalis teenis Grupp 26,826 miljonit krooni kasumit. Neljanda
kvartali kasumlikkust mõjutas konservatiivsete ja täiendavate provisjonide
moodustamine. Kasum aasta algusest ulatub 144,770 miljoni kroonini. 
Grupil oli seisuga 31.12.2008 45 kontorit, millest 22 kontorit asukohaga
Eestis, 15 Lätis ja 8 Leedus. Grupi töötajate arv seisuga 31.12.2008 oli 512,
sellest 237 Eestis, 207 Lätis ja 68 Leedus. 
Detsembris 2008 muutus juhatuse koosseis, neljandaks juhatuse liikmeks sai Ingo
2008. aastal moodustasid emaettevõtte juhatusele makstud tasud (koos maksudega)
3,483 miljonit krooni ja nõukogu liikmetele makstud tasud (koos maksudega)
0,883 miljonit krooni. 
Detailsem informatsiooni  BIGBANK AS'i finantsandmetest  on  kättesaadav 
Konsolideerimisgrupi majandusaasta aruandes.


BIGBANK - Q4 2008 Report


As of the end of the 4th quarter the balance sheet total of BIGBANK AS was 2
908.824 million kroons. Since the beginning of the year it has increased by
296.448 million kroons. 
In the 4th quarter a branch of BIGBANK AS was registered in Latvia, which is
operating on the market of consumption loans in parallel with the subsidiary. 
BIGBANK continued conservative liquidity management policy and increased the
volume of liquid assets. The share of cash and equivalents in balance sheet
total has been increased, accounting for 16.5% (compared to 16.1% as of the end
of the 2nd quarter) of the total assets as of 31 December. Receivables from
customers formed 78.7% of the balance sheet total as of the end of the quarter.
As of 31 December 2008 receivables from customers totalled to 2 289.355 million
kroons (compared to 2 369.001 as of the end of the 2nd quarter), whereby the
share of Estonia was 50.4%, share of Latvia formed 40.2% and the share of
Lithuania was 9.4%. Loan portfolio is influenced by changes in macroeconomic
environment and the resulting uncertainty of loan debtors regarding the future,
also the Group's conservative liquidity and credit policy. 
Loan portfolio has increased the most in Lithuania, where the branch of BIGBANK
has been operating since the 3rd quarter of 2007 and the growth potential of the
market share is the highest.  In Lithuania receivables from customers increased
by 14.6% during the 4th quarter and by the end of the quarter amounted to
216.388 million kroons. At the end of the quarter the number of Group's loan
contracts totalled to 137.9 thousand (including 50.3 thousand in Estonia, 75.2
thousand in Latvia and 12.4 thousand in Lithuania). At the end of 2008 the
average loan receivable was 16.980 thousand kroons. The proportion of loans
granted to private persons in the portfolio formed 98.2%. 
Regarding liabilities, the volume of term deposits has increased the most
amounting to 630.612 million kroons by the end of the quarter - increase of
11.1% during the quarter. As of 31 December 2008 issued bonds formed 63.9%
(66.9% in the 3rd quarter), term deposits 27.1% (23.8% in the 3rd quarter),
subordinated liabilities 7.4% (7.3% in the 3rd quarter), other liabilities 1.0%
(1.3%in the 3rd quarter) and liabilities to credit institutions 0.6% (0.7% in
the 3rd quarter) of total liabilities. 
As of 31 December 2008 equity totalled to 579.425 million kroons, which
accounted for 19.9% of the balance sheet total. As of the end of the quarter
the capital adequacy was 19.32%. 
In the 4th quarter the interest income amounted to 169.349 million kroons
(686.255 million kroons from the beginning of the year). In the 4th quarter the
interest expenses accounted for 67.584 million kroons, altogether 248.342
million kroons from the beginning of the year. 
The share of customers' overdue loans of more than 90 days in the total loan
portfolio has indeed increased; the growth indicates the regular proportional
share of the high loan sales volume in 2007. The share is also influenced by
the considerably lower loan sales volume in 2008. The share of short-term
payment delays has decreased. 
Amounts transferred to the reserve of losses from loan have increased
significantly - by the end of the 4th quarter 2008 the volume of the reserve
totalled to 210.781 million kroons, increasing 12.854 million kroons in the 4th
quarter. Increase in the reserve of losses from loan is continually connected
to the conservative principles for impairment allowances. 
As a positive influence from increase in overdue portfolio other operating
income (mostly consisting of enforcement income) has significantly increased,
amounting to 38.840 million kroons in the 4th quarter (130.018 million kroons
from the beginning of the year), increasing by 2.4 times compared to the
previous year. 
In the 4th quarter the Group earned a profit of 26.826 million kroons.
Profitability of the 4th quarter was influenced by forming conservative and
additional allowances. Profit from the beginning of the year totals to 144.770
million kroons. 
As of 31 December the Group had 45 offices all over the Baltics, of which 22
offices are located in Estonia, 15 in Latvia and 8 in Lithuania.  As of 31
December 2008 there were 512 employees working in the Group, including 237 in
Estonia, 207 in Latvia and 68 in Lithuania. In December 2008 there were changes
in the membership of the Management Board, Ingo Põder became the fourth member
of the Management Board. 
In 2008 the fees paid to the Management Board of the parent company (taxes
included) totalled to 3.483 million kroons and the fees paid to the members of
the Supervisory Council (taxes included) amounted to 0.883 million kroons. 
More detailed information about the financial data of BIGBANK AS is available
in the annual accounts of the Consolidation Group.