
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


29.01.2009 15:02:46


OEG avas Slovakkias oma teise kasiino


Olympic Entertainment Groupi (OEG) tütarfirma Slovakkias avas oma uue kasiino
Trnava linnas, investeerides sellesse ligi 30 miljonit krooni (1,9 miljonit
eurot). Tegemist on eelmisel suvel Slovakkiasse laienenud ettevõtte teise
kasiinoga riigis ning esimese ja ainukese kasiinoga kogu Trnava linnas. 

Olympic Casino Trnava asub kaasaegses Arkadia ostukeskuses. Läbi kahe korruse
laiuvas kasiinos on ligi 650 ruutmeetrit põrandapinda, kus asub kuus mängulauda
ja 29 uusimat mänguautomaati, teiste seas elektrooniline rulett Alfa Street.
Kasiino troopikateemalist interjööri täiustavad põnevad dekoratsioonid ja
rikkaliku valikuga baar. 

OEG sisenes oma esimese ööpäevaringselt avatud kasiinoga Bratislavas Radisson
SAS Carlton Hotelis Slovakkia turule eelmise aasta juunis, investeerides toona
avamisse 74 miljonit krooni (4,7 miljonit eurot). Slovakkia on kaheksas riik,
kus OEG oma kasiinooperatsioonidega alustas, andes seal täna tööd enam kui
sajale inimesele. Olympic Casino laienemine Slovakkia turule on eriline ka
selle poolest, et ettevõttele anti välja viimase kümne aasta jooksul esimene
uus kasiinolitsents. 

Olympic Entertainment Group on regiooni suurim kasiinomeelelahutuse pakkuja,
andes tööd kokku ligi 3800 inimesele. OEG on Euroopa Kasiinoassotsiatsiooni
(ECA) täisliige. Täna opereerib grupp kasiinodega Eestis, Lätis, Leedus,
Valgevenes, Ukrainas, Rumeenias, Poolas ja Slovakkias. OEG aktsiatega saab
kaubelda Tallinna Börsi ning Varssavi Börsi põhinimekirjades. Kõik Olympic
Entertainment Groupi kasiinooperaatorid on vastutustundlikud ettevõtted, kes
teavitavad oma kliente ka hasartmängudega seotud ohtudest. 
Andri Avila
Olympic Entertainment Group 
tel + 372 667 1250
e-post andri.avila@oc.eu


OEG opened its second casino in Slovakia


Slovak subsidiary of Olympic Entertainment Group (OEG) opened its new casino in
the city of Trnava, investing EEK 30.0 million (EUR 1.9 million). It is the
company's second casino that has been opened in the country after entering the
Slovak market last summer and it is also the first and only casino in the whole
city of Trnava. 

Olympic Casino Trnava is located in the modern shopping centre Arkadia. The
two-storey casino has approximately 650 square meters of floor space with six
gaming tables and 29 latest slot machines including electronic roulette Alfa
Street. Casino's tropical interior is complemented by intriguing decorations
and a spacious bar with wide assortment. 

OEG entered the Slovak market with its first nonstop casino in the Radisson SAS
Carlton Hotel in the centre of Bratislava last June, investing EEK 74.0 million
(EUR 4.7 million) at that time. Slovakia is the eighth country where OEG has
started its casino operations, employing more than 100 people in the country
OEG's expansion to the Slovak market is special also due to the fact that the
activity license issued to the company is the first new gaming license that has
been issued to casino operators in Slovakia during the last ten years. 

Olympic Entertainment Group is one of the largest casino entertainment
providers in the region, employing around 3800 people. OEG is a full member of
the European Casino Association. Today the Group operates casinos in Estonia,
Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Slovakia. Shares of
OEG are traded on the main lists of the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the Warsaw
Stock Exchange. All the subsidiaries of Olympic Entertainment Group are
responsible casino operators who also inform their customers about the threats
related to casino games. 

Additional information:
Andri Avila
CEO of Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu