


Muu oluline informatsioon


05.01.2009 12:07:40




AS Starman teatab käesolevaga, et AS-is Starman olulist osalust omavate isikute
struktuuris on toimunud muutused. 

OÜ Polaris Invest, Indrek Kuivalliku poolt kontrollitav äriühing, on
väärtpaberituru seaduse kohaselt teavitanud AS-i Starman, et ta on võõrandanud
311 255 AS-i Starman aktsiat AS-i Starman põhiaktsionärile, Baltic Moontech
Investments Holding AS-le. Vastav ülekanne toimus 23. detsembril 2008.a. Samuti
on OÜ Polaris Invest vahetanud kõik ülejäänud temale kuuluvad 1 121 040 AS-i
Starman aktsiat osaluse vastu Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS-is.
Vastavad ülekanded toimusid 29. detsembril 2008.a. 

OÜ Com Holding, Peeter Kerni poolt kontrollitav äriühing, on väärtpaberituru
seaduse kohaselt teavitanud AS-i Starman, et ta on vahetanud kõik temale
kuuluvad 2 070 000 AS-i Starman aktsiat osaluse vastu Baltic Moontech
Investments Holding AS-is. Vastavad ülekanded toimusid 29. detsembril 2008.a. 

Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS, AS-i Starman enamusaktsionär, on
väärtpaberituru seaduse kohaselt teavitanud AS-i Starman, et ta on
ülalnimetatud tehingute tulemusel omandanud kokku 3 502 295 Starmani
lihtaktsiat ja pärast ülalnimetatud tehingute täitmist omab 98,5472% AS Starman

Henri Treude
AS Starman
E-mail: henri.treude@starman.ee
Tel: 6779 977




AS Starman hereby announces that the structure of major shareholdings has
undergone certain changes. 

OÜ Polaris Invest, a company controlled by Indrek Kuivallik, has in accordance
with the Securities Market Act notified AS Starman that it has sold 311 255
shares in AS Starman to the majority shareholder of AS Starman, Baltic Moontech
Investments Holding AS. The respective transfer was completed on 23 December
2008. OÜ Polaris Invest has also swapped all the remaining 1 121 040 shares of
AS Starman belonging to it in exchange for the holding in Baltic Moontech
Investments Holding AS. The respective transfers were completed on 29 December

OÜ Com Holding, a company controlled by Peeter Kern, has in accordance with the
Securities Market Act notified AS Starman that it has swapped all 2 070 000
shares of AS Starman belonging to it in exchange for the holding in Baltic
Moontech Investments Holding AS. The respective transfers were completed on 29
December 2008. 

Baltic Moontech Investments Holding AS, the majority shareholder of AS Starman,
 has in accordance with the Securities Market Act notified AS Starman that it
has acquired, as a result of the above-mentioned transactions, 3 502 295
ordinary shares of AS Starman, and after the completion of the above-mentioned
transactions owns 98,5472% of Starman's shares. 

Henri Treude
Marketing Director
AS Starman
E-mail: henri.treude@starman.ee
Tel: 6779 977