
AS Tallink Grupp


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumine


02.01.2009 17:00:00


Korralise üldkoosoleku teade


Lugupeetud AS Tallink Grupp aktsionär!                                          

AS Tallink Grupp (registrikood 10238429, asukoht ja aadress Tartu mnt 13, 10145 
Tallinn) juhatus kutsub kokku aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku 26. jaanuaril 
2009.a. algusega kell 13.00 Tallink SPA & Conference hotelli konverentsikeskuses
aadressil Sadama 11a, Tallinnas.                                                
Aktsionäride registreerimine algab kell 12.00.                                  

Korralise üldkoosoleku päevakord:                                               

01.09.2007.a.-31.08.2008.a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine.                  
AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu teeb ettepaneku kinnitada juhatuse poolt esitatud AS   
Tallink Grupp majandusaasta 01.09.2007.a.-31.08.2008.a. aruanne.                

Kasumi jaotamine.                                                               
1) AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu teeb ettepaneku 01.09.2007.a.-31.08.2008.a.         
majandusaasta kasum summas 317 976 000 krooni jaotada järgmiselt:               
kanda 15 898 800 krooni kohustuslikku reservkapitali,                           
kanda 302 077 200 krooni eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumisse.               
2) Kasumi arvelt aktsionäridele dividende mitte maksta.                         

Audiitori nimetamine ja audiitori tasustamise korra määramine.                  
1) AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu teeb ettepaneku nimetada 01.09.2007.a. -            
31.08.2008.a. majandusaasta audiitorkontrolli läbiviijaks audiitorühingu KPMG   
Baltics AS.                                                                     
2) AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu teeb ettepaneku tasustada audiitorite tegevust      
eelnevalt AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu poolt kinnitatud audiitorteenuse lepingu     

Põhikirja muutmine.                                                             
AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu teeb ettepaneku:                                       
1) muuta AS Tallink Grupp põhikirja punkti 2.4. teist lauset ja sõnastada see   
„Nõukogul on õigus kahe aasta jooksul, alates 2009.aasta 01.märtsist, suurendada
aktsiakapitali 400 000 000 (neljasaja miljoni) krooni võrra, tõstes             
aktsiakapitali kuni 7 138 170 400 (seitsme miljardi sajakolmekümne kaheksa      
miljoni sajaseitsmekümne tuhande neljasaja) kroonini.“.                         
Nõukogu liikme tagasikutsumine ning uue nõukogu liikme valimine.                
AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu kiidab heaks juhatuse ettepaneku ja esitab             
üldkoosolekule otsustamiseks:                                                   
1) Kutsuda tagasi AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu liige Sunil Kumar Nair.              
2) Valida AS Tallink Grupp uueks nõukogu liikmeks Ashwin Roy.                   

Oma aktsiate omandamise õiguse andmine.                                         
AS Tallink Grupp nõukogu teeb ettepaneku anda aktsiaseltsile õigus omandada AS  
Tallink Grupp aktsiaid alljärgnevatel tingimustel:                              
1) Aktsiaseltsil on viie aasta jooksul üldkoosoleku otsuse vastuvõtmisest õigus 
omandada oma aktsiaid.                                                          
2) Aktsiaseltsile kuuluvate aktsiate nimiväärtuste summa ei või ületada 10%     
3) Ühe aktsia eest tasutav summa ei või olla suurem, kui aktsia omandamise      
päeval Tallinna Börsil AS Tallink Grupp aktsia eest tasutud kõrgeim hind.       
4) Oma aktsiate eest tasutakse varast, mis ületab aktsiakapitali, reservkapitali
ja ülekurssi.                                                                   

Korralisel üldkoosolekul osalemiseks õigustatud aktsionäride ring määratakse    
AS‑i Tallink Grupp aktsiaraamatu 16.01.2009.a. kella 08.00 seisu alusel         
(äriseadustiku § 297 lg 5).                                                     

Korralisel üldkoosolekul osalejate registreerimiseks palume:                    
Füüsilistel isikutel esitada pass või ID kaart, esindajal lisaks volikiri;      
Juriidiliste isikute seadusjärgsetel esindajatel esitada pass või ID kaart ja   
koopia kehtivast äriregistrikaardist ning volitatud esindajatel lisaks eelpool  
toodud dokumentidele juhatuse liikme poolt väljastatud volikiri.                

AS-i Tallink Grupp korralise üldkoosoleku materjalidega, sealhulgas põhikirja   
uue redaktsiooni ja AS‑i Tallink Grupp 2007/2008.a. majandusaasta aruandega on  
võimalik tutvuda AS-i Tallink Grupp interneti kodulehel aadressil               
www.tallink.com ja AS-i Tallink Grupp kontoris, Tartu mnt. 13, Tallinnas, III   

AS Tallink Grupp juhatus                                                        


Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
e-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


Notice of the Annual General Meeting


Dear Shareholder of AS Tallink Grupp!                                           

The Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp (registration code 10238429, location  
and address at Tartu mnt 13, 10145 Tallinn) is calling the Annual General       
Meeting of Shareholders on 26th of January 2009 at 13.00 in the conference      
center of Tallink SPA & Conference Hotel, at the address Sadama 11a, Tallinn.   
Registration of participants of the Annual General Meeting begins at 12.00.     

Agenda of the Annual General Meeting:                                           

Approval of the Annual Report of 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 of AS Tallink Grupp.   
The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp proposes to approve the Annual Report 
of 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 presented by the Management Board.                   

Distribution of profits.                                                        
1) The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp proposes that the net profit for   
the financial year 01.09.2007 - 31.08.2008 of EEK 317 976 000 be allocated as   
- A transfer of EEK 15 898 800 into the mandatory legal reserve,                
- A transfer of EEK 302 077 200 into retained earnings.                         
2) No dividend distributions to shareholders.                                   

Nomination of an auditor and determination of the procedure of remuneration of  
an auditor.                                                                     
The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp proposes:                             
1) To nominate the company of auditors KPMG Baltics AS to conduct the audit of  
the financial year 01.09.2008 - 31.08.2009.                                     
2) The auditors shall be remunerated according to hourly tariff stipulated in   
the audit contract to be concluded upon the approval of the draft thereof by the
Supervisory Board.                                                              

Amending the Articles of Association.                                           
The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp proposes:                             
1) To alter the second sentence of clause 2.4. of Articles of Association of AS 
Tallink Grupp and reword it as follows:                                         
“Supervisory Board shall be authorized within two year from 01 March 2009, to   
increase the share capital by 400 000 000 (four hundred million) kroons,        
increasing the share capital up to 7 138 170 400 (seven billion one hundred     
thirty eight million one hundred seventy thousand four hundred) kroons.”.       

Removal of a member of the Supervisory Board and election of a new member of the
Supervisory Board.                                                              
The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp approves the proposal of Management   
Board and presents the proposal to the Shareholders General Meeting:            
1) To remove a member of the Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp Mr Sunil     
Kumar Nair.                                                                     
2) To elect a new member of the Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp Mr Ashwin 

Authorizing the acquisition of own shares.                                      
The Supervisory Board of AS Tallink Grupp proposes to grant to the public       
limited company the right to acquire the shares of AS Tallink Grupp subject to  
the following conditions:                                                       
1) The company is entitled to acquire own shares within five years as from the  
adoption of this resolution.                                                    
2) The total nominal values of the shares owned by the company shall not exceed 
10% of the share capital.                                                      
3) The price payable for one share shall not be more than is the highest price  
paid at Tallinn Stock Exchange for the share of AS Tallink Grupp at the day when
the share is aquired.                                                           
4) Own shares shall be paid for from the assets exceeding the share capital,    
mandatory legal reserve and issue premium.                                      

The list of shareholders entitled to participate at the Annual General Meeting  
shall be determined according to the share register of AS Tallink Grupp as of 16
January 2009, 08.00 A.M. (§ 297 sec 5 of the Commercial Code).                  

For the registration procedure of the Annual General Meeting we ask the         
Shareholder in person to present personal ID or passport and the representative 
of the shareholder in addition to the abovementioned also a signed Power of     
The legal representative of a shareholder (legal person) to present personal ID 
or passport, also the valid copy of the registration card of the Commercial     
Registry and the authorized representative in addition to the abovementioned    
documents also to present the Power of Attorney issued by the member of the     
management board of the shareholder.                                            

The materials of the Annual General Meeting may be examined, including the new  
wording of the Articles of Association and the annual report of financial year  
2007/2008 of AS Tallink Grupp on the home-page of AS Tallink Grupp, address     
www.tallink.com and in the office of AS Tallink Grupp at the address Tartu mnt  
13, Tallinn, 3rd Floor.                                                         

Sincerely Yours                                                                 
Management Board of AS Tallink Grupp                                            

Additional information:                                                         

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
e-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee