


Muu oluline informatsioon


18.08.2008 14:00:00


Baltika hulgimüük laieneb Lääne-Euroopasse


Kaheaastase eeltöö tulemusena sai Baltika hulgimüügitellimused ühelt Euroopa
juhtivalt kaubamajade ketilt Peek&Cloppenburg. Kaubamajale hakatakse pakkuma
Mosaic brändi naistekollektsiooni, mille disain hinnati kvaliteetkaubamaja
tootevalikule vastavaks. 

Peek&Cloppenburg on Saksamaa suurim kaubamajade kett, millele kuulub Saksamaal
üle 80 ning Euroopas kokku üle 100 kaubamaja. Peale Saksamaa on
Peek&Cloppenburg esindatud Austrias, Belgias, Hollandis, Šveitsis, Poolas,
Ungaris, Tšehhis jm. Kaubamaja tootevalik sisaldab palju tuntud kaubamärke,
mille hulgas on näiteks Burberry, Hugo Boss, Pierre Cardin, Marco Polo, Gerry
Weber, Mexx, Esprit, s.Oliver, Tommy Hilfiger ja Tom Tailor. 

Esimesed tellimused lähetatakse selle aasta novembrikuus. 2009. aasta kujuneb
testperioodiks, mille käigus jälgitakse kollektsiooni müügiedu ning toodete ja
tarnete kvaliteeti. Mosaici kollektsiooni hakatakse testperioodil pakkuma viies
riigis ja 13-s kaubamajas. 

Koostöö Lääne-Euroopa partneritega on Baltika hulgimüügi strateegiline suund.
Maade lõikes on Baltika hulgimüügi peamised sihtkohad praegu Balti riigid,
Venemaa ja Soome. Hiljuti alustati hulgimüüki ka Valgevene turule. 

Triin Palge
Investorsuhete juht
+372 630 2886


Baltika's wholesale expands to Western Europe


After two years of preparatory work Baltika received purchase orders from a
leading European department store chain Peek&Cloppenburg. The fashion retail
chain recognised the design of the women's collection of Baltika's Mosaic brand
and will include the collection in its product offer. 

Peek&Cloppenburg is the largest department store chain in Germany comprising
over 80 department stores in the country and altogether over 100 department
stores in Europe. Besides Germany, Peek&Cloppenburg is represented in Austria,
Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic,
etc. The fashion retailer is offering a wide selection of quality brands
including Burberry, Hugo Boss, Pierre Cardin, Marco Polo, Gerry Weber, Mexx,
Esprit, s.Oliver, Tommy Hilfiger and Tom Tailor among others. 

Baltika will ship the first orders in November of this year. The year 2009 is
going to be a test period during which the sales of the collection and the
quality of the products and deliveries will be monitored. During the test
period Mosaic's collection will be included in 13 department stores in five

Cooperation with Western European partners is the strategic direction of
Baltika's wholesale. Presently, Baltika's main wholesale partners are located
in the Baltic countries, Russia and Finland. Recently, Baltika launched
wholesale in Belorussia. 

Triin Palge
Head of investor relations
+372 630 2886