
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumine


05.08.2008 08:35:58




OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS (registrikood 10592898, aadress Pronksi 19,
10124 Tallinn; edaspidi OEG) kutsub kokku aktsionäride erakorralise
üldkoosoleku 14. augustil 2008. a algusega kell 11.00 OEG asukohas aadressil
Pronksi 19, 10124 Tallinn. 

OEG juhatus tegi ettepaneku ning nõukogu kutsub kokku aktsionäride erakorralise
üldkoosoleku seoses muudatuste tegemisega grupi juhtimisstruktuuris, et luua
selgem jaotus juhtkonna võtmeisikute vastutusalades. 

Erakorralise üldkoosoleku päevakord on järgmine:
1.	Armin Karu valimine nõukogu liikmeks;
2.	Mart Relve valimine nõukogu liikmeks;
3.	Kaia Karu nõukogust tagasikutsumine.

OEG nõukogu kiitis heaks juhatuse poolt esitatud erakorralise üldkoosoleku
päevakorra ning teeb aktsionäridele järgmised ettepanekud: 
1. Armin Karu valimine nõukogu liikmeks

OEG nõukogu koosolekul, mis toimub 14. augustil 2008.a. kell 8.00, on kavas
kutsuda OEG juhatusest tagasi OEG juhatuse esimees Armin Karu. Armin Karu
soovib jätkata tööd OEG nõukogu liikmena. OEG nõukogu teeb aktsionäridele
ettepaneku hääletada Armin Karu nõukogu liikmeks valimise poolt. 

2. Mart Relve valimine nõukogu liikmeks

OEG nõukogu koosolekul, mis toimub 14. augustil 2008.a. kell 8.00, on kavas
kutsuda OEG juhatusest tagasi OEG juhatuse liige Mart Relve. Mart Relve soovib
jätkata tööd OEG nõukogu liikmena. OEG nõukogu teeb aktsionäridele ettepaneku
hääletada Mart Relve nõukogu liikmeks valimise poolt. 

3. Kaia Karu nõukogust tagasikutsumine

OEG nõukogu teeb aktsionäridele ettepaneku hääletada senise nõukogu liikme Kaia
Karu nõukogust tagasikutsumise poolt. 

Üldkoosolekul hääleõiguslike aktsionäride nimekiri fikseeriti 4. augustil 2008.
a kell 23.59 Koosolekuks registreerimine algab koosoleku toimumise päeval kell
10.00 OEG asukohas aadressil Pronksi 19, 10124 Tallinn. Koosolekul osalemiseks
palume juriidilisest isikust aktsionäri seadusjärgsel esindajal esitada
esindusõigust tõendavad dokumendid, milleks juriidilise isiku juhatuse liikmel
on äriregistri  registrikaardi ärakiri, volitatud esindajal juhatuse või seda
asendava organi poolt väljastatud volikiri koos äriregistri registrikaardi
ärakirjaga. Ühtlasi tuleb esitada esindaja isikut tõendav dokument. Füüsilisest
isikust aktsionäril palume esitada isikut tõendav dokument ning esindajal
lisaks ka volikiri. 

Armin Karu ja Mart Relve elulookirjeldustega on võimalik tutvuda alates
5.08.2008.a. OEG kodulehel aadressil www.olympic-casino.com ja tööpäeviti
ajavahemikus 9.00-17.00 aadressil Pronksi 19, 3. korrus. Küsimusi erakorralise
üldkoosoleku päevakorrapunktide kohta saab esitada e-postil info@oc.eu või
telefonil 667 1250. 

Armin Karu
Olympic Entertainment Group AS-i juhatuse esimees




OLYMPIC ENTERTAINMENT GROUP AS (register code 10592898, address Pronksi 19,
10124 Tallinn; hereinafter OEG) convenes Extraordinary General Meeting of
shareholders that will be held on 14 August 2008 at 11.00 AM at the seat of OEG
at Pronksi 19, 10124 Tallinn. 

The Management Board proposed and the Supervisory Board convenes the
extraordinary general meeting in connection with changes in the management
structure of the group in order to create clear division in spheres of
responsibility of key personnel of management. 

The agenda of the annual general meeting will be as follows: 
1.	Electing Armin Karu as member of the Supervisory Board;
2.	Electing Mart Relve as member of the Supervisory Board;
3.	Recalling Kaia Karu from the Supervisory Board. 

The Supervisory Board of OEG has approved the agenda of the extraordinary
general meeting proposed by the Management Board and will make the following
proposals to the shareholders: 

1. Electing Armin Karu as member of the Supervisory Board

On the meeting of the Supervisory Board of OEG, which will be held on 14 August
2008 at 8.a.m, it is in the agenda to recall from the Management Board of OEG
the chairman of the Management Board of OEG Armin Karu. Armin Karu wishes to
continue working as member of the Supervisory Board of OEG. The Supervisory
Board of OEG proposes to elect Armin Karu as member of the Supervisory Board. 

2. Electing Mart Relve as member of the Supervisory Board 

On the meeting of the Supervisory Board of OEG, which will be held on 14 August
2008 at 8.a.m, it is in the agenda to recall from the Management Board of OEG
the member of the Management Board of OEG Mart Relve. Mart Relve wishes to
continue working as member of the Supervisory Board of OEG. The Supervisory
Board of OEG proposes to elect Mart Relve as member of the Supervisory Board. 

3. Recalling Kaia Karu from the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of OEG proposes to the shareholders to vote for recalling
a current member of the Supervisory Board Kaia Karu. 

The list of shareholders having the right to vote at the general meeting was
fixed on 4 August 2008 at 23.59. Registration for the meeting shall start at
10.00 on the day of the meeting at the seat of OEG at the address Pronksi 19,
10124 Tallinn. To participate in the meeting, a representative of a shareholder
that is a legal person is requested to submit documents evidencing his/her
representation rights, i.e. a member of the management board of a legal person
will have to submit a copy of the Commercial Register registration card, and an
authorised representative will have to submit a power of attorney issued by the
management board or a body replacing the management board together with a copy
of the Commercial Register registration card. The representative shall also
submit an identity document. We kindly ask a shareholder who is a natural
person to submit an identity document and a representative is also requested to
submit a power of attorney. 

It is possible to examine the curriculum vitae's of Armin Karu and Mart Relve
as of 5 August 2008 on the company's webpage at www.olympic-casino.com and on
working days between 9.00 and 17.00 at Pronksi 19, III floor. Questions on the
points in the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting can be submitted by
e-mail info@oc.eu or by calling 667 1250. 

Armin Karu
Chariman of the Management Board of Olympic Entertainment Group AS