EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS
Majandusaasta aruanne
04.02.2025 08:00:29
EfTEN United Property Fund 2024. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
EfTEN United Property Fund teenis 2024. aastal 1,821 miljonit eurot tulusid (60 tuhat 2023. aastal). Intressi- ja dividenditulud kasvasid aastaga vastavalt 29 tuhande euro ja 50 tuhande euro võrra. Suurim tulude kasv tuli investeeringute ümberhindlusest, kus fond teenis 2024. aastal 851 tuhat eurot kasumit (2023: 828 tuhat eurot kahjumit). Kokku teenis EfTEN United Property Fund 2024. aastal 1,623 miljonit eurot kasumit (179 tuhat eurot kahjumit 2023. aastal). Seejuures vähenesid fondi kulud aastaga 41 tuhande euro võrra –198 tuhande euroni. Kasum investeeringute õiglase väärtuse muutusest oli eelkõige seotud turuhinnast enam kui 10% soodsamalt soetatud investeeringuga Kristiine keskusesse läbi usaldusfondi EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5 ning tütarettevõttele kuuluva Uus-Järveküla arendusinvesteeringu väärtuse kasvuga. Investeeringu väärtus börsil noteeritud EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiatesse 2024. aastal sisuliselt ei muutunud, kahanedes aastaga 22 tuhande euro võrra. EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiate kajastamisel börsihinna asemel nende puhasväärtuses (NAV) oleks fond teeninud aastaga täiendavalt 57 tuhat eurot kasumit. Fondi üürivoo investeeringud näitasid 2024. aastal positiivset rahavoogu ning intressikulude alanemisel võib eeldada selle jätkumist ka eeloleval aastal. Hetke seisuga plaanib fondivalitseja EfTEN United Property Fund’ist jaotada käesoleval aastal tulu kolm korda: hiliskevadel kui laekuvad alusfondidest saadavad dividendid ning kaks korda aasta teisel poolel kui laekuvad laenukapitali vormis tehtud investeeringutelt intressid. 2025. aasta on esimene täisaasta, kus EfTEN United Property Fundi finantstulemused baseeruvad täies ulatuses kinnisvarasse investeeritud portfellil. Lisaks on käesoleva aasta lõpuks või 2026. aasta alguseks oodata fondi arendusinvesteeringu Uus-Järveküla elurajooni lõplikku valmimist. Koondkasumiaruanne +-----------+-----------+ |IV kvartal | 12 kuud | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ |2024 |2023 |2024 |2023 | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |EUR tuhandetes | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |TULUD | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Intressitulu | 118| 152| 565| 536| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Dividenditulud | 142| 0| 402| 352| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Intressikulu | -2| 0| -2| 0| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Muud finantstulud | 0| 0| 5| 0| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Neto kasum / kahjum õiglases väärtuses muutusega läbi | | | | | |koondkasumiaruande kajastatud varadelt | 877| -194| 851| -828| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Tütarettevõtetelt | 214| -68| 100| -98| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Alusfondidelt | 663| -126| 751| -730| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Tulud kokku |1 135| -42|1 821| 60| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |KULUD | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Tegevuskulud | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Valitsemistasud | -28| -30| -112| -115| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Fondi administreerimise kulud | -10| -5| -31| -34| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Muud tegevuskulud | -9| -15| -55| -90| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Tegevuskulud kokku | -47| -50| -198| -239| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Ärikasum/ -kahjum |1 088| -92|1 623| -179| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Aruandeperioodi puhaskasum /-kahjum |1 088| -92|1 623| -179| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Tava- ja lahustatud kasum / -kahjum osaku kohta | | | | | |(eurodes) | 0,44|-0,04| 0,65|-0,07| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ Finantsseisundi aruanne +----------+----------+ |31.12.2024|31.12.2023| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |EUR tuhandetes | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |VARAD | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Käibevarad | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Raha ja raha ekvivalendid | 0| 5 731| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Lühiajalised hoiused | 120| 1 795| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Antud laenud | 3 519| 0| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Muud nõuded ja viitlaekumised | 1 039| 711| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Käibevarad kokku | 4 678| 8 237| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Põhivarad | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Finantsvarad õiglases väärtuses muutusega läbi kasumi | | | |aruande | 21 063| 12 354| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Investeeringud tütarettevõtjatesse | 1 154| 1 054| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Alusfondidesse | 19 909| 11 300| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Antud laenud | 2 149| 5 668| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Põhivarad kokku | 23 213| 18 022| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |VARAD KOKKU | 27 890| 26 259| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |KOHUSTUSED | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Arvelduskrediit | 400| 0| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Lühiajalised kohustused | 12| 3| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Kohustused kokku, v.a osakuomanikele kuuluv fondi vara | | | |puhasväärtus | 412| 3| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |FONDI VARA PUHASVÄÄRTUS | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Osakuomanikele kuuluv fondi vara puhasväärtus | 27 478| 26 256| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Kohustused ja osakuomanikele kuuluv fondi vara | | | |puhasväärtus kokku | 27 890| 26 259| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ EfTEN United Property Fund 2024. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused on leitavad fondi kodulehel: https://eftenunitedpropertyfund.ee/aruanded-ja-dokumendid/ Fondivalitseja EfTEN Capital AS viib EfTEN United Property Fund´i tulemuste ja ettevaate tutvustamiseks 10.02.2025, algusega kell 11:00 (EET) läbi internetipõhise eestikeelse veebiseminari. Huvilistel on võimalik küsimusi esitada nii veebiseminari ajal kui ka sellele eelnevalt saates need ette hiljemalt 07. veebruaril kella 17.00-ks (EET) e-kirja teel: [email protected]. Veebiseminaril osalemiseks palume registreeruda aadressil: https://nasdaq.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f904p8lKStqXwtU1hGAgqA#/registration. Osalejatele saadetakse üks tund enne veebiseminari algust meeldetuletuseks e-kiri. Veebiseminar salvestatakse ja avalikustatakse fondi kodulehel https://eftenunitedpropertyfund.ee ning YouTube kanalis. Kristjan Tamla Tegevjuht Tel: 655 9515 E-post: [email protected] Manus EUPF_12_kuud_2024
EfTEN United Property Fund unaudited financial results for the 12 months and 4th quarter of 2024
EfTEN United Property Fund earned 1.821 million euros in income in 2024 (60 thousand in 2023). Interest and dividend income increased by 29 thousand euros and 50 thousand euros respectively over the year. The largest increase in income came from the revaluation of investments, where the fund earned 851 thousand euros in 2024 (828 thousand euros in loss in 2023). In total, EfTEN United Property Fund earned 1.623 million euros in profit in 2024 (179 thousand euros in loss in 2023). At the same time, the fund's expenses decreased by 41 thousand euros to -198 thousand euros over the year. The profit from the change in the fair value of investments was primarily related to the investment in Kristiine Center acquired at a discount of more than 10% from the market price through the EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5 and the increase in the value of the Uus-Järveküla residential development owned by the subsidiary. The value of the investment in the listed EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares did not change substantially in 2024, decreasing by 22 thousand euros in the year. If the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares were recorded at their net asset value (NAV) instead of the stock exchange price, the fund would have earned an additional 57 thousand euros in profit in the year. The fund's investments in rental real estate showed a positive cash flow in 2024, and with the decline in interest costs, this is expected to continue in the coming year. As of now, the fund management company plans to distribute income from EfTEN United Property Fund three times in 2025: in late spring, when dividends from the underlying funds are received, and twice in the second half of the year, when interest on investments made in the form of loan capital is received. 2025 is the first full year in which the financial results of EfTEN United Property Fund are based on the fully invested portfolio. In addition, the fund's development investment, Uus-Järveküla residential area, is expected to be completed by the end of this year or early 2026. Statement of the comprehensive income +-----------+-----------+ |4th quarter| 12 months | +-----+-----+-----+-----+ |2024 |2023 |2024 |2023 | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |EUR thousand | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |INCOME | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Interest income | 118| 152| 565| 536| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Dividend income | 142| 0| 402| 352| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Interest expenses | -2| 0| -2| 0| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Other financial income | 0| 0| 5| 0| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Net profit / loss from assets recognised in fair value| | | | | |through profit or loss | 877| -194| 851| -828| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Investments in subsidiaries | 214| -68| 100| -98| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Investments in funds | 663| -126| 751| -730| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Total income |1 135| -42|1 821| 60| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |COSTS | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Operating expenses | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Management fee | -28| -30| -112| -115| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Costs of administering the Fund | -10| -5| -31| -34| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Other operating expenses | -9| -15| -55| -90| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Total operating expenses | -47| -50| -198| -239| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Profit / loss for the period |1 088| -92|1 623| -179| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Total profit / loss for the period |1 088| -92|1 623| -179| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |Ordinary and diluted earnings / loss per share (EUR) | 0,44|-0,04| 0,65|-0,07| +------------------------------------------------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+ Statement of financial position +----------+----------+ |31.12.2024|31.12.2023| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |EUR thousand | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |ASSETS | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Current assets | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Cash and cash equivalents | 0| 5 731| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Short-term deposits | 120| 1 795| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Loans granted | 3 519| 0| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Other receivables and accrued income | 1 039| 711| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Total current assets | 4 678| 8 237| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Non-current assets | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss | 21 063| 12 354| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Investments in subsidiaries | 1 154| 1 054| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Real estate funds | 19 909| 11 300| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Loans granted | 2 149| 5 668| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Total non-current assets | 23 213| 18 022| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |TOTAL ASSETS | 27 890| 26 259| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |LIABILITIES | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Bank overdraft | 400| 0| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Current liabilities | 12| 3| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Total liabilities, excluding net asset value of the fund| | | |attributable to shareholders | 412| 3| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |NET ASSET VALUE OF THE FUND | | | +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Net asset value of the fund attributable to shareholders| 27 478| 26 256| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ |Total liabilities and net asset value of the fund | | | |attributable to shareholders | 27 890| 26 259| +--------------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ The unaudited 4th quarter and 12 months report of the EfTEN United Property Fund can be found on the fund's website: https://eftenunitedpropertyfund.ee/en/reports-documents/ EfTEN Capital AS will hold a webinar in Estonian on 10.02.2025, starting at 11:00 (EET), to introduce the results and outlook of the EfTEN United Property Fund. Questions can be asked during the webinar as well as by sending them in advance by e-mail at: [email protected] no later than February 7 at 17:00 (EET). To participate in the webinar, please register at: https://nasdaq.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f904p8lKStqXwtU1hGAgqA#/registration. Participants will be sent a reminder email one hour before the start of the webinar. The webinar will be recorded and made public on the fund's website https://eftenunitedpropertyfund.ee and on the YouTube channel. Kristjan Tamla Managing Director Phone 655 9515 E-mail: [email protected] Attachment EUPF_12_months_2024_ENG