
Aktsiaselts Silvano Fashion Group


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


14.01.2025 08:00:28


Aktsiaseltsi Silvano Fashion Group auditeerimiskohustuse täitmisest


03.09.2024 avalikustas Aktsiaselts Silvano Fashion Group (edaspidi Emitent) börsiteate auditeerimiskohustuse täitmisest osaliselt. Teate kohaselt teavitas Emitent, et Emitent täidab alates 31.12.2024 lõppeva majandusaasta aruande auditeerimisest seadusest ja Nasdaq Tallinna Börsi reglemendist tulenevat auditeerimiskohustust osaliselt – Emitendi tütarühingute majandusaastaaruanded auditeeritakse eraldiseisvalt vastavalt asukoha jurisdiktsiooni seadusele, kuid Emitendi kontserni konsolideeritud majandusaastaaruannet ei osutu võimalikuks auditeerida. Teade on kättesaadav siin: https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=bba0c1ce9e7b19954ef9cfd6e73e5efee&lang=et&src=listed

Teates viidati ka, et Emitent analüüsib alternatiivseid võimalusi Emitendi kui noteeritud aktsiaemitendi aktsionäride jaoks täiendava kindluse loomiseseks.

Käesolevaga teatab Emitent, et saavutas kokkuleppe Ernst & Young Baltic AS-iga Emitendi kontserni konsolideeritud 31.12.2024 lõppeva majandusaasta aruande auditeerimiseks.


About the performance of the statutory audit of Aktsiaselts Silvano Fashion Group


On 03.09.2024 Aktsiaselts Silvano Fashion Group (hereinafter the Issuer) published stock exchange news about the partial performance of the statutory audit. According to the referred news the Issuer informed that it will perform the statutory audit of the annual report for the financial year ending on 31.12.2024 as required under the law and the rules of the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange partially - the annual reports of the Issuer’s subsidiaries will be audited separately pursuant to the laws of the jurisdiction of their residence but the consolidated annual report of the Issuer’s group proves to be impossible to audit. The news is available here: https://view.news.eu.nasdaq.com/view?id=bba0c1ce9e7b19954ef9cfd6e73e5efee&lang=en.

In the referred news it was referred that the Issuer will analyse alternative possibilities to provide additional assurances to the shareholders of the Issuer as a listed company.

Hereby the Issuer informs that it reached an agreement with Ernst & Young Baltic AS regarding the auditing of the Issuer’s group’s consolidated annual report for the financial year ending on