
Aktsiaselts MERKO EHITUS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


14.01.2025 08:00:29


Šnipiškiu Urban korteriarendusprojekti ehitusega alustamine (Vilnius, Leedu)


AS Merko Ehitus kontserni kuuluv Merko Bustas on käivitanud Šnipiškiu Urban korteriarendusprojekti Vilniuses. Arendusprojekt hõlmab kokku 229 korterit kuues hoones ning neid ühendavat maa-alust parklat. Merko on alustanud esimese etapi ehitamist, mis hõlmab kogu maa-aluse parkimiskompleksi ning kolme esimese maapealse eluhoone rajamist. Esimese etapi valmimine on plaanitud 2026.

Šnipiškiu Urban elamukvartal (www.snipiskiuurban.lt) asub aadressil Daugeliskio tn 33A, Nerise jõe põhjakaldal, Šnipiškės, mida tuntakse ka Vilniuse keskse ärikvartalina.

Esimese etapi kortermajad on energiaklassiga A++. Korterid varustatakse individuaalsete soojusvahetitega ventilatsioonisüsteemiga, põrandaküttega ja puitakendega. Kõikidel korteritel on avar rõdu või terrass. Korterite suurus on 30–110 ruutmeetrit.
Hoonetel on kahekorruseline maa-alune parkla, mis on varustatud elektriautode laadimisjaamade ja jalgrattahoidlatega.

UAB Merko Bustas (www.merko.lt) tunnustatud Leedu elukondliku kinnisvara arendaja. Parima kvaliteedi tagamiseks juhib Merko kõiki korteriarenduse etappe: planeerimist, projekteerimist, ehitamist, müüki ja garantiiteenust.

Lisainfo: UAB Merko Būstas juhatuse liige Saulius Putrimas, tel: +370 5210 5330.

Urmas Somelar
Finantsüksuse juht
AS Merko Ehitus
Telefon: +372 650 1250
E-post: [email protected]

AS Merko Ehitus (group.merko.ee) kontserni ettevõtted ehitavad hooneid ja infrastruktuuri ning arendavad kinnisvara. Loome paremat elukeskkonda ja ehitame tulevikku. Tegutseme Eestis, Lätis ja Leedus. 2023. aasta lõpu seisuga andis kontsern tööd 635 inimesele ning ettevõtte 2023. aasta müügitulu oli 466 miljonit eurot.


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Launch of Šnipiškiu Urban residential project (Vilnius, Lithuania)


Merko Bustas, part of AS Merko Ehitus group, has launched the Šnipiškiu Urban residential development project in Vilnius. The development project comprises a total of 229 apartments in six buildings and an underground parking connecting them. Merko has started the construction of the first phase, which includes the entire underground car park complex and the first three above-ground apartment buildings. Completion of the first phase is scheduled for 2026.

Šnipiškiu Urban residential quarter (www.snipiskiuurban.lt) is located at Daugeliskio str. 33A, on the north bank of the river Neris, in Šnipiškės, also known as Vilnius Central Business District.

The apartment buildings of the first stage will be of energy class A++. The apartments will be equipped with an individual air-recuperation system, underfloor heating and panoramic wooden windows. All apartments will have spacious balconies or terraces. The size of the apartments ranges between 30 to 110 square meters.
The buildings will have a two-level underground parking garage, equipped with electric vehicle charging stations and bicycle storage areas.

UAB Merko Bustas (www.merko.lt) is a recognised Lithuanian residential developer. To ensure the highest quality, Merko manages all stages of apartment development: planning, design, construction, sales and warranty service.

Additional information: Director of UAB Merko Būstas, Mr. Saulius Putrimas, phone: +370 5210 5330.

Urmas Somelar
Head of Group Finance
AS Merko Ehitus
+372 650 1250
[email protected]

AS Merko Ehitus (group.merko.ee) group companies develop real estate and construct buildings and infrastructure. We create a better living environment and build the future. We operate in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway. As at the end of 2023, the group employed 635 people, and the group’s revenue for 2023 was EUR 466 million.


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