Atlantis SE
Asutamislepingu, asutamisotsuse või põhikirja muutmine
19.12.2024 18:18:46
Põhikirja muudatuste registreerimine.
Atlantis SE Tallinna asukohaga juhatus teatab, et 19.12.2024 registreeris Eesti seaduste järgi pädev Äriühingute register (Ariregister) Seltsi põhikirja muudatused, mis tulenevad kell vastu võetud otsustest. aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek 02.12.2024.
Registration of amendments to the Articles of Association.
The Management Board of Atlantis SE with its registered office in Tallinn informs that on 19/12/2024 , the Commercial Companies Register (Ariregister), competent for Estonia’s law, registered the amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company resulting from resolutions adopted at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on December 2, 2024. In connection with this, the current wording of points 2.1 and 2.4 of the Company’s Articles of Association is as follows: 2.1. The minimum amount of share capital of the Company is 30 375 000 (thirty million three hundred seventy-five thousand) euros and the maximum amount of share capital is 121 500 000 (one hundred twenty-one million five hundred thousand) euros. 2.4. The minimum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 303 750 000 (three hundred three million seven hundred fifty thousand) shares and the maximum number of the shares of the Company without nominal value is 1 215 000 000 (one billion two hundred fifteen million) shares. Currently, the share capital of Atlantis SE amounts to EUR 30 375 000 and is divided into 303 750 000 shares without par value with a book value of EUR 0,10 each. Attached to this report, the Issuer provides the current wording of the Articles of Association in the Estonian and English.