
Enefit Green AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


19.12.2024 14:00:08


Enefit Green AS-i erakorralise üldkoosoleku otsused


Enefit  Green  AS  (edaspidi  Selts)  (registrikood  11184032, asukoht  Lelle tn
22, 11318 Tallinn,  Harju maakond, Eesti)  aktsionäride erakorraline üldkoosolek
toimus  19. detsembril 2024. a. algusega kell  09:00 (Eesti aja järgi) aadressil
Lelle 22, Tallinn.

Üldkoosoleku   kokkukutsumise   teade   avaldati  22. novembril  2024. a.  börsi
infosüsteemis, Seltsi veebilehel ning 26. novembril 2024. a. ajalehes Postimees.
Hääleõiguslike  aktsionäride nimekiri fikseeriti 12. detsembril 2024. a., Nasdaq
CSD (Eesti) arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga.

Aktsionäride  üldkoosolekul osales  48 aktsionäri, kellele  kuuluvate aktsiatega
oli esindatud 217 297 145 häält ehk 82,22% kogu aktsiakapitalist.

Seltsi üldkoosolekul arutati ja võeti vastu järgmine otsus:

1. Nõukogu sõltumatu liikme valimine


1.1 Valida Karin Madisson uueks sõltumatuks nõukogu liikmeks alates 19.
detsembrist 2024 volituste tähtajaga kolm (3) aastat.

1.2 Nõukogu liikme tegevust tasustatakse vastavalt Seltsi 14.05.2024
üldkoosoleku protokolli punktile 7.4.

Otsus võeti vastu 217 296 957 häälega, mis moodustas 100,00% üldkoosolekul
esindatud häältest. Koosolekule olid registreerunud vähemusaktsionärid kokku
13 365 740 häälega, kellest 13 365 552 ehk 100,00% hääletas antud otsuse poolt.

Üldkoosoleku  protokoll tehakse aktsionäridele  kättesaadavaks Seltsi veebilehel
hiljemalt 7 päeva möödudes alates üldkoosoleku toimumisest.

Sven Kunsing
Finantssuhtluse juht
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])


Resolutions of the extraordinary general meeting of Enefit Green AS


The extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Enefit Green AS
(hereinafter the Company) (registry code 11184032, located at Lelle 22, 11318
Tallinn, Harju county, Estonia) was held on 19 December 2024 at 09.00 (EET) at
Lelle 22, Tallinn.

The notice of calling the general meeting was published on 22 November 2024 in
the stock exchange information system, on Company's website and on 26 November
2024 in the daily newspaper Postimees. The list of shareholders entitled to vote
at the general meeting was determined on 12 December 2024 at the end of the
business day of the settlement system of Nasdaq CSD (Estonia).

48 shareholders participated at the meeting representing 217,297,145 votes or
82.22% of total share capital of the Company.

The general meeting discussed and adopted the following resolution:

1. Election of an independent member of the Supervisory Board


1.1 Elect  Karin Madisson as a  member of the Supervisory  Board of Enefit Green
AS,  with a  mandate for  a term  of 3 (three)  years effective from 19 December

1.2 Remuneration  of the  members of  the Supervisory  Board of  Enefit Green AS
shall be in accordance with minutes (section 7.4) of Enefit Green Annual General
Meeting of 14 May 2024.

The resolution was adopted by 217,296,957 votes, representing 100.00% of the
votes represented at the meeting. Minority shareholders registered at the
meeting were representing 13,365,740 votes. Of these votes 13,365,552 or
100.00% voted for this resolution.

The  minutes of the general meeting shall  be made available to the shareholders
not  later than within 7 days from the  date of the general meeting on Company's

Further information:
Sven Kunsing
Head of Financial Communication
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
enefitgreen.ee/en/investorile (https://enefitgreen.ee/en/investorile)