
AS PRFoods


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


16.12.2024 18:29:00


Osaluse võõrandamine äriühingus AS TFTAK ja muudatused nõukogu koosseisus


AS  PRFoods (edaspidi ?PRFoods") teavitab käesolevaga, et on 16.12.2024 sõlminud
müügilepingu   osaluse   võõrandamiseks   äriühingus   AS   TFTAK   (Toidu-   ja
Fermentatsioonitehnoloogia    Arenduskeskus,   registrikood   11930972; edaspidi

Äriühingu tegevusala on teadus- ja arendustegevus biotehnoloogia vallas ja selle
peamiseks  tegevusvaldkonnaks  on  teadusarendusprojektide  ja rakendusuuringute
müük  koostööpartneritele, keskendudes  uudsete toidu-  ja biotehnoloogiate ning
toodete väljatöötamisele ja turuletoomisele.

PRFoods  võõrandab  Äriühingus  kogu  talle  kuuluva osaluse, milleks on 11 250
aktsiat nimiväärtusega 0,70 EUR aktsia kohta (s.t kogunimiväärtusega 7 875 EUR),
mis   moodustab  20% kogu  Äriühingu  aktsiakapitalist.  Tehingu  väärtuseks  on
280 000 eurot.

Äriühingu  bilansiline  väärtus  PRFoodsi  aruannetes  on 418 000 eurot. Tehingu
alusel  saadav summa on  280 000 eurot, mis vastab  kolmanda osapoole poolt läbi
viidud hindamisele. Tulem tehingust PRFoodsi konsolideeritud ja konsolideerimata
aruannetele on ühekordne kahjum summas 138 000 eurot. Tehingu tulemi summa võrra
väheneb ka PRFoodsi bilansimaht.
Seoses   võõrandamistehinguga   on  PRFoods  aktsionär  Amber  Trust  II  S.C.A.
vabastanud  ka PRFoods poolt tema kasuks seatud pandi (mille seadmisest teavitas
PRFoods                    14.11.2024 avaldatud                    börsiteatega:

Kirjeldatud  võõrandamistehing  ei  ole  käsitletav  igapäevase majandustegevuse
raamidest  väljuva või olulist tähtsust omava tehinguna, samuti tehinguna seotud
isikuga börsi reglemendi ?Nõuded emitentidele" tähenduses.

AS  PRFoods teatab,  Kuldar Leis  on esitanud  tagasiastumisavalduse AS PRFoodsi
nõukogu kohast alates 16.12.2024.

Ettevõte  soovib avaldada  tänu Kuldarile  tema pühendumuse  ja panuse eest tema
ametiaja jooksul.

Kristjan Kotkas
Juhatuse liige
[email protected]
www.prfoods.ee (https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=zvLh-


Disposal of shares in company AS TFTAK and changes to the Supervisory Board


AS  PRFoods (hereinafter "PRFoods")  hereby notifies that  it has on 16.12.2024
entered  into an agreement  for the disposal  of shares in  the company AS TFTAK
(Toidu-  ja Fermentatsioonitehnoloogia  Arenduskeskus, registry  code 11930972;
hereinafter the "Company").

The field of activity of the Company is research and experimental development in
biotechnology and the main business activity is the sale of research-development
projects  and  applied  research  to  cooperation  partners, with a focus on the
development  and  market  introduction  of  innovative  food  and  biotechnology
technologies and products.

PRFoods  is  transferring  all  of  its  shareholding  in the Company, totalling
11,250 shares  with  a  nominal  value  of  EUR  0.70 per share (i.e. with total
nominal value of EUR 7,875), which constitutes 20% of the total share capital of
the Company. The value of the transaction is EUR 280,000.

The  balance  sheet  value  of  the  Company  in  the accounts of PRFoods is EUR
418,000. The   amount   payable  under  the  transaction  is  EUR  280,000 which
corresponds to the valuation conducted by a third-party valuator. The outcome of
the  transaction in PRFoods' consolidated  and unconsolidated statements is one-
off  loss  in  the  amount  of  EUR  138,000. The  amount  of  the  outcome also
correspondingly reduces the balance sheet total of PRFoods.

In  connection with  the disposal  of shares,  the shareholder  of PRFoods Amber
Trust  II S.C.A. has also released the pledge established in its favour (PRFoods
has  published  a  notification  regarding  the  establishment  of the pledge on

The  described transaction does not qualify as a transaction beyond the scope of
day-to-day  operations, or as  a transaction of  significant importance, or as a
transaction  with  an  associated  person  within  the  meaning  of  rules under
"Requirements for Issuers" of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock Exchange.

AS  PRFoods announces  that Kuldar  Leis has  submitted his resignation from the
position  of a member of the Supervisory Board of AS PRFoods, effective from 16
December 2024.

The company would like to express its gratitude to Kuldar for his dedication and
contributions during his tenure.

Kristjan Kotkas
Member of the Management Board
[email protected]
www.prfoods.ee                 (https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=zvLh-