
Bigbank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


13.12.2024 17:00:30


Bigbank AS 2024. aasta novembri tulemused


November oli Bigbanki jaoks stabiilne ja kasumlik kasvukuu.

Suurimat kasvu näitas taaskord kodulaenude portfell, suurenedes kuuga üle 25
miljoni euro. Ärilaenude portfell kasvas üle 16 miljoni euro, mis on samuti
korralik tulemus. Tarbimislaenude portfell suurenes ligi 2 miljonit euro võrra.
Kokku kasvas laenuportfell oktoobri lõpuga võrreldes ligi 44 miljoni eurot, mis
on 2024. aasta vaates keskmisel tasemel tulemus.

Hoiuste kaasamist mõjutas jätkuvalt langev intressikeskkond. Kui kuu alguses oli
6 kuu euribor veel 2,9% tasemel, siis kuu lõpuks oli 6 kuu euribor kukkunud alla
2,7%. See näitab, et viimase kvartali trendid jätkuvad ja süvenevad. Langev
euribor toob leevendust ujuva intressimäärade laenuklientidele, kuid pankadele
tähendab see langevaid intressitulusid. Samal ajal vähenevad ka hoiuste
intressimäärad, kuid mitte euribori languse tempoga võrreldes. Seetõttu
 aeglustus hoiuseportfelli kasv - novembris suurenes see 15 miljoni euro võrra.

Laenuportfelli krediidikvaliteet püsib eelnevate kuude tasemel. Esimese kvartali
lõpus lõppenud lühiajaline kvaliteedi halvenemine on möödas, ja mittetöötavate
laenude osakaal kogu laenuportfellist on endiselt madal. Laenunõuete ja
finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste ning eraldiste kulude maht oli novembris
1,9 miljonit eurot, mis on 2024. aasta kuukeskmisest madalam tulemus.

Novembri puhaskasum, 3,3 miljonit eurot, oli korralik tulemus. Võrreldes eelmise
aasta 11 kuu koondtulemusega on Bigbanki puhaskasum vähenenud 2,0 miljonit
eurot. Peamisteks languse põhjusteks on neto laenunõuete ja
finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste ning eraldiste mahu suurenemine. Täiendava
mõju on avaldanud ka palga- ja tulumaksukulu, mis tuleneb peamiselt Lätis
krediidiasutustele kehtestatud tulumaksukohustusest, mida rakendatakse alates
2023. aasta detsembrist.

Bigbanki 2024. aasta novembri majandustulemused:

  * Klientide hoiused ja saadud laenud kasvasid aastaga 446 miljonit eurot 2,4
    miljardi euroni (+23%).
  * Nõuded klientidele kasvasid aastaga 503 miljonit 2,1 miljardi euroni (+31%).
  * Neto intressitulud olid novembris 8,9 miljonit eurot, aasta 11 esimese kuuga
    kokku 97,2 miljonit eurot. 11 esimese kuu võrdluses aasta taguse sama
    perioodiga oli kasv 6,0 miljonit eurot (+7%).
  * Neto laenunõuete ja finantsinvesteeringute allahindluste maht ja eraldiste
    kulu kokku oli aasta 11 esimese kuuga 23,2 miljonit eurot, võrreldes aasta
    taguse ajaga oli kasv 4,3 miljonit eurot ehk 23%.
  * Novembri puhaskasum oli 3,3 miljonit eurot. 11 esimese kuu kasum kokku
    moodustas 33,4 miljonit eurot, kahanedes võrreldes 2023. aasta sama
    perioodiga 2,0 miljonit eurot ehk 6%.
  * Omakapitali tootlus oli novembris 14,6%.

 Kasumiaruanne, tuhandetes      November
 eurodes                            2024 11 kuud 2024 11 kuud 2023 Erinevus YoY
 Neto tegevustulud kokku,
 sh                                9 777      106 198      102 280   3 917  +4%

 Neto intressitulu                 8 925       97 208       91 170   6 038  +7%

 Neto teenustasud                    802        8 335        7 565     770 +10%

 Tegevuskulud kokku, sh           -3 858      -42 703      -42 239    -464  +1%

 Palgakulud                       -2 412      -24 377      -21 711  -2 666 +12%

 Halduskulud                        -795      -10 663      -13 780   3 117 -23%

 Kasum enne allahindluste
 kulu                              5 919       63 495       60 042   3 453  +6%

 Neto laenunõuete ja
 allahindlused ja eraldiste
 kulu                             -1 890      -23 214      -18 898  -4 315 +23%

 Tulumaks                           -753       -6 872       -5 101  -1 771 +35%

 Aruandeperioodi jätkuvate
 tegevuste kasum                   3 276       33 409       36 042  -2 633  -7%

 Kasum/Kahjum lõpetatud
 tegevustest                           0           29         -557     586
 Aruandeperioodi kasum             3 276       33 438       35 485  -2 047  -6%

 Ärimahud, tuhandetes           November
 eurodes                            2024 11 kuud 2024 11 kuud 2023 Erinevus YoY
 Klientide hoiused ja
 saadud laenud                 2 372 949    2 372 949    1 927 322 445 627 +23%

 Nõuded klientidele            2 148 452    2 148 452    1 645 174 503 278 +31%

 Võtmenäitajad                  November
                                    2024 11 kuud 2024 11 kuud 2023 Erinevus YoY
 ROE                               14,6%        14,1%        17,0%  -2,9pp

 Kulu/ tulu suhe (C/I)             39,5%        40,2%        41,3%  -1,1pp

 Soovitusindeks (NPS)                 55           57           58      -1

Rohkem kui 30-aastase tegevusajalooga Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.ee
WZE2Qopc0QMxUVIYXvZQLugRwoOaLbtWzf_VM6LQsEVona9xHyk6I4vGZOHVg6Q80McppQkc=)) on
Eesti kapitalile kuuluv kommertspank. 30.novembri 2024 seisuga oli panga
bilansimaht kokku 2,7 miljardit eurot ning omakapital 271 miljonit eurot.
Üheksas riigis tegutseval pangal on kokku üle 150 000 aktiivse kliendi ning
üle 500 töötaja. Reitinguagentuur Moody's on väljastanud Bigbankile pikaajalise
pangahoiuste reitingu tasemel Ba1 ning baaskrediidireitingu (BCA) ja kohandatud
BCA tasemel Ba2.

Argo Kiltsmann
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5393 0833
E-mail: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
www.bigbank.ee (https://www.bigbank.ee)


Bigbank AS Results for November 2024


November was a stable and profitable growth month for Bigbank.

The greatest growth was once again shown by the home loans portfolio, increasing
by over 25 million euros in a month. The business loans portfolio grew by more
than 16 million euros, which is also a solid result. The consumer loans
portfolio increased by nearly 2 million euros. Overall, the loan portfolio grew
by almost 44 million euros compared to the end of October, which represents an
average level result for 2024.

The declining interest rate environment continued to impact deposit collection.
While the 6-month Euribor was still at 2.9% at the beginning of the month, by
the end of the month, it had fallen below 2.7%. This indicates that the trends
of the last quarter are continuing and deepening. The falling Euribor brings
relief to loan customers with floating interest rates, but for banks, it means
declining interest income. At the same time, deposit interest rates are also
decreasing, but not at the same pace as the Euribor decline. As a result, the
growth of the deposit portfolio slowed, increasing by 15 million euros in

The credit quality of the loan portfolio remains at the level of previous
months. The short-term deterioration in quality, which ended at the close of the
first quarter, is behind us, and the proportion of non-performing loans in the
total loan portfolio remains low. The costs for loan and financial investment
impairments and provisions amounted to 1.9 million euros in November, which is
below the monthly average for 2024.

November's net profit of 3.3 million euros was a solid result. Compared to the
cumulative results for the first 11 months of the previous year, Bigbank's net
profit decreased by 2.0 million euros. The main reasons for this decline are the
increase in net loan and financial investment impairments and provisions.
Additional impact has also come from salary and income tax expenses, primarily
due to the income tax obligation imposed on credit institutions in Latvia, which
has been in effect since December 2023.

Bigbank's financial results for November 2024:

  * Deposits from customers and loans received increased by 446 million euros
    year-on-year, reaching 2.4 billion euros (+23%).
  * Loans to customers increased by 503 million euros year-on-year, reaching
    2.1 billion euros (+31%).
  * Net interest income was 8.9 million euros in November, totalling 97.2
    million euros for the first 11 months of the year. Compared to the same
    period last year, the growth for the first ten months was 6.0 million euros
  * Net loss allowances for loans and financial investments and provision
    expenses amounted to 23.2 million euros for the first 11 months of the year.
    Compared to the same period last year, this was an increase of 4.3 million
    euros or 23%.
  * November's net profit was 3.3 million euros. The cumulative profit for the
    first 11 months was 33.4 million euros, decreasing by 2.0 million euros or
    6% compared to the same period in 2023.
  * Return on equity was 14.6% in November.

 Income statement, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Nov 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 Total net operating income, incl.       9,777   106,198   102,280   3,917  +4%

 Net interest income                     8,925    97,208    91,170   6,038  +7%

 Net fee and commission income             802     8,335     7,565     770 +10%

 Total expenses, incl.                  -3,858   -42,703   -42,239    -464  +1%

 Salaries and associated charges        -2,412   -24,377   -21,711  -2,666 +12%

 Administrative expenses                  -795   -10,663   -13,780   3,117 -23%

 Profit before loss allowances           5,919    63,495    60,042   3,453  +6%

 Net loss allowances on loans and
 financial investments and other
 provisions                             -1,890   -23,214   -18,898  -4,315 +23%

 Income tax expense                       -753    -6,872    -5,101  -1,771 +35%

 Profit for the period from
 continuing operations                   3,276    33,409    36,042  -2,633  -7%

 Profit or loss before tax from
 discounted operations                       0        29      -557     586
 Profit for the period                   3,276    33,438    35,485  -2,047  -6%

 Business volumes, in thousands of                                  Difference
 euros                                Nov 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 Customer deposits and loans
 received                            2,372,949 2,372,949 1,927,322 445,627 +23%

 Loans to customers                  2,148,452 2,148,452 1,645,174 503,278 +31%

 Key figures                                                        Difference
                                      Nov 2024     YTD24     YTD23     YoY
 ROE                                     14.6%     14.1%     17.0%  -2.9pp

 Cost / income ratio (C/I)               39.5%     40.2%     41.3%  -1.1pp

 Net promoter score (NPS)                   55        57        58      -1

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.eu
C0pP5kW_Pag96UqHToK_FDbdMI8btlXLEZfY-A_Cq1QjytWIX93h4=)), with over 30 years of
operating history, is a commercial bank owned by Estonian capital. As of
30 November 2024, the bank's total assets amounted to 2.7 billion euros, with
equity of 271 million euros. Operating in nine countries, the bank serves more
than 150,000 active customers and employs over 500 people. The credit rating
agency Moody's has assigned Bigbank a long-term deposit rating of Ba1, as well
as a baseline credit assessment (BCA) and adjusted BCA of Ba2.

Argo Kiltsmann
Member of the Management Board
Tel: +372 53 930 833
Email: [email protected]