AS Trigon Property Development
Muud korporatiivtoimingud
29.11.2024 09:00:30
2024. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
Trigon Property Development AS tegeleb kinnisvaraarendusega. 30.09.2024 seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 14,2 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Eestis. Alale on planeeritud luua äri-, tööstus- ja logistikapark. Ettevõtte eesmärk on leida huvitatud ettevõtteid, kes sooviksid tuua oma äritegevuse (tootmine, logistika) Trigon Property Development AS arendusprojekti alale Pärnus, mis võimaldaks Ettevõttel lisada väärtust enda omandis olevatele kruntidele. Kuna ettevõtte peamine eesmärk on olemasolevate maade müük, siis on kinnisvarainvesteeringud kajastatud varudena. 2023. aasta kolmandas kvartalis müüdi 0,53 hektariline transpordimaa sihtotstarbega kinnistu hinnaga 26 580 (ei sisalda käibemaksu) eurot. 2024. aasta kolmandas kvartalis müüdi 0,09 hektariline transpordimaa sihtotstarbega kinnistu hinnaga 31 920 (ei sisalda käibemaksu) eurot. Käesolevas teates esitatud finantsseisundi aruanne seisuga 30.09.2024 kajastab täielikult AS Trigon Property Development varasid, kohustusi ja omakapitali. Vastavalt esitatud koondkasumiaruandele on AS Trigon Property Development 2024. aasta esimese 9 kuu puhaskasum 12 981 eurot ja puhaskasum aktsia kohta 0,00289 eurot. Seisuga 30.09.2024 moodustasid AS Trigon Property Development varad kokku 1 708 889 eurot. Ühingu omakapital oli 1 700 347 eurot, mis moodustas 99,5% bilansimahust. Lühendatud finantsseisundi aruanne +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | EUR | 30.09.2024 | 31.12.2023 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Raha ja raha ekvivalendid | 109 485 | 176 133 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Nõuded ostjate vastu ja muud nõuded | 42 779 | 1 927 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Varud | 1 556 625 | 1 530 405 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Käibevara kokku | 1 708 889 | 1 708 465 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | AKTIVA KOKKU | 1 708 889 | 1 708 465 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Võlad tarnijatele ja muud võlad | 8 542 | 21 099 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Lühiajalised kohustused kokku | 8 542 | 21 099 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Kohustused kokku | 8 542 | 21 099 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Aktsiakapital arvestuslikus väärtuses | 449 906 | 449 906 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Ülekurss | 226 056 | 226 056 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Kohustuslik reservkapital | 287 542 | 287 542 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Jaotamata kasum | 736 843 | 723 862 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Omakapital kokku | 1 700 347 | 1 687 366 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ | PASSIVA KOKKU | 1 708 889 | 1 708 465 | +---------------------------------------+------------+------------+ Lühendatud koondkasumiaruanne +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | EUR | 2024 9 kuud | 2023 9 kuud | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Müügitulu | 31 920 | 26 580 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Müüdud toodangu kulu | -912 | -5 316 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Brutokasum | 31 008 | 21 264 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Üldhalduskulud | -26 846 | -27 271 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Muud äritulud | 5 000 | 0 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Ärikasum/-kahjum | 9 162 | -6 007 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | Finantstulud | 3 819 | 985 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | ARUANDEPERIOODI KOONDKASUM/-KAHJUM | 12 981 | -5 022 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ | ARUANDEPERIOODI KOONDKASUM/-KAHJUM KOKKU | 12 981 | -5 022 | +------------------------------------------+-------------+-------------+ Rando Tomingas Juhatuse liige Telefon: +372 667 9200 E-post: [email protected] Manus 2024 III kv vahearuanne EST
Unaudited financial report for the third quarter and 9 months of 2024
The main business activity of Trigon Property Development AS is real estate development. As at 30.09.2024, AS Trigon Property Development owned one development project with an area of 14.2 hectares in the City of Pärnu, Estonia. A commercial, industrial and logistics park is planned on this area. The Company’s objective is to find companies willing to bring their business activities (industry, logistics) to the development project area of AS Trigon Property Development in Pärnu, which would add value to the land plots owned by the Company. As the main purpose of the company is to sell existing land plots, investment property was recognized as inventories. In the third quarter of 2023, a 0.53-hectare transportation purpose land was sold for 26,580 euros (excluding VAT). In the third quarter of 2024, a 0.09-hectare transportation purpose land was sold for 31,920 euros (excluding VAT). Condensed statement of financial position as of 30 September 2024 delivered by the present announcement completely reflects the assets, liabilities and equity capital of AS Trigon Property Development. According to the condensed statement of comprehensive income the net profit for first 9 months of 2024 of AS Trigon Property Development is 12,981 euros and the earnings per share is 0.00289 EUR. As of 30 September 2024 the assets of AS Trigon Property Development were 1,708,889 euros. The equity of the company was 1,700,347 euros, corresponding to 99.5 % of the total balance sheet. Condensed statement of financial position +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | EUR | 30.09.2024 | 31.12.2023 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Cash and cash equivalents | 109,485 | 176,133 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Trade and other receivables | 42,779 | 1,927 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Inventories | 1,556,625 | 1,530,405 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Total current assets | 1,708,889 | 1,708,465 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | TOTAL ASSETS | 1,708,889 | 1,708,465 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Trade and other payables | 8,542 | 21,099 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Total current liabilities | 8,542 | 21,099 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Total liabilities | 8,542 | 21,099 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Share capital at book value | 449,906 | 449,906 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Share premium | 226,056 | 226,056 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Statutory reserve capital | 287,542 | 287,542 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Retained earnings | 736,843 | 723,862 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | Total equity | 1,700,347 | 1,687,366 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ | TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY | 1,708,889 | 1,708,465 | +------------------------------+------------+------------+ Condensed statement of comprehensive income +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | EUR | 9 M 2024 | 9 M 2023 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Revenue | 31,920 | 26,580 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Costs of goods sold | -912 | -5,316 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Gross profit | 31,008 | 21,264 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Administrative and general expenses | -26,846 | -27,271 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Other operating income | 5,000 | 0 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Operating profit/loss | 9,162 | -6,007 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | Financial income | 3,819 | 985 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | NET PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD | 12,981 | -5,022 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ | TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE PROFIT/LOSS FOR THE PERIOD | 12,981 | -5,022 | +------------------------------------------------+----------+----------+ Rando Tomingas Member of the Management Board Telephone: +372 667 9200 E-mail: [email protected] Attachment 2024 III Q interim ENG