Nordic Fibreboard AS
Muud korporatiivtoimingud
28.11.2024 16:00:04
Nordic Fibreboard teavitab tootmise ajutisest peatumisest seoses ilmastikust tingitud kahjudega
Nordic Fibreboard annab teada, et on sunnitud ajutiselt peatama tootmise Pärnu tehases seoses ilmastikuoludest tingitud force majeure olukorraga. Möödunud nädalal tekitasid ekstreemsed ilmastikuolud meie tehase katusele liigse pinge, mille tagajärjel esines konstruktsioonilisi kahjustusi. Töötajate tervis ja ohutus on meile esmatähtis, mistõttu oleme otsustanud tootmise ajutiselt peatada, et teostada põhjalik olukorra hindamine ja tagada katuse ohutu parandamine. Enne jõulupuhkuste algust oli planeeritud 10 tootmispäeva. Kõik kliendid, keda see ajutine tootmisseisak mõjutab, on juba teavitatud ning tegeleme aktiivselt lahenduste leidmisega. Anname täiendavat teavet tootmise taasalustamise prognoosi kohta niipea, kui võimalik. Enel Äkke Nordic Fibreboard AS Juhatuse liige [email protected]
Nordic Fibreboard announces temporary production halt due to weather-related damage
Nordic Fibreboard announces that it has been forced to temporarily suspend production at its Pärnu factory due to a force majeure situation caused by weather conditions. Last week, extreme weather conditions caused excessive stress on the roof of our factory, resulting in structural damage. The health and safety of our employees is our top priority. Therefore, we have decided to halt production temporarily to thoroughly assess the situation and ensure safe roof repairs. 10 production days were planned before the start of the Christmas holidays. All customers affected by this temporary production stoppage have already been informed and we are actively working to find solutions. We will provide further information regarding the production restart forecast as soon as possible. Enel Äkke Nordic Fibreboard AS Member of the Management Board [email protected]