
EfTEN United Property Fund / EFTEN Capital AS


Juhtkonna vaheteadaanne või kvartaalne finantsaruanne


25.10.2024 08:15:00


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus seisuga 30.09.2024


EfTEN United Property Fund osaku puhasväärtus (NAV) oli septembri lõpus 10,68 eurot, kasvades kuuga 0,2%.  Kui fondi investeeringut EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiasse kajastada selle puhasväärtuse alusel, oleks EfTEN United Property Fund NAV 10,84 eurot, kasvades kuuga 0,4%.

Fond teenis septembris 64 tuhat eurot puhaskasumit, sh 38 tuhat eurot kahjumit investeeringult EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS-i aktsiatesse. Selle aasta üheksa kuuga on fond teeninud puhaskasumit 534 tuhat eurot (eelmisel aastal samal ajal -87 tuhat eurot).

Oktoobris uuendas fondi Uus-Järveküla arendusprojektiga seotud tütarettevõte panga rahastamistingimusi teise ja kolmanda ehitusetapi (kokku 47 paaris- ja ridamaja boksi) lõpule viimiseks. Uuendatud laenulepingu kohaselt alanes intressimarginaal 180 baaspunkti võrra.

Oktoobri lõpus laekus fondile üle 140 tuhande euro tulu investeeringult usaldusfondi EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5. Fond maksab selle investoritele välja 14. novembril.

Täpsem ülevaade EfTEN United Property Fund'i portfellist on leitav fondi kodulehel: https://eftenunitedpropertyfund.ee/fondi-tulemused/


Kristjan Tamla
Tel: 655 9515
E-post: [email protected]


Net asset value of the EfTEN United Property Fund as of 30.09.2024


The net asset value (NAV) of EfTEN United Property Fund unit was 10.68 euros at the end of September, increasing by 0.2% over the month. If the fund's investment in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS share is reflected on the basis of the NAV, the NAV of EfTEN United Property Fund would be 10.84 euros, increasing by 0.4% over the month.

In September, the fund earned a net profit of 64 thousand euros of what a loss of 38 thousand euros was earned from the investment in the shares of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS. In nine months of this year, the fund has earned a net profit of 534 thousand euros (-87 thousand euros at the same time last year).

In October, the fund's subsidiary related to the Uus-Järveküla development project renewed the bank's financing conditions for the completion of the second and third construction stages (a total of 47 semi-detached and terraced houses). According to the renewed loan agreement, the interest margin decreased by 180 basis points.

At the end of October, the fund received more than 140 thousand euros of income from the investment in the EfTEN Real Estate Fund 5. The fund will distribute it to the investors on November 14.

A more detailed overview of EfTEN United Property Fund's portfolio can be found on the fund's website: https://eftenunitedpropertyfund.ee/en/fund-results-2/


Kristjan Tamla
Managing Director
Phone 655 9515
E-mail: [email protected]