
AS LHV Group


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


01.10.2024 08:00:00


LHV Group uuendas käesoleva aasta finantsplaani


Kuivõrd AS-i LHV Group finantstulemused on prognoositust kiirema laenuportfelli kasvu ja kõrgemate intressitasemete tõttu veebruaris avalikustatud finantsplaani edestamas, avaldab ettevõte uuendatud 2024. aasta finantsplaani.

Uuendatud finantsplaan tugineb tegelikele majandustulemustele ja arvestab tasapisi langevate intressimäärade ja aeglaselt paraneva makromajandusliku olukorraga. Krediidiportfelli kvaliteet on prognoositud tasemel püsimas, kuid arvesse on võetud jätkuvalt ettevaatavate provisjonide moodustamisega peamiselt tulenevalt konkreetsetest vastaspooltest ja mudeli muudatustest. Käesoleva aasta plaanis ei ole eeldatud LHV Varahalduse edukustasu.

| Võtmenäitajad                           | 2023    | Uus FP 2024    | Aastane muutus    | Varasem FP 2024    | Võrdlus varasema plaaniga    |
| --------------------------------------- | ------- | -------------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ---------------------------- |
| Finantstulemused, tuh eurot             |         |                |                   |                    |                              |
| Tulud kokku                             | 310 458 | 349 397        | 38 939            | 309 089            | 40 308                       |
| Kulud kokku                             | 134 321 | 150 903        | 16 582            | 143 568            | 7 335                        |
| Laenude allahindlus                     | 11 539  | 23 676         | 12 137            | 23 390             | 286                          |
| Maksude eelne kasum                     | 164 598 | 174 818        | 10 220            | 142 131            | 32 687                       |
| Puhaskasum                              | 140 938 | 150 304        | 9 366             | 120 081            | 30 223                       |
| Ärimahud, mln eurot                     |         |                |                   |                    |                              |
| Hoiused                                 | 5 731   | 6 667          | 936               | 6 674              | -7                           |
| Laenud                                  | 3 562   | 4 343          | 781               | 4 037              | 305                          |
| Fondide maht                            | 1 519   | 1 573          | 54                | 1 668              | -95                          |
| Finantsvahendajate maksete arv (mln tk) | 49      | 69             | 19                | 62                 | 7                            |
| Suhtarvud                               |         |                |                   |                    |                              |
| Kulu/tulu suhe                          | 43,3%   | 43,2%          | -0,1 pp           | 46,4%              | -3,3 pp                      |
| ROE                                     | 29,2%   | 24,8%          | -4,4 pp           | 20,3%              | 4,5 pp                       |
| Kogu kapitali adekvaatsus               | 23,5%   | 20,5%          | -3,0 pp           | 22,5%              | -2,0 pp                      |

Veebruaris avaldatud finantsplaaniga võrreldes on uues finantsplaanis prognoositud 2024. aasta lõpuks 13% kõrgemaid tulusid, 5% suuremaid kulusid ja 25% kõrgemat puhaskasumit. Intressitulude suurem kasv tuleneb varasemas finantsplaanis prognoositust 8% suuremast laenuportfellist ja kõrgematest intressimääradest. Teenustasutulu mõjutab samas finantsvahendajate valdkonna tulu aeglasem kasv.

Suuremaid tegevuskulusid mõjutavad viimaste aastate töötajate arvu kasv, ühekordsed palgakulud, IT kulud ja Ühendkuningriigis jaepanga valdkonna arendamisega seotud kulu. Lisaks erinevalt varasemas plaanis eeldatust ei langenud tänavu Hoiuste tagatisfondi tasu.

Ärimahtudest on laenude mahu kasv tingitud peamiselt kodulaenudest ja ettevõtete laenudest Eestis. LHV Bank Ltd-i laenude maht on jäänud varasema plaaniga samale tasemele. Konsolideeritud hoiused on samal tasemel varem prognoosituga. Fondide mahtu on varasema finantsplaaniga võrreldes vähendatud 6% võrra, finantsvahendajate maksete arvu suurendatud 12% võrra.

Kõikide LHV konsolideerimisgruppi kuuluvate ettevõtjate äritegevus on aasta baasil kasumlik. LHV Banki varem planeeritust madalam kasumlikkus tuleneb ühelt poolt laenuportfelli aeglasemast kasvust aasta alguses ja finantsvahendajatelt teenitud madalamast intressitulust, teisalt on eraklientidele suunatud pakkumise turule toomine olnud varasemalt plaanitust kulukam.

LHV Group investeerib teenitava kasumi arvelt kasvava kapitali laenuportfellide kasvu. Kapitali adekvaatsus püsib heal tasemel. Uuendatud finantsplaanis prognoositakse 4,5 protsendipunkti võrra suuremat puhaskasumil põhinevat omakapitali tootlust, kui veebruaris plaanitud.

LHV Groupi juhatuse esimehe Madis Toomsalu kommentaar: "Eesti ja Ühendkuningriigi majandused vajavad kasvuks investeeringuid. LHV on küll varasemate aastatega võrreldes kasumlikum, kuid meie kapitalimäärade languse näitel on läinud teenitud kasum maksimaalses mahus uute laenude väljastamiseks. Seepärast oleme 2024. aasta finantsplaanis suurendanud laenumahtusid oluliselt, rohkem kui 300 miljoni euro võrra. Augustis jõudsime 4 miljardi euro suuruse laenuportfellini, aasta lõpuks ootame laenuportfelli kasvu 4,3 miljardi euroni, mis teeb aastaseks kasvuks ligi 800 miljonit eurot. Kasumi osas on prognoosis arvestatud pankadele rakenduva 14% kasumil põhineva maksumääraga."

AS-i LHV Group aruanded on saadaval aadressil: https://investor.lhv.ee/aruanded.

LHV Group on suurim kodumaine finantskontsern ja kapitali pakkuja Eestis. LHV Groupi peamised tütarettevõtted on LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus ja LHV Bank Limited. Grupi ettevõtetes töötab üle 1100 inimese. LHV pangateenuseid kasutab augusti lõpu seisuga 441 000 klienti, LHV hallatavatel pensionifondidel on 118 000 aktiivset klienti ja LHV Kindlustusega on kaitstud 168 000 klienti. Groupi tütarettevõte LHV Bank omab Ühendkuningriigi pangalitsentsi ning pakub pangateenuseid rahvusvahelistele finantstehnoloogia ettevõtetele ja laenusid väikese ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtetele.

Priit Rum
LHV kommunikatsioonijuht
Telefon: 502 0786
Email: priit.rum@lhv.ee


LHV Group updated its financial plan for the current year


As the financial results of AS LHV Group are ahead of the financial plan disclosed in February due to faster than forecast loan portfolio growth and higher interest levels, the company will publish an updated financial plan for 2024.

The updated financial plan builds on actual economic performance and takes into account the gradually falling interest rates and the slowly improving macroeconomic situation. The quality of the credit portfolio remains at the projected level, but the formation of provisions that continue to be forward-looking has been taken into consideration, primarily due to specific counterparties and changes in the model. A success fee for LHV Varahaldus has not been presumed in this year’s plan.

| Key indicators                               | 2023    | Updated FP 2024 | Change YoY | Previous FP 2024 | Change compared to previous plan |
| -------------------------------------------- | ------- | --------------- | ---------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------- |
| Financial results, EURt                      |         |                 |            |                  |                                  |
| Total revenue                                | 310,458 | 349,397         | 38,939     | 309,089          | 40,308                           |
| Total expenses                               | 134,321 | 150,903         | 16,582     | 143,568          | 7,335                            |
| Impairment losses on loans                   | 11,539  | 23,676          | 12,137     | 23,390           | 286                              |
| Earnings before taxes                        | 164,598 | 174,818         | 10,220     | 142,131          | 32,687                           |
| Net profit                                   | 140,938 | 150,304         | 9,366      | 120,081          | 30,223                           |
| Business volumes, EURm                       |         |                 |            |                  |                                  |
| Deposits                                     | 5,731   | 6,667           | 936        | 6,674            | -7                               |
| Loans                                        | 3,562   | 4 343           | 781        | 4,037            | 305                              |
| Assets under management                      | 1,519   | 1 573           | 54         | 1,668            | -95                              |
| Fin. Inter-mediaries’ payments (million pcs) | 49      | 69              | 19         | 62               | 7                                |
| Key ratios                                   |         |                 |            |                  |                                  |
| Cost / Income ratio                          | 43.3%   | 43.2%           | -0.1 pp    | 46.4%            | -3.3 pp                          |
| ROE                                          | 29.2%   | 24.8%           | -4.4 pp    | 20.3%            | 4.5 pp                           |
| Capital adequacy                             | 23.5%   | 20.5%           | -3.0 pp    | 22.5%            | -2.0 pp                          |
Compared to the financial plan released in February, the new financial plan forecasts 13% higher revenue, 5% higher expenses, and 25% higher net profit by the end of 2024. The higher growth in interest income is thanks to an 8% larger loan portfolio and higher interest rates than forecast in the previous financial plan. At the same time, fee and commission income is affected by the slower growth in the income from financial intermediaries.

Higher operating expenses are affected by the increase in the number of employees in recent years, one-off salary costs, IT costs, and the cost of developing the retail business in the United Kingdom. In addition, unlike what was expected in the previous plan, the fee of the Deposit Guarantee Fund did not decline this year.

In terms of business volumes, the increase in the volume of loans is mainly due to home loans and corporate loans in Estonia. The volume of the LHV Bank Ltd loans has remained at the same level as in the previous plan. Consolidated deposits are at the same level as previously forecast. The volume of funds has been reduced by 6% compared to the previous financial plan, whereas the number of payments by financial intermediaries has been increased by 12%.

The business activities of all companies belonging to the LHV consolidation group are profitable on an annual basis. The lower profitability of LHV Bank Ltd than previously planned is due, on the one hand, to the slower growth of the loan portfolio at the beginning of the year and the lower interest income earned from financial intermediaries and, on the other hand, developing an offer aimed at retail clients has been more expensive than previously planned.

LHV Group invests growing capital in the growth of loan portfolios at the expense of the profit earned. Capital adequacy remains at a good level. The updated financial plan forecasts a return on equity based on net profit of 4.5 percentage points higher than planned in February.

Comment by Madis Toomsalu, the Chairman of the Management Board at LHV Group: "The economy of Estonia and the United Kingdom need investment to grow. LHV is more profitable than in previous years, but based on the example of the decrease in our capital rates, the earned profit has gone to the maximum extent for issuing new loans. Therefore, in the financial plan for 2024, we have significantly increased loan volumes by more than 300 million euros. In August, we reached a loan portfolio of 4 billion euros, and by the end of the year we expect the loan portfolio to grow to 4.3 billion euros, which will translate into an annual growth of almost 800 million euros. In terms of profits, the forecast takes into account the 14% profit-based tax rate applied to banks."

To access the reports of AS LHV Group, please visit the website at https://investor.lhv.ee/en/reports/.

LHV Group is the largest domestic financial group and capital provider in Estonia. The LHV Group’s key subsidiaries are LHV Pank, LHV Varahaldus, LHV Kindlustus, and LHV Bank Limited. The Group employs over 1,100 people. As at the end of August, LHV’s banking services are used by 441,000 clients, the pension funds managed by LHV have 118,000 active clients, and LHV Kindlustus protects a total of 168,000 clients. LHV Bank Limited, a subsidiary of the Group, holds a banking licence in the United Kingdom and provides banking services to international financial technology companies, as well as loans to small and medium-sized enterprises.

Priit Rum
LHV Communications Manager
Phone: +372 502 0786
Email: priit.rum@lhv.ee