
Olympic Entertainment Group AS


Muu oluline informatsioon


06.05.2008 19:40:14


Olympic Entertainment Group AS poolt avalikustatud informatsioon


Vastavalt VTS § 135 lg 4 nõuetele teatame, et 2007. aasta jooksul avalikustas
AS Olympic Entertainment Group börsisüsteemi kaudu järgmist informatsiooni: 

| Kuupäev   | Avaldatud info     | Viide             |  Tallinna   | Varssavi  |
|           |                    |                   |    Börs     |   Börs    |
| 3.12.2007 | Olympic EG         | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|           | kommentaar         | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | hasartmänguturu    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | olukorrale Ukraina | _id=219544        |             |           |
|           | pealinnas Kiievis  |                   |             |           |
| 26.11.200 | Uus kasiino        | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         7 | Ukrainas           | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=219256        |             |           |
| 20.11.200 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         7 | avas Rumeenias oma | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | kaubamärgi all     | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | esimese kasiino    | _id=219124        |             |           |
| 15.11.200 | Konsolideeritud    | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         7 | auditeerimata      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | majandustulemused, | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | 9 kuud 2007        | _id=219045        |             |           |
| 30.10.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group muutused     | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | struktuuris        | _id=218696        |             |           |
| 26.10.200 | AS Admirāļu klubs  | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         7 | omandamise         | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | eellepingu         | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | sõlmimine          | _id=218620        |             |           |
| 11.10.200 | Neljas kasiino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Valgevenes         | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=218308        |             |           |
| 3.10.2007 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | laiendas Rocca al  | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Mare kasiinot      | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=218185        |             |           |
| 27.09.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group AS           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarettevõtete    | _id=218065        |             |           |
|           | ühinemine          |                   |             |           |
| 26.09.200 | Alates tänasest    | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | saab OEG           | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | aktsiatega         | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kaubelda ka        | _id=218039        |             |           |
|           | Varssavi börsil    |                   |             |           |
| 21.09.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group läheb        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Varssavi börsile   | _id=217571        |             |           |
| 19.09.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group avas         | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kolmanda kasiino   | _id=217526        |             |           |
|           | Valgevenes         |                   |             |           |
| 17.09.200 | OEG omandas        | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Ukraina            | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | kasiinooperaatori  | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=217480        |             |           |
| 11.09.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group avas 13.     | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kasiino Ukrainas   | _id=217379        |             |           |
| 31.08.200 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | avab Tallinnas     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | kaks endist        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Kristiine Kasiinot | _id=217140        |             |           |
| 27.08.200 | OEG sisenes Leedus | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | B-kategooria       | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | mänguautomaatide   | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | turule             | _id=216967        |             |           |
| 22.08.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group asutas firma | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Rumeenias          | _id=216908        |             |           |
| 17.08.200 | Ukraina            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Konkurentsiameti   | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | luba OEG           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarettevõttele   | _id=216845        |             |           |
|           | Ukrainas           |                   |             |           |
|           | kasiinooperaatori  |                   |             |           |
|           | Eldorado ostuks    |                   |             |           |
| 16.08.200 | Konsolideeritud    | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | auditeerimata      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | majandustulemused, | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | 6 kuud 2007        | _id=216808        |             |           |
| 1.08.2007 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | avab Kristiine     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | keskuses uuendatud | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | mängukoha          | _id=216556        |             |           |
| 18.07.200 | Tütarettevõtjate   | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Olympic Casino     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Eesti AS ja        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Kristiine Kasiino  | _id=216315        |             |           |
|           | AS ühinemise       |                   |             |           |
|           | lõpetamine         |                   |             |           |
| 18.07.200 | OEG avas 12.       | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | kasiino Ukrainas   | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=216280        |             |           |
| 17.07.200 | OSALUSE OMANDAMINE | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | KESKLINNA HOTELLI  | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | OÜ-s               | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=216262        |             |           |
| 13.07.200 | Leedu              | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | tütarettevõtte     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | juhi vahetumine    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=216228        |             |           |
| 12.07.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group AS           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarettevõtete    | _id=216210        |             |           |
|           | ühinemine          |                   |             |           |
| 5.07.2007 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group'i Ukraina    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarfirma sõlmis  | _id=216097        |             |           |
|           | eellepingu         |                   |             |           |
|           | kohaliku           |                   |             |           |
|           | kasiinooperaatori  |                   |             |           |
|           | ostuks             |                   |             |           |
| 4.07.2007 | OEG hakkab         | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | arendama           | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | kasiinohotellide   | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | suunda             | _id=216077        |             |           |
| 28.06.200 | Poola              | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | tütarettevõtte     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | juhi vahetumine    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=215938        |             |           |
| 14.06.200 | Uus                | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | finantsdirektor    | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=215702        |             |           |
| 5.06.2007 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group avas 11.     | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kasiino Ukrainas   | _id=215486        |             |           |
| 31.05.200 | Aktsiate           | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | emiteerimine       | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | AS-ile KC Grupp    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=215368        |             |           |
| 31.05.200 | Enno Heinla        | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | teenistuslepingu   | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | lõppemine          | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=215312        |             |           |
| 30.05.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group avas kasiino | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Poolas             | _id=215220        |             |           |
| 18.05.200 | Konsolideeritud    | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | auditeerimata      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | majandustulemused, | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | 3 kuud 2007        | _id=214940        |             |           |
| 9.05.2007 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group avas teise   | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | mänguautomaadi     | _id=214673        |             |           |
|           | kasiino Valgevenes |                   |             |           |
| 3.05.2007 | Kommentaar BNSi    | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | tänasele uudisele: | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Läti Olympic       | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Casino prognoosib  | _id=214570        |             |           |
|           | 20 miljoni latist  |                   |             |           |
|           | müüki              |                   |             |           |
| 30.04.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group avas         | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kümnenda kasiino   | _id=214452        |             |           |
|           | Ukrainas           |                   |             |           |
| 27.04.200 | Tütarettevõtja     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | omandamine Poolas  | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=214409        |             |           |
| 25.04.200 | AKTSIONÄRIDE       | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | ÜLDKOOSOLEKU       | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | OTSUSED            | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=214190        |             |           |
| 25.04.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group asutas firma | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Slovakkias         | _id=214186        |             |           |
| 20.04.200 | Tütarettevõtjate   | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Olympic Casino     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Eesti ja Kristiine | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Kasiino            | _id=214039        |             |           |
| 18.04.200 | AS-i Kristiine     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Kasiino ja OÜ      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Casinova           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | grupisisene        | _id=213961        |             |           |
|           | võõrandamine       |                   |             |           |
| 16.04.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group sai Poola    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | rahandusministeeri | _id=213859        |             |           |
|           | umilt loa Casino   |                   |             |           |
|           | Polonia aktsiate   |                   |             |           |
|           | ostuks             |                   |             |           |
| 12.04.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group AS-i         | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarühing Olympic | _id=213708        |             |           |
|           | Casino Bucharest   |                   |             |           |
|           | SRL omandab kolm   |                   |             |           |
|           | kasiinot Rumeenias |                   |             |           |
| 9.04.2007 | AS-i Kristiine     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | Kasiino ja OÜ      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Casinova           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | omandamise         | _id=213708        |             |           |
|           | lõpuleviimine      |                   |             |           |
| 5.04.2007 | Kommentaar BNS-i   | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | uudisele “Olympic  | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Casino kaotas      | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kohtuasja          | _id=213544        |             |           |
|           | tarbijakaitseameti |                   |             |           |
|           | ga”                |                   |             |           |
| 3.04.2007 | Aktsionäride       | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | korraline          | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | üldkoosolek        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=213459        |             |           |
| 29.03.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group asutas firma | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Rumeenias          | _id=213356        |             |           |
| 23.03.200 | Konkurentsiameti   | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | luba AS Kristiine  | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Kasiino ja OÜ      | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Casinova           | _id=213191        |             |           |
|           | koondumiseks       |                   |             |           |
| 12.03.200 | FINANTSTULEMUSTE   | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | AVALDAMINE 2007.   | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | AASTAL             | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=212841        |             |           |
| 1.03.2007 | AS-i Kristiine     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | Kasiino ja OÜ      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Casinova           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | omandamine         | _id=212614        |             |           |
| 15.02.200 | Nõukogu otsus      | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | optsioonilepingute | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | sõlmimise kohta    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=212233        |             |           |
| 14.02.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Groupi Leedu       | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarfirma sai     | _id=212201        |             |           |
|           | täiendava          |                   |             |           |
|           | litsentsi          |                   |             |           |
| 5.02.2007 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | avas Järve         | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | keskuses           | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | mänguautomaadikasi | _id=212024        |             |           |
|           | ino                |                   |             |           |
| 26.01.200 | Finantsinspektsioo | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | ni otsus           | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=211870        |             |           |
| 16.01.200 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | avas üheksanda     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | kasiino Ukrainas   | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=211677        |             |           |
| 10.01.200 | 2006. aasta        | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|         7 | müügitulemused     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=211582        |             |           |
| 9.01.2007 | 2006. aasta        | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | müügitulemuste     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | avaldamisest       | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=211553        |             |           |
| 3.01.2007 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |           |
|           | avas               | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | aastavahetusel uue | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kasiino ja kolis   | _id=211471        |             |           |
|           | ümber Balti Jaama  |                   |             |           |
|           | mängukoha          |                   |             |           |

2008. aasta jooksul (kuni 06. maini 2008.a.) on AS Olympic Entertainment Group
avalikustanud börsisüsteemide kaudu järgmist informatsiooni: 

| Kuupäev   | Avaldatud info     | Viide             | Tallinna    | Varssavi  |
|           |                    |                   | Börs        | Börs      |
| 29.04.200 | OEG avas kasiinod  | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | Ukrainas ja Poolas | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=223165        |             |           |
| 28.04.200 | AKTSIONÄRIDE       | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | KORRALINE          | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | ÜLDKOOSOLEK        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=223072        |             |           |
| 23.04.200 | OEG avas Rumeenias | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | viienda kasiino    | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=222935        |             |           |
| 23.04.200 | OEG tütarettevõtte | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | Olympic Casino     | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Eesti AS 1.        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kvartali 2008      | _id=222932        |             |           |
|           | auditeerimata      |                   |             |           |
|           | äritulud           |                   |             |           |
| 16.04.200 | OEG avas Ukrainas  | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | uue kasiino        | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=222645        |             |           |
| 26.03.200 | Muudatus OEG       | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | Ukraina            | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | tütarettevõtete    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | juhtimises         | _id=222099        |             |           |
| 7.03.2008 | Muudatused OEG     | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|           | tütarettevõtete    | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | juhtorganites ja   | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | tütarfirma         | _id=221623        |             |           |
|           | asutamine          |                   |             |           |
| 22.02.200 | OEG avas Ukrainas  | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | esimese            | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | rebränditud        | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | kasiino            | _id=221115        |             |           |
| 21.02.200 | Olympic            | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | Entertainment      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | Group AS  2007.a   | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | auditeerimata      | _id=221109        |             |           |
|           | majandustulemused  |                   |             |           |
| 6.02.2008 | Olympic Casino     | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|           | alustab            | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | kasiinooperatsioon | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | idega Slovakkias   | _id=220879        |             |           |
| 22.01.200 | OEG investeeris 22 | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | miljonit krooni    | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | uude kasiinosse    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | Rumeenias          | _id=220210        |             |           |
| 18.01.200 | AS Admirāļu Klubs  | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | omandamise         | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | eellepingu         | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | lõpetamine         | _id=220172        |             |           |
| 15.01.200 | Parandusteade: OEG | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | 2007. aasta        | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | auditeerimata      | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | äritulud ületasid  | _id=220141        |             |           |
|           | prognoose 189      |                   |             |           |
|           | miljoni krooni     |                   |             |           |
|           | võrra              |                   |             |           |
| 15.01.200 | OEG 2007. aasta    | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | auditeerimata      | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | äritulud ületasid  | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           | prognoose 189      | _id=220134        |             |           |
|           | miljoni krooni     |                   |             |           |
|           | võrra              |                   |             |           |
| 14.01.200 | FINANTSTULEMUSTE   | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|         8 | AVALDAMINE 2008.   | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           | AASTAL             | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=220117        |             |           |
| 3.01.2008 | OEG avas 15.       | http://www.baltic |      X      |     X     |
|           | kasiino Ukrainas   | .omxgroup.com/mar |             |           |
|           |                    | ket/?pg=news&news |             |           |
|           |                    | _id=219954        |             |           |


Andri Avila
Juhatuse liige
Olympic Entertainment Group 
Tel + 372 667 1250
E-post andri.avila@oc.eu


Announcements released by Olympic Entertainment Group AS


According to § 135 section 4 of the Securities Market Act of Estonia we hereby
inform that AS Olympic Entertainment Group has released the following
information through the stock exchange systems during 2007: 

| Date       | Information         | Reference      | Tallinn     | Warsaw     |
|            |                     |                | Stock       | Stock      |
|            |                     |                | Exchange    | Exchange   |
|  3.12.2007 | Comment of OEG to   | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | the gaming market   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | situation in Kyiv,  | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | capital of Ukraine  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 19543          |             |            |
| 26.11.2007 | New casino in       | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | Ukraine             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 19255          |             |            |
| 20.11.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | opened its first    | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | rebranded casino in | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Romania             | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 19123          |             |            |
| 15.11.2007 | Unaudited           | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | consolidated        | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | operating results   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | for nine months of  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | 2007                | 19044          |             |            |
| 30.10.2007 | Changes in Olympic  | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | structure           | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 18695          |             |            |
| 26.10.2007 | Entering into       | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | preliminary         | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | contract for the    | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | acquisition of AS   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Admirāļu klubs      | 18621          |             |            |
| 11.10.2007 | Fourth casino in    | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Belarus             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 18309          |             |            |
|  3.10.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | expanded Rocca al   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Mare casino         | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 18184          |             |            |
| 27.09.2007 | The merger of       | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Olympic             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | AS subsidiaries     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 18066          |             |            |
| 26.09.2007 | Shares of OEG to    | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | begin trading in    | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Warsaw Stock        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Exchange on         | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | September 26        | 18040          |             |            |
| 21.09.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | to be listed on the | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Warsaw Stock        | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Exchange            | 17570          |             |            |
| 19.09.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | opened its third    | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | casino in Belarus   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 17525          |             |            |
| 17.09.2007 | OEG acquired casino | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | operator in Ukraine | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 17481          |             |            |
| 11.09.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | opened its 13th     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 17380          |             |            |
| 31.08.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | opens two former    | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Kristiine casinos   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | in Tallinn          | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 17139          |             |            |
| 27.08.2007 | OEG enters the      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | market of           | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | B-category slot     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | machines in         | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Lithuania           | 16966          |             |            |
| 22.08.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | established a       | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | company in Romania  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16907          |             |            |
| 17.08.2007 | Ukrainian           | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Competition Board   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | allows OEG`s        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | subsidiary in       | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Ukraine to acquire  | 16844          |             |            |
|            | casino operator     |                |             |            |
|            | Eldorado            |                |             |            |
| 16.08.2007 | Unaudited           | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | consolidated        | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | operating results   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | for the first half  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | of 2007             | 16809          |             |            |
|  1.08.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | opens a rebranded   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | slot casino in      | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Kristiine Centre    | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16557          |             |            |
| 18.07.2007 | Merger dissolution  | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | of subsidiaries     | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Olympic Casino      | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Eesti AS and        | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Kristiine Kasiino   | 16314          |             |            |
|            | AS                  |                |             |            |
| 18.07.2007 | OEG opened its 12th | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16281          |             |            |
| 17.07.2007 | AQUIRING A HOLDING  | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | IN KESKLINNA        | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | HOTELLI OÜ          | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16263          |             |            |
| 13.07.2007 | Change of general   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | manager of the      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Lithuanian          | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | subsidiary          | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16227          |             |            |
| 12.07.2007 | The merger of       | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Olympic             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | subsidiaries        | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16209          |             |            |
|  5.07.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Ukraine signed a    | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | preliminary         | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | contract for        | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | acquisition of      | 16096          |             |            |
|            | local casino        |                |             |            |
|            | operator            |                |             |            |
|  4.07.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | begins to develop   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | casino hotel        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | business            | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 16076          |             |            |
| 28.06.2007 | Change of general   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | manager of the      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Polish subsidiary   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 15939          |             |            |
| 14.06.2007 | New Chief Financial | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Officer             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 15701          |             |            |
|  5.06.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | opened its 11th     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 15487          |             |            |
| 31.05.2007 | Issue of shares to  | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | AS KC Grupp         | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 15367          |             |            |
| 31.05.2007 | Employment contract | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | of Enno Heinla      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | expires             | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 15313          |             |            |
| 30.05.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | opened a casino in  | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Poland              | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 15221          |             |            |
| 18.05.2007 | Consolidated        | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | unaudited operating | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | results for Q1,     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | 2007                | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 14941          |             |            |
|  9.05.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | opened its second   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | slot casino in      | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Belorussia          | 14672          |             |            |
|  3.05.2007 | Comment on BNS news | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | today: Olympic      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Casino Latvia       | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | estimates sales of  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Ls 20 million       | 14571          |             |            |
| 30.04.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | opened its tenth    | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 14453          |             |            |
| 27.04.2007 | Acquisition of a    | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | subsidiary in       | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Poland              | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 14410          |             |            |
| 25.04.2007 | RESOLUTIONS OF THE  | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | AGM                 | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 14189          |             |            |
| 25.04.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | established a       | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | company in Slovakia | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 14185          |             |            |
| 20.04.2007 | Merger of the       | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | subsidiaries        | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Olympic Casino      | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Eesti and Kristiine | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Kasiino             | 14040          |             |            |
| 18.04.2007 | Intra group         | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | transfer of AS      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Kristiine Kasiino   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | and OÜ Casinova     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 13962          |             |            |
| 16.04.2007 | Poland's Ministry   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | of Finance allows   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Olympic             | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | to acquire shares   | 13860          |             |            |
|            | of Casino Polonia   |                |             |            |
| 12.04.2007 | The subsidiary of   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Olympic             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | AS Olympic Casino   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Bucharest SRL will  | 13707          |             |            |
|            | acquire three       |                |             |            |
|            | casinos in Rumania  |                |             |            |
|  9.04.2007 | Closing of          | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | transaction for     | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | acquiring AS        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Kristiine Kasiino   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | and OÜ Casinova     | 13587          |             |            |
|  5.04.2007 | Comment on BNS news | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | „Olympic Casino     | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Lost a Case Against | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Consumer Protection | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Board”              | 13548          |             |            |
|  3.04.2007 | Annual general      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | meeting of          | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | shareholders        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 13458          |             |            |
| 29.03.2007 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | established a       | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | company in Romania  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 13357          |             |            |
| 23.03.2007 | Permit of the       | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Competition Board   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | for the             | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | concentration of AS | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Kristiine Kasiino   | 13192          |             |            |
|            | and OÜ Casinova     |                |             |            |
| 12.03.2007 | REPORTING CALENDAR  | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | IN 2007             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 12842          |             |            |
|  1.03.2007 | Acquisition of AS   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Kristiine Kasiino   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | and OÜ Casinova     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 12613          |             |            |
| 15.02.2007 | Resolution of the   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | supervisory board   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | on execution of     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | option agreements   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 12234          |             |            |
| 14.02.2007 | Subsidiary of OEG   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | received additional | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | license in          | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Lithuania           | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 12202          |             |            |
|  5.02.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | opened a new slot   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | casino in the Järve | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | shopping centre     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 12025          |             |            |
| 26.01.2007 | Decision of the     | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | Estonian Financial  | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Supervision         | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Authority           | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 11869          |             |            |
| 16.01.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | opened its ninth    | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 11678          |             |            |
| 10.01.2007 | Sales results for   | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | the year 2006       | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 11583          |             |            |
|  9.01.2007 | About publishing    | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | preliminary sales   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | figures of 2006     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 11552          |             |            |
|  3.01.2007 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |            |
|            | opened a new casino | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | and relocated the   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | casino in Baltic    | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Railway Station     | 11472          |             |            |

Between 1 January 2008 and 06 May 2008, AS Olympic Entertainment Group has
released the following information through the stock exchange systems: 

| Date       | Information         | Reference      | Tallinn     | Warsaw     |
|            |                     |                | Stock       | Stock      |
|            |                     |                | Exchange    | Exchange   |
| 29.04.2008 | OEG opened casinos  | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | in Ukraine and      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Poland              | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 23164          |             |            |
| 28.04.2008 | ANNUAL GENERAL      | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | MEETING OF          | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | SHAREHOLDERS        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 23078          |             |            |
| 23.04.2008 | OEG opened 5th      | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | casino in Romania   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 22934          |             |            |
| 23.04.2008 | OEG`s subsidiary    | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | Olympic Casino      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Eesti AS 2008 Q1    | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | unaudited revenues  | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 22933          |             |            |
| 16.04.2008 | OEG opened a new    | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 22644          |             |            |
| 26.03.2008 | Changes in the      | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | management of OEG   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | Ukrainian           | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | subsidiaries        | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 22100          |             |            |
|  7.03.2008 | OEG changes         | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | management of two   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | subsidiaries and    | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | sets up a new       | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | subsidiary          | 21624          |             |            |
| 22.02.2008 | OEG opened its      | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | first rebranded     | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 21116          |             |            |
| 21.02.2008 | Olympic             | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | Entertainment Group | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | AS  2007. unaudited | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | operating results   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 21110          |             |            |
|  6.02.2008 | Olympic Casino      | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | launches casino     | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | operations in       | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | Slovakia            | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 20878          |             |            |
| 22.01.2008 | OEG invested EEK 22 | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | million in the new  | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | casino in Romania   | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 20211          |             |            |
| 18.01.2008 | Cancellation of the | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | preliminary         | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | contract for the    | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | acquisition of AS   | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | Admirāļu Klubs      | 20173          |             |            |
| 15.01.2008 | Unaudited annual    | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | revenue of OEG      | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            | exceeded the        | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            | forecast by 189     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            | million kroons      | 20135          |             |            |
| 14.01.2008 | REPORTING CALENDAR  | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | IN 2008             | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 20118          |             |            |
|  3.01.2008 | OEG opened its 15th | http://www.bal |      x      |     x      |
|            | casino in Ukraine   | tic.omxgroup.c |             |            |
|            |                     | om/market/?pg= |             |            |
|            |                     | news&news_id=2 |             |            |
|            |                     | 19953          |             |            |

For additional information please contact:

Andri Avila
Member of the Management Board
Olympic Entertainment Group AS
Phone + 372 667 1250
E-mail: andri.avila@oc.eu