


Muu oluline informatsioon


08.04.2008 09:10:00


Baltika rajab büroo- ja ärikvartali


Baltika rajab Tallinna kesklinna disaini- ja loovettevõtete kontoreid koondava  
Baltika Kvartali.                                                               

2008. aasta alguses käivitus Baltika Kvartali esimene etapp, mille käigus       
ehitatakse endise Baltika õmblusvabriku hoone ümber viie korruse ning           
10 000-ruutmeetrise üldpinnaga büroo- ja ärihooneks. Uues hoones võtab suurima  
pinna Baltika peakontor ning eksperimentaalkauplus. Ülejäänud pinnad üüritakse  

Arenduse esimene etapp valmib 2009. aasta mais ning selle maksumuseks kujuneb   
kuni 160 miljonit krooni (10 miljonit eurot).                                   

Arenduse teises etapis plaanitakse täiendava hoone rajamist senise Baltika      
sisehoovi territooriumile, samuti haljasalade kujundamist. Teise etapi ajakava  
selgub peale esimene etapi lõppu.                                               

Kvartali ehitustööde peatöövõtjaks on Harju Ehitus. Hoonetekompleksi            
arhitektuurilahenduse on välja töötanud büroode 3+1 ja Studio 3 arhitektid.     

Triin Palge                                                                     
Investorsuhete juht                                                             
+372 630 2886


Baltika establishes an office and business quarter


Baltika is set to establish the Baltika Quarter, a project that is expected to  
unite the design and creative companies in the centre of Tallinn.               

In the beginning of 2008, Baltika launched the first phase of the Baltika       
Quarter involving reconstruction of the former sewing factory into a five-storey
and 10,000 square metre business centre. The largest premises of the new centre 
will be occupied by Baltika's headquarters and a unique experimental store. The 
rest of the space will be let.                                                  

The first phase of the development project should be completed in May 2009 and  
the total cost of the project is estimated to be approximately 160 million      
kroons (10 million euros).                                                      

The second phase of the development project includes constructing of an         
additional building on the territory of Baltika's courtyard as well as landscape
works. The time schedule of the second phase will be determined after the       
completion of the first phase.                                                  

The main contractor of the construction works is Harju Ehitus. The architectural
solutions of the building complex were developed by the architects of the design
bureaus 3+1 and Studio 3.                                                       

Triin Palge                                                                     
Head of investor relations                                                      
+372 630 2886