
AS Trigon Property Development


Muu oluline informatsioon


07.03.2008 08:45:30


TPD: Saue vallavolikogu istungi protokoll Gate Tallinn detailplaneeringu menetlemisel



AS Trigon Property Development (TPD) teatab käesolevaga, et vastavalt Saue
vallavolikogu 28.02.2008.a. toimunud istungi protokollile, on volikogu Gate
Tallinn detailplaneeringu menetlemisega seonduvalt asunud seisukohale, et
nimetatud detailplaneeringu menetlemist jätkatakse peale Tallinn-Pärnu-Ikla
maantee (Via Baltica) Tallinna linna piirist kuni Kanamaa liiklussõlmeni asuva
teelõigu tehnilise eelprojekti kinnitamist Maanteeameti poolt. Sama volikogu
protokollis on märgitud, et Gate Tallinna planeeringule on saadud kõik muud
vajalikud kooskõlastused ning et peale tehnilise eelprojekti kinnitamist ei ole
 muid takistusi Gate Tallinna detailplaneeringu esitamiseks Saue
Vallavolikogule vastuvõtmiseks. 

OÜ Chester Universal, kes on Gate Tallinna arendusala omanik, on valmis
soovitud tehnilist eelprojekti (Via Baltica maantee teelõik Tallinna linna
piirist kuni Kanama liiklussõlmeni) teostama ja finantseerima ning kinnitas, et
töödega on juba ka alustatud. Sõltuvalt tehnilise eelprojekti lahenduste
edenemisest, on TPD juhatuse hinnangul võimalik Gate Tallinna planeering
esitada volikogule vastuvõtmiseks 3-6 kuu möödumisel, kuid lõplik otsus
planeeringu vastuvõtmiseks ja võimalikud muudatused protsessis, on Saue
Vallavolikogu pädevuses. 

Ülo Adamson
Nõukogu esimees
+372 6679 200


TPD: The minutes of the Saue municipality local council meeting on proceedings of the Gate Tallinn detail plan


March 7, 2008

AS Trigon Property Development (TPD) hereby announces that according to minutes
of the Saue municipality local council meeting held on February 28, 2008 in
relation to the proceedings of Gate Tallinn detail plan, the municipality local
council has formed its opinion that the proceedings of the said detail plan
will be continued after the approval of the preliminary technical project of
the section of Tallin-Pärnu-Ikla highway (the Via Baltica) from the border of
Tallinn city to the Kanama cross-road by the Estonian Road Administration. The
local council has indicated in the minutes of the same meeting that the Gate
Tallinn detail plan has received all other necessary approvals and that after
approval of the preliminary technical project there are no other obstacles to
present the Gate Tallinn detail plan to the Saue municipality council for

OÜ Chester Universal, who is the owner of Gate Tallinn development area has
consented to perform and finance the requested preliminary technical project
(of the section of the Via Baltica highway from the border of Tallinn city to
the Kanama cross-road) and stated that the work has already been started.
Depending on the development of the preliminary technical project solutions it
is the estimation of the management of TPD that it will be possible to present
the Gate Tallinn detail plan to Saue municipality local council for approval
within next 3-6 months, however, the final decision as well as any amendments
to the process shall be within the powers of the Saue municipality local

Ülo Adamson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
+372 6679 200