
AS Trigon Property Development


Muu oluline informatsioon


21.02.2008 16:17:49


TPD: Gate Tallinn detailplaneeringu menetlemine


21. veebruar 2008

AS Trigon Property Development (TPD) teatab käesolevaga, et vastavalt Saue
valla poolt täna avaldatud järgmise, 28.02.2008 toimuva, volikogu istungi
päevakorrale, ei võeta volikogu järgmisel istungil vastu otsust ”Gate Tallinn”
arendusala detailplaneeringu vastuvõtmiseks. Selle asemel tuleb arutlusele
detailplaneeringuga seonduv, selleks et otsustada edasine täpsem tegevuskava. 

Alates detailplaneeringu algatamisest 26.05.2005.a., on OÜ Chester Universal
teinud aktiivset koostööd Saue valla ja Maanteeametiga, leidmaks
parimatlahendust arendusala lähistel paikneva avalike- ja erateede võrgu
väljaehitamiseks. Saue vald ei ole tänase päeva seisuga nõustunud allkirjastama
koostöökokkulepet teedevõrgu väljaehitamiseks, kuna valla esindajad soovivad
näha detailsemat tehnilist eelprojekti, mis tooks välja Tallinn-Pärnu maantee
(Via Baltika) ristmike tehnilised lahendused arendusala ähistel. 

TPD avaldab täpsema informatsiooni ”Gate Tallinna” detailplaneeringu edasise
menetlemise ajakava kohta peale volikogu 28.02.2008 toimuval istungil
vastuvõetud otsuste avaldamist. 

Kõigi varasemates börsiteadetes avalikustatud TPD kavandatavate korporatiivsete
sündmuste (k.a. aktsionäride erakorraline koosolek ja väikeaktsionäridele
tehtav ülevõtmispakkumine AS Trigon Capital poolt) toimumise eelduseks, nagu ka
varasemalt mainitud, on ”Gate Tallinna” detailplaneeringu vastuvõtmine, ja need
lükkuvad seetõttu vastava aja võrra edasi. 

Ülo Adamson
Nõukogu esimees
+372 6679 200


TPD: Proceedings related to Gate Tallinn detail plan


February 21, 2008

AS Trigon Property Development (TPD) hereby announces that according to the
agenda published today for the upcoming February 28, 2008 meeting of Saue
municipality local council (volikogu), the local council will not take a
decision in regards to approving the detail plan for the “Gate Tallinn”
development area at the upcoming meeting. Instead, the detail plan
relatedfurther steps will be discussed in order to decide on specific steps

On the basis of the work carried out since initiation of the detail plan on
development area on May 26, 2005, OÜ Chester Universal has been actively
working with the municipality and the Estonian Road Administration in coming up
with the best possible solution for the construction and development of the
public and private road networks around the development area. Saue municipality
has currently not signed the initially planned co-operation agreement for the
development and construction of the road network as the municipality
representatives have asked for a more detailed  reliminary technical project,
which would show technical solutions for the cross-roads on the Tallinn-Pärnu
high-way (the Via Baltica) nearby the development area. 

Further information on the time-line in regards to the Gate Tallinn detail plan
process will be announced by TPD once it is informed of the decisions
concerning the Gate Tallinn project that will be taken at the municipal council
meeting on February 28, 2008. 

All TPD's corporate events (including an Extraordinary shareholders' meeting
and a buy-out offer to the minority shareholders by AS Trigon Capital), which
have been announced in previous stock exchange releases, are subject to
approval of the Gate Tallinn detail plan (as has been mentioned in the
respective releases) and will be therefore delayed accordingly. 

Ülo Adamson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
+372 6679 200