
AS Tallink Grupp


Muu oluline informatsioon


13.12.2007 16:41:00


2007 novembri ja 2007/2008 I kvartali statistika


AS-i Tallink Grupp laevadega veetud reisijate arv novembris 2007 oli 480 974,   
mis on 5,7% madalam kui aasta tagasi. Eesti-Soome vahelises liikluses on tunda  
uue laeva Star ja Shuttle teenuse positiivset mõju, mille tulemusena kasvas     
reisijate arv novembris 5,6% ning Tallinki turuosa nimetatud liinil tõusis      
ligikaudu 50%-ni. Veetud kaubaveoühikute arv kokku novembris oli 29 844.        
Sõiduautode arv kasvas ligi 12% ja ulatus 39 754-ni.                            

Oktoobris toimunud üleminek uuele, kogu ettevõtet hõlmavale piletite 
broneerimis- ja registreerimissüsteemile avaldas negatiivset mõju ka novembri   
broneeringutele, kuid samas on näha, et süsteemi käivitamisest tingitud mõjud
on vähenemas. 

2007 a. novembris ja 2007/2008 majandusaasta esimeses kvartalis veeti AS-i      
Tallink Grupp laevadega reisijaid, kaubaveoühikuid ja sõiduautosid järgmisel:   

|             | Nov     | Nov     | muutus|   | I Q 2007  | I Q 2006  | muutus |
|             | 2007    | 2006    |       |   |           |           |        |
| Reisijad    | 480 974 | 510 254 | -5,7% |   | 1 510 079 | 1 616 869 |  -6,6% |
| Soome-Rootsi| 192 819 | 235 486 | -18,1%|   |   630 473 |   756 183 | -16,6% |
| Eesti-Soome | 213 828 | 202 431 |  5,6% |   |   634 301 |   627 382 |   1,1% |
| Eesti-Rootsi|  47 848 |  52 305 | -8,5% |   |   147 162 |   164 370 | -10,5% |
| Läti-Rootsi |  20 100 |  13 269 | 51,5% |   |    72 635 |    41 871 |  73,5% |
| Soome-Saksa |   6 379 |   6 763 | -5,7% |   |    25 508 |    27 063 |  -5,7% |
|Kaubaveoühikud| 29 844 |  31 262 | -4,5% |   |    91 897 |    92 914 |  -1,1% |
| Soome-Rootsi|   8 581 |  11 082 | -22,6%|   |    27 285 |    34 504 | -20,9% |
| Eesti-Soome |  10 337 |   9 265 | 11,6% |   |    30 831 |    27 141 |  13,6% |
| Eesti-Rootsi|   3 765 |   3 881 | -3,0% |   |    11 872 |    11 457 |   3,6% |
| Läti-Rootsi |   1 155 |     680 | 69,9% |   |     3 292 |     1 682 |  95,7% |
| Soome-Saksa |   6 006 |   6 354 | -5,5% |   |    18 617 |    18 130 |   2,7% |
| Sõiduautod  |  39 754 |  35 591 | 11,7% |   |   132 092 |   124 421 |   6,2% |
| Soome-Rootsi|   8 331 |  10 041 | -17,0%|   |    34 314 |    40 434 | -15,1% |
| Eesti-Soome |  24 156 |  17 748 | 36,1% |   |    70 252 |    53 823 |  30,5% |
| Eesti-Rootsi|   2 768 |   3 837 | -27,9%|   |    10 184 |    14 512 | -29,8% |
| Läti-Rootsi |   2 804 |   1 862 | 50,6% |   |    10 687 |     6 870 |  55,6% |
| Soome-Saksa |   1 695 |   2 103 | -19,4%|   |     6 655 |     8 782 | -24,2% |

Arengutele avaldasid mõju järgmised asjaolud.                                   


M/L SkyWind müügist 2007 aasta augustis tulenes madalam veomahutavus võrreldes  
eelmise aasta esimese kvartaliga. Muutus on peamiselt mõjutanud kaubaveoühikute 


„Tallink Shuttle“ teenus mida opereerib uus M/L Star võrreldes Autoexpress      
kiirlaevade, M/L Meloodia ja M/L Regal Star opereerimisega eelmise aasta samal  


Erinevalt eelmisest aastast ei opereeri M/L Vana Tallinn enam                   
Paldiski-Kapellskäri liinil.                                                    


Opereerimine kahe laevaga ja igapäevased väljumised mõlemasse sihtpunkti        
võrreldes ühe laeva opereerimisega eelmisel majandusaastal on suurendanud       
Läti-Rootsi liini mahtusid.                                                     

Tulenevalt eelpoolnimetatud muutustest opereerimistes ja laevastikus on reiside 
arv meie liinidel eelmise aastaga võrreldes vähenenud 30%.                      

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
Fax. +372 6409 810                                                              
E-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


Statistics for November 2007 and I quarter of 2007/2008 financial year


The total number of passengers carried by AS Tallink Grupp in November 2007 was 
480,974 which is 5.7% less than in November 2006. The impact of our new Shuttle 
vessel “Star” is noticeable as the passenger numbers between Estonia and Finland
increased by 5.6% and Tallink's market share increased to approximately 50%. The
number of cargo units transported in November was 29 844.  The number of        
passenger cars increased by nearly 12% and reached 39,754.                      

The implementation of the new Group wide booking and check-in system in October 
had negative impact also to the November bookings, however we see that the      
impact is already reducing. 
AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo units and passenger car numbers for         
November 2007 and first quarter of the 2007/2008 financial year were the        
|            | Nov     | Nov     | change |  | I Q 2007  | I Q 2006  | change  |
|            | 2007    | 2006    |        |  |           |           |         |
| Passengers | 480,974 | 510,254 |  -5.7% |  | 1,510,079 | 1,616,869 |   -6.6% |
| Finland-   | 192,819 | 235,486 | -18.1% |  |   630,473 |   756,183 |  -16.6% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Estonia-   | 213,828 | 202,431 |   5.6% |  |   634,301 |   627,382 |    1.1% |
| Finland    |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Estonia-   |  47,848 |  52,305 |  -8.5% |  |   147,162 |   164,370 |  -10.5% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Latvia-    |  20,100 |  13,269 |  51.5% |  |    72,635 |    41,871 |   73.5% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Finland-   |   6,379 |   6,763 |  -5.7% |  |    25,508 |    27,063 |   -5.7% |
| Germany    |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Cargo      |  29,844 |  31,262 |  -4.5% |  |    91,897 |    92,914 |   -1.1% |
| units      |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Finland-   |   8,581 |  11,082 | -22.6% |  |    27,285 |    34,504 |  -20.9% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Estonia-   |  10,337 |   9,265 |  11.6% |  |    30,831 |    27,141 |   13.6% |
| Finland    |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Estonia-   |   3,765 |   3,881 |  -3.0% |  |    11,872 |    11,457 |    3.6% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Latvia-    |   1,155 |     680 |  69.9% |  |     3,292 |     1,682 |   95.7% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Finland-   |   6,006 |   6,354 |  -5.5% |  |    18,617 |    18,130 |    2.7% |
| Germany    |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Vehicles   |  39,754 |  35,591 |  11.7% |  |   132,092 |   124,421 |    6.2% |
| Finland-   |   8,331 |  10,041 | -17.0% |  |    34,314 |    40,434 |  -15.1% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Estonia-   |  24,156 |  17,748 |  36.1% |  |    70,252 |    53,823 |   30.5% |
| Finland    |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Estonia-   |   2,768 |   3,837 | -27.9% |  |    10,184 |    14,512 |  -29.8% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Latvia-    |   2,804 |   1,862 |  50.6% |  |    10,687 |     6,870 |   55.6% |
| Sweden     |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |
| Finland-   |   1,695 |   2,103 | -19.4% |  |     6,655 |     8,782 |  -24.2% |
| Germany    |         |         |        |  |           |           |         |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


The sale of M/S SkyWind in August 2007 resulted in smaller capacities in the    
first quarter of 2007 compared to the same period of previous year. The change  
mainly affected the cargo units.                                                


Tallink Shuttle service with new M/S Star was operated between Tallinn and      
Helsinki route compared to the Autoexpress service and the operations of M/S    
Meloodia and M/S Regal Star in the same period of last year.                    

M/S Vana Tallinn does not operate any more between Paldiski-Kapellskär, but was 
there last year.                                                                

The operations of two vessels and everyday departures to both destinations      
compared to one vessel operations in previous financial year have increased the 
volumes on Latvia-Sweden route.                                                 

As a result of the above mentioned operational and fleet changes the overall    
number of trips on our routes has decreased by 30% compared to the number of    
trips last year.                                                                

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
Fax: +372 6409 810                                                              
E-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee