
AS Trigon Property Development


Muu oluline informatsioon


03.12.2007 15:38:22


Edasiste teadete ajakava


Vastuseks mitmetele päringutele AS Trigon Property Development tulevikuplaanide
ja  kavandatava aktsiaemissiooni toimumise aja kohta teatame käesolevaga, et
koosolek, kus võetakse vastu otsused AS Trigon Property Development
aktsionäridele tehtavate ettepanekute kohta toimub 11. detsembril 2007. 

Täpsem informatsioon avaldatakse eraldi börsiteatena 12. detsembril 2007. 

Ülo Adamson
Nõukogu esimees
+372 51 39 424


Time-line on further announcements


In response to queries about future development plans and the timing of the
planned share issue of AS Trigon Property Development, we hereby announce that
a meeting where decisions regarding proposals to be presented to the
shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development will be taken, has been agreed
for December 11, 2007. 

Relevant information will be announced through a separate stock exchange
release on December 12, 2007. 

Ülo Adamson
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
+372 51 39 424