
AS Trigon Property Development


Juhtkonna vaheteadaanne või kvartaalne finantsaruanne


30.11.2007 15:08:39


AS Trigon Property Development Majandustulemused, 9 kuud 2007


Aruandeperioodil toimus ettevõtte majandustegevuses oluline muudatus, kui       
29.06.2007 allkirjastati AS Trigon Property Development jagunemiskava, mille    
tulemusena eraldus AS-ist Trigon Property Development tootmisega tegelev osa -  
ehitusmaterjalide divisjon ja mööblidivisjon. Nimetatud otsuse kiitis heaks     
06.08.2007 toimunud aktsionäride üldkoosolek. 19.09.2007 kanti jagunemine       
äriregistrisse. AS-i Trigon Property Development põhitegevuseks jagunemise      
järgselt jääb kinnisvara arendustegevus.
AS Trigon Property Development 2007. aasta III kvartali aruanne on koostatud AS 
Viisnurk jagunemise järgselt, kajastades jätkuva tegevusvaldkonna               
(kinnisvaraarendus) äritegevust 2007. aasta 9 kuu jooksul. AS Viisnurk tootmis- 
ja müügitegevus jätkub Tallinna börsi põhinimekirjas noteeritud ettevõttes AS   
2007. aasta 9 kuu lõpu seisuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte         
arendusprojekti, milleks on 40 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Niidu      
piirkonnas. Alale on plaanis arendada logistika, laomajanduse ja kergetööstuse  
tarbeks kommertskinnisvara. AS Trigon Property Development kavatseb             
lähitulevikus oluliselt laiendada oma kinnisvarainvesteeringute portfelli ning  
peab hetkel uute projektide omandamiseks aktiivseid läbirääkimisi.              
Käesolevas teates esitatud bilanss seisuga 30.09.2007 kajastab täielikult AS    
Trigon Property Development varasid, kohustusi ja omakapitali, mis jäid         
ettevõttesse peale AS Viisnurk eraldumist. Bilanss seisuga 31.12.2006 sisaldab  
ka jagunemise käigus eraldunud ettevõtte AS Viisnurk varasid, kohustusi ja      
Võrreldes varasemalt avaldatud AS Trigon Property Development 2006. aasta       
konsolideeritud aastaaruandega, on esitatud bilansis seisuga 31.12.2006         
korrigeeritud kinnisvarainvesteeringute väärtust ja omakapitali. Varasemalt     
olid kinnisvarainvesteeringud kajastatud soetusväärtuses, kuid käesolevas       
bilansis on need kajastatud tagasiulatuvalt õiglases väärtuses.                 
Kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase väärtuse hinnang põhineb sõltumatute          
kvalifitseeritud hindajate poolt väljastatud ekspertarvamusel. Kuni 2006. aasta 
lõpuni baseerusid õiglase väärtuse hinnangud aktiivse turu hindadel, mida       
vajadusel korrigeeriti erinevustega konkreetse vara olemuses, asukohas või      
seisukorras. Alates 2007. aastast baseerub õiglane väärtus diskonteeritud       
rahavoogude prognoosidel. Vähemalt kord aastas hindab investeeringuid sõltumatu 
ekspert, kelle arvamusele tuginedes hindab juhtkond kinnisvarainvesteeringu     
õiglast väärtust ja kajastab õiglase väärtuse muutusi raamatupidamise           
Esitatud 2007. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu kasumiaruandes on kajastatud AS      
Trigon Property Development kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase väärtuse kasvust  
tekkinud kasum ning AS Viisnurk 2007. aasta III kvartali ja 9 kuu kasum, kuna   
raamatupidamislikult eraldati AS Viisnurk varad, kohustused ja omakapital AS    
Trigon Property Development finantsaruannetest seisuga 30.09.2007.              
Vastavalt esitatud kasumiaruandele on AS Trigon Property Development 9 kuu      
puhaskasum 31 320 tuhat EEK (sisaldab AS Viisnurk kasumit). AS Trigon Property  
Development jätkuva tegevusvaldkonna (kinnisvaraarendus) 9 kuu puhaskasum on 19 
445 tuhat EEK, mis on saavutatud läbi kinnisvara õiglase väärtuse kasvu.        

Vastavalt esitatud kasumiaruandele on AS Trigon Property Development 2007.      
aasta 9 kuu puhaskasum aktsia kohta 6,96 EEK, kuid see sisaldab ka AS Viisnurk  
kasumit. AS Trigon Property Development jätkuva tegevusvaldkonnaga              
(kinnisvaraarendus) seotud puhaskasum aktsia kohta 2007. aasta 9 kuuga on 4,32  
EEK aktsia kohta.
AS Trigon Property Development 2007. aasta III kvartali puhaskasum aktsia kohta 
on 1,61 EEK (sisaldab AS Viisnurk kasumit). Trigon Property Development jätkuva 
tegevusvaldkonnaga (kinnisvaraarendus) seotud puhaskasum aktsia kohta 2007.     
aasta III kvartalis on 1,46 EEK aktsia kohta.
AS Trigon Property Development lahustatud puhaskasum aktsia kohta on võrdne     
tava puhaskasumiga aktsia kohta, kuna ettevõttel ei ole potentsiaalseid         
lihtaktsiaid, mille mõju vähendaks puhaskasumit aktsia kohta.                   

Lühendatud konsolideeritud bilanss                                              
|                      |    tuh EEK |      tuh EEK |    tuh EUR |      tuh EUR |
|                      |  30.9.2007 |   31.12.2006 |  30.9.2007 |   31.12.2006 |
|                      |            | korrigeeritu |            | korrigeeritu |
|                      |            |            d |            |            d |
| Raha                 |        807 |       13 138 |         52 |          840 |
| Nõuded ja ettemaksud |          3 |       26 628 |          0 |        1 702 |
| Varud                |          0 |       44 971 |          0 |        2 874 |
| Käibevara kokku      |        810 |       84 737 |         52 |        5 416 |
| Kinnisvarainvesteeri |    130 000 |      128 130 |      8 309 |        8 189 |
| ngud (lisa 2, 3)     |            |              |            |              |
| Materiaalne põhivara |        789 |       57 535 |         50 |        3 677 |
| Immateriaalne        |          0 |          650 |          0 |           42 |
| põhivara             |            |              |            |              |
| Põhivara kokku       |    130 789 |      186 315 |      8 359 |       11 908 |
| AKTIVA KOKKU         |    131 599 |      271 052 |      8 411 |       17 324 |
| Laenukohustused      |        196 |       19 409 |         12 |        1 241 |
| (lisa 4)             |            |              |            |              |
| Võlad ja ettemaksed  |         52 |       30 231 |          3 |        1 932 |
| Lühiajalised         |          0 |          221 |          0 |           14 |
| eraldised            |            |              |            |              |
| Lühiajalised         |        248 |       49 861 |         15 |        3 187 |
| kohustused kokku     |            |              |            |              |
| Pikaajalised         |          0 |        3 047 |          0 |          195 |
| eraldised            |            |              |            |              |
| Pikaajalised         |      2 937 |       28 511 |        188 |        1 822 |
| laenukohustused      |            |              |            |              |
| (lisa 4)             |            |              |            |              |
| Pikaajalised         |      2 937 |       31 558 |        188 |        2 017 |
| kohustused kokku     |            |              |            |              |
| Kohustused kokku     |      3 185 |       81 419 |        203 |        5 204 |
| Aktsiakapital        |     44 991 |       44 991 |      2 875 |        2 875 |
| nimiväärtuses (lisa  |            |              |            |              |
| 5)                   |            |              |            |              |
| Ülekurss (lisa 5)    |      3 537 |       11 332 |        226 |          724 |
| Kohustuslik          |      4 499 |        4 499 |        288 |          288 |
| reservkapital (lisa  |            |              |            |              |
| 5)                   |            |              |            |              |
| Eelmiste perioodide  |     44 067 |       65 259 |      2 816 |        4 171 |
| jaotamata kasum      |            |              |            |              |
| (lisa 2)             |            |              |            |              |
| Aruandeaasta kasum   |     31 320 |       63 552 |      2 003 |        4 062 |
| Omakapital kokku     |    128 414 |      189 633 |      8 208 |       12 120 |
|                      |            |              |            |              |
| PASSIVA KOKKU        |    131 599 |      271 052 |      8 411 |       17 324 |

Lühendatud konsolideeritud kasumiaruanne                                        
|                         | tuh EEK |      tuh EEK |    tuh EUR |      tuh EUR |
|                         |     9 k |     9 k 2006 |   9 k 2007 |     9 k 2006 |
|                         |    2007 | korrigeeritu |            | korrigeeritu |
|                         |         |            d |            |            d |
| Jätkuvad                |         |              |            |              |
| tegevusvaldkonnad       |         |              |            |              |
| Müügitulu (lisa 8)      |     257 |          451 |         16 |           29 |
| Müüdud toodangu kulu    |    -120 |         -167 |         -7 |          -11 |
| Brutokasum              |     137 |          284 |          9 |           18 |
| Üldhalduskulud          |     -68 |            0 |         -4 |            0 |
| Kasum                   |  19 870 |       39 248 |      1 270 |        2 508 |
| kinnisvarainvesteeringu |         |              |            |              |
| ümberhindlusest         |         |              |            |              |
| õiglasele väärtusele    |         |              |            |              |
| (lisa 3)                |         |              |            |              |
| Ärikasum                |  19 939 |       39 532 |      1 275 |        2 526 |
| Neto finantskulu        |     -19 |          -20 |         -1 |           -1 |
| Kasum jätkuvatest       |  19 920 |       39 512 |      1 274 |        2 525 |
| tegevusvaldkondadest    |         |              |            |              |
| enne tulumaksu          |         |              |            |              |
| Kasum lõpetatud         |  11 875 |       19 604 |        759 |        1 253 |
| tegevusvaldkondadest    |         |              |            |              |
| (lisa 6)                |         |              |            |              |
| Tulumaks (lisa 5)       |   (475) |        (438) |       (30) |         (28) |
| PERIOODI PUHASKASUM     |  31 320 |       58 678 |      2 003 |        3 750 |
| Tava puhaskasum aktsia  |    6,96 |        13,04 |       0,45 |         0,83 |
| kohta (lisa 2, 7)       |         |              |            |              |
| Lahustatud puhaskasum   |    6,96 |        13,04 |       0,45 |         0,83 |
| aktsia kohta (lisa 2,   |         |              |            |              |
| 7)                      |         |              |            |              |

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Nõukogu esimees                                                                 
+372 51 39 424


Financial results of Trigon Property Development, 9 months of 2007


On 29 June 2007 a significant change occurred in the economic activity of AS    
Trigon Property Development, when the division plan of AS Trigon Property       
Development was signed pursuant to which the manufacturing unit, i.e. the       
construction materials division and furniture division were spun off from AS    
Trigon Property Development. This resolution was approved by the General        
Meeting of Shareholders on 6 August 2007. The division was entered into the     
commercial register on 19 September 2007. After the division, the main activity 
of AS Trigon Property Development is property development.                      

The financial statements for the III quarter 2007 of Trigon Property            
Development have been prepared after the division of AS Viisnurk, reflecting    
the results of continuing operations (property development) during the first 9  
months of 2007. The manufacturing and sales activities of AS Viisnurk will      
continue in the entity AS Viisnurk which is listed on Tallinn Stock Exchange    
main list.                                                                      

As at the end of the first 9 months of 2007, AS Trigon Property Development     
owned one property development project involving 40 hectare land plot in the    
City of Pärnu, Niidu area. Commercial property for the logistics, warehousing   
and light industries will be developed in this area. In the foreseeable future, 
AS Trigon Property Development intends to significantly expand its portfolio of 
property investments and is currently evolved in active negotiations for        
acquisition of new projects.                                                    
The balance sheet as of 30.09.2007 delivered by the present announcement        
completely reflects the assets, liabilities and equity capital of AS Trigon     
Property Development, which remained in the company after separation of AS      
Viisnurk. The balance sheet as of 31.12.2006 contains also the assets,          
liabilities and equity capital of AS Viisnurk, which were separated during the  

Comparing the currently delivered balance sheet as of 31.12.2006 with the       
consolidated annual report 2006 of AS Trigon Property Development announced     
earlier, the value of property investments and equity capital have been         
adjusted retroactively. Previously the property investments were recognised at  
historical cost principle, but in the current balance sheet the property        
investments are recognised retroactively at the fair value principle.           

The fair value of property investments is based on the evaluation act issued by 
the qualified independent experts. Until the end of year 2006 the fair value    
evaluations were based on prices in the active market that were adjusted, if    
necessary, taking into account differences in the nature, location or condition 
of a specific asset. As from 2007 the fair value evaluations are based on the   
forecast of discounted cash-flow. At least once a year the investments are      
evaluated by an independent expert whose opinion is considered by the           
management while revaluating the fair value of property investments and the     
changes are reflected in the financial statements.                              

The current income statement for III quarter of 2007 and 9 months of 2007       
reflects the profit of AS Trigon Property Development deriving from increase of 
the fair value of the property investment as well as the profit of AS Viisnurk  
for III quarter of 2007 and 9 months of 2007. The results of AS Viisnurk are    
included because the assets, liabilities and equity capital of AS Viisnurk were 
separated from the financial reports of AS Trigon Property development as of    
According to the income statement the 9 months net profit of AS Trigon Property 
Development is 31,320 thousand EEK (includes the profit of AS Viisnurk). The    
profit earned on continuous business activity (property development) of AS      
Trigon Property Development during 9 months is 19,445 thousand EEK, which was   
achieved through the increase of the fair value of property investment.         

According to the presented income statement the earnings per share of AS Trigon 
Property Development for 9 months of 2007 is 6.96 EEK, which contains also the  
profit of AS Viisnurk. The earnings per share of AS Trigon Property Development 
for 9 months of 2007 from the continuous business activity (real estate         
development) is 4.32 EEK.                                                       

The earnings per share of AS Trigon Property Development for III quarter of     
2007 is 1.61 EEK (contains the profit of AS Viisnurk). The earnings per share   
of AS Trigon Property Development from the continuous business activity (real   
estate development) for III quarter of 2007 is 1.46 EEK. Diluted earnings of AS 
Trigon Property Development per share are equal to the basic earnings per share 
because the Company does not have any potential ordinary shares with the        
dilutive effect on the earnings per share.                                      

Condensed consolidated balance sheet                                            
|                          |  EEK thous |  EEK thous |  EUR thous |  EUR thous |
|                          |  30.9.2007 | 31.12.2006 |  30.9.2007 | 31.12.2006 |
|                          |            |   restated |            |   restated |
| Cash                     |        807 |     13 138 |         52 |        840 |
| Receivables and          |          3 |     26 628 |          0 |      1 702 |
| prepayments              |            |            |            |            |
| Inventories              |          0 |     44 971 |          0 |      2 874 |
| Total current assets     |        810 |     84 737 |         52 |      5 416 |
| Investment property      |    130 000 |    128 130 |      8 309 |      8 189 |
| (Notes 2, 3)             |            |            |            |            |
| Property, plant and      |        789 |     57 535 |         50 |      3 677 |
| equipment                |            |            |            |            |
| Intangible assets        |          0 |        650 |          0 |         42 |
| Total non-current assets |    130 789 |    186 315 |      8 359 |     11 908 |
| TOTAL ASSETS             |    131 599 |    271 052 |      8 411 |     17 324 |
| Borrowings (Note 4)      |        196 |     19 409 |         12 |      1 241 |
| Payables and prepayments |         52 |     30 231 |          3 |      1 932 |
| Short-term provisions    |          0 |        221 |          0 |         14 |
| Total current            |        248 |     49 861 |         15 |      3 187 |
| liabilities              |            |            |            |            |
| Long-term provisions     |          0 |      3 047 |          0 |        195 |
| Long-term borrowings     |      2 937 |     28 511 |        188 |      1 822 |
| (Note 4)                 |            |            |            |            |
| Total non-current        |      2 937 |     31 558 |        188 |      2 017 |
| liabilities              |            |            |            |            |
| Total liabilities        |      3 185 |     81 419 |        203 |      5 204 |
| Share capital at nominal |     44 991 |     44 991 |      2 875 |      2 875 |
| value (Note 5)           |            |            |            |            |
| Share premium (Note 5)   |      3 537 |     11 332 |        226 |        724 |
| Statutory reserve        |      4 499 |      4 499 |        288 |        288 |
| capital (Note 5)         |            |            |            |            |
| Retained earnings (Note  |     44 067 |     65 259 |      2 816 |      4 171 |
| 2)                       |            |            |            |            |
| Net profit for financial |     31 320 |     63 552 |      2 003 |      4 062 |
| year                     |            |            |            |            |
| Total equity             |    128 414 |    189 633 |      8 208 |     12 120 |
|                          |            |            |            |            |
| TOTAL LIABILITIES AND    |    131 599 |    271 052 |      8 411 |     17 324 |
| EQUITY                   |            |            |            |            |

Condensed consolidated income statement                                         
|                           |      EEK |  EEK thous |  EUR thous |   EUR thous |
|                           |    thous |            |            |             |
|                           | 9 months |   9 months |   9 months |    9 months |
|                           |     2007 |       2006 |       2007 |        2006 |
|                           |          |   restated |            |    restated |
| Continuing operations     |          |            |            |             |
| Net sales (Note 8)        |      257 |        451 |         16 |          29 |
| Cost of goods sold        |     -120 |       -167 |         -7 |         -11 |
| Gross profit              |      137 |        284 |          9 |          18 |
| Administrative and        |      -68 |          0 |         -4 |           0 |
| general expenses          |          |            |            |             |
| Gain from revaluation of  |   19 870 |     39 248 |      1 270 |       2 508 |
| investment property to    |          |            |            |             |
| fair value                |          |            |            |             |
| Operating profit          |   19 939 |     39 532 |      1 275 |       2 526 |
| Net financial income      |      -19 |        -20 |         -1 |          -1 |
| Profit from continuing    |   19 920 |     39 512 |       1274 |       2 525 |
| operations before tax     |          |            |            |             |
| Profit from discontinued  |   11 875 |     19 604 |        759 |       1 253 |
| operations (Note 6)       |          |            |            |             |
| Corporate income tax      |    (475) |      (438) |       (30) |        (28) |
| (Note 5)                  |          |            |            |             |
| NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD |   31 320 |     58 678 |      2 003 |       3 750 |
| Basic earnings per share  |     6.96 |      13.04 |       0.45 |        0.83 |
| (Note 2)                  |          |            |            |             |
| Diluted earnings per      |     6.96 |      13.04 |       0.45 |        0.83 |
| share (Note 2)            |          |            |            |             |

Ülo Adamson                                                                     
Chairman of the Supervisory Board                                               
+372 51 39 424