


Muu oluline informatsioon


28.11.2007 14:25:43


Unaudited 3-month interim financial statements


COMMENTS ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES                                                 

1.General information and changes in organisational structure                   

AS Kalev pursues several fields of activity, including manufacturing and sale of
foodstuffs, real-estate-related activities, as well as media, publishing and    
printing activities. The company has long-term experience in the chocolate,     
sugar and flour confectionery product segment as well as the dairy product      
segment. Foodstuff production is carried out in five production plants located  
in Põrguvälja (in Rae Municipality), Paide, Viljandi, Jõhvi and Kiviõli. The    
products are, among other channels, sold through the company's pan-Estonian     
retail chain, consisting of 15 candy stores and cafeterias. AS Kalev has also   
been involved in real estate development and administration for a longer period 
of time. Last financial year, AS Kalev expanded its activities into media,      
publishing and printing, and developed these segments aggressively in the       
reporting period.                                                               

Kalev Group's parent company is AS Kalev. In addition, the group incorporates   
twenty subsidiaries. AS Uniprint is considered a subsidiary since, under the    
shareholders' agreement, the Group has the obligation to purchase the company's 
shares at the latest in 2008. A significant change was introduced in the group  
structure in the first quarter of the financial year 2007/2008. AS Kalev        
acquired the private limited company Soltari Invest under the contract concluded
on 17 August 2007. Having acquired the share with a nominal value of 40,000     
kroons, AS Kalev effectively became the sole shareholder in the company which   
was renamed AgriStock OÜ. The main field of activity of the new subsidiary is   
production, storage and reloading of grain products. The above acquisition does 
not constitute a related party transaction in the meaning of the stock exchange 

AS Kalev has a significant interest in the following companies:                 

| Name of          | Location          | As of 30.09.2007  | As of 30.06.2007  |
| subsidiary       |                   |                   |                   |
| AS Kalev Paide   | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| Tootmine         |                   |                   |                   |
| AS Valmetek      | Estonia           | 65.6%             | 65.6%             |
| Invest           |                   |                   |                   |
| AS Kalev Jõhvi   | Estonia           | 99.10%            | 99.10%            |
| Tootmine         |                   |                   |                   |
| AS Vilma         | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| AS Kalev Real    | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| Estate Company   |                   |                   |                   |
| (AS Kalev REC)   |                   |                   |                   |
| EOOD Stude REC   | Bulgaria          | 100%              | 100%              |
| OÜ BCA Center    | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| OÜ BCA           | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| Kinnisvara       |                   |                   |                   |
| OÜ Maiasmokk     | Estonia           | 81.26%            | 81.26%            |
| AS Kalev         | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| Chocolate        |                   |                   |                   |
| Factory          |                   |                   |                   |
| AS Kalev         | USA               | 100%              | 100%              |
| Merchant         |                   |                   |                   |
| Services Ltd     |                   |                   |                   |
| OÜ Sugarstar     | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| AS Inreko Press  | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| OÜ Olliwood      | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| AS Eksklusiiv    | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| AS Kalev Meedia  | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| OÜ Eesti         | Estonia           | 100%              | 100%              |
| Spordikanal      |                   |                   |                   |
| AS Uniprint      | Estonia           | 40%               | 40%               |
| AS Unipress      | Estonia           | 40%               | 40%               |
| OÜ AgriStock     | Estonia           | 100%              | 0%                |

2. Financial results                                                            

The following factors had a significant effect on the consolidated financial    
results of AS Kalev Group in the first quarter of the financial year 2007/2008: 

1) nearly a 63% increase in net turnover of goods and services, compared to the 
comparative period;                                                             
2) a 240% increase in consolidated gross profit, compared to the comparative    
3) increase in the share of export in total turnover o the extent where more    
than a half (53%) of the total sales of commodities created by the group in the 
first three month were exported and less than a half (47%) were realised in     
4) revenue from dairy products increased by 57%, compared to the same period    
last year, with the earlier negative result from the segment reversed and the   
factor itself becoming the most important contributor to the group result for   
the first quarter;                                                              
5) sales of confectionery products increased by nearly an annual 19%, while the 
segment's profitability has decreased due to rapid increase in the price of raw 
materials used in the flour confectionery segment.                              

In the first three months of the financial year 2007/2008, AS Kalev Group had an
average of 884 employees (738 employees in the comparative period last financial

Consolidated net turnover for the reporting period amounted to 311.8 million    
kroons (19.9 million euros), increasing by 63.3% from the same period last      
financial year. The biggest contributors to the total group turnover, compared  
to last period, included the significant increase in the sale of dairy products,
and the new areas pursued ― printing and media. AS Kalev's consolidated net     
profit for the first quarter of the financial year 2007/2008 exceeded 10.8      
million kroons (0.7 million euros); while in the comparative period the company 
posted a net loss of 13.7 million kroons (0.9 million euros).                   

The net sales and net profit of AS Kalev Group companies for the first three    
months of the financial year 2007/2008 have been brought out in the below tables
(in thousands of kroons and euros), separately for each company. Comparative    
data has been brought out on 14 companies. The financial indicators of the      
subsidiary Kalev Merchant Services Ltd have not been consolidated, since the    
balance sheet volume of the subsidiary only makes up less than 0.5% of the      
parent company's turnover. Data on associated companies has not been included in
the tables. The data on AS Kalev Paide Tootmine, AS Kalev Real Estate Company,  
AS Kalev Meedia and AS Uniprint also include the corresponding financial results
of their subsidiaries.                                                          

|              | Net sales                     | Net profit                    |
| EEK          | 2007/2008     | 2006/2007     | 2007/2008     | 2006/2007     |
|              | 3 months      | 3 months      | 3 months      | 3 months      |
| AS Kalev     | 299           | 142 217       | -19 258       | -7 629        |
| AS Kalev     | 143 447       | 92 173        | 39 621        | -2 485        |
| Paide        |               |               |               |               |
| Tootmine*    |               |               |               |               |
| AS Kalev     | 11 761        | 6 411         | -6 226        | -824          |
| REC*         |               |               |               |               |
| AS Kalev     | 10 195        | 7 480         | -603          | -1 014        |
| Jõhvi        |               |               |               |               |
| Tootmine     |               |               |               |               |
| OÜ Maiasmokk | 2 103         | 2 344         | 186           | 235           |
| AS Vilma     | 7 756         | 5 711         | -50           | 490           |
| AS Kalev     | 120 530       | 59 808        | 4 095         | 1 050         |
| Chocolate    |               |               |               |               |
| Factory      |               |               |               |               |
| OÜ Sugarstar | 1 636         | 203           | -171          | -178          |
| AS Inreko    | 0             | 0             | -228          | 0             |
| Press        |               |               |               |               |
| OÜ Olliwood  | 0             | 0             | -174          | 0             |
| OÜ Eksklusiv | 742           | 0             | -295          | 0             |
| AS Kalev     | 3 958         | 0             | -3 632        | 0             |
| Meedia*      |               |               |               |               |
| AS Uniprint* | 38 367        | 0             | -115          | 0             |
| OÜ Agristock | 48            | 0             | -2 504        | 0             |
* consolidated                                                                  

|              | Net sales                     | Net profit                    |
| EUR          | 2007/2008     | 2006/2007     | 2007/2008     | 2006/2007     |
|              | 3 months      | 3 months      | 3 months      | 3 months      |
| AS Kalev     | 19            | 9 089         | -1 231        | -488          |
| AS Kalev     | 9 168         | 5 891         | 2 532         | -159          |
| Paide        |               |               |               |               |
| Tootmine*    |               |               |               |               |
| AS Kalev     | 752           | 410           | -398          | -53           |
| REC*         |               |               |               |               |
| AS Kalev     | 652           | 478           | -39           | -65           |
| Jõhvi        |               |               |               |               |
| Tootmine     |               |               |               |               |
| OÜ Maiasmokk | 134           | 150           | 12            | 15            |
| AS Vilma     | 496           | 365           | -3            | 31            |
| AS Kalev     | 7 703         | 3 822         | 262           | 67            |
| Chocolate    |               |               |               |               |
| Factory      |               |               |               |               |
| OÜ Sugarstar | 105           | 13            | -11           | -11           |
| AS Inreko    | 0             | 0             | -15           | 0             |
| Press        |               |               |               |               |
| OÜ Olliwood  | 0             | 0             | -11           | 0             |
| OÜ Eksklusiv | 47            | 0             | -19           | 0             |
| AS Kalev     | 253           | 0             | -232          | 0             |
| Meedia*      |               |               |               |               |
| AS Uniprint* | 2 452         | 0             | -7            | 0             |
| OÜ Agristock | 3             | 0             | -160          | 0             |

In the first three months of the financial year, AS Kalev increased financial   
gearing for the group's further development, incl. conducting a bonus issue. The
Group's short-term liabilities increased the most, compared to the increase in  
turnover. The Group's current ratio thus decreased. Increase in financial       
gearing has also incurred bigger financial expenses. As regards other expense   
items, the biggest growth (48% compared to last period) can be seen in          
administrative and general expenses. This growth was conditioned both by the    
quick increase in personnel expenses (due to the inflationary labour market     
situation) and the information and consulting expenses incurred in connection   
with the expansion of activities (into media). The 35% increase in the Group's  
marketing expenses, compared to the same period last year, can be explained by  
the expansion of the company's activities.                                      

The most important financial ratios of AS Kalev Group have been brought out in  
the below table:                                                                

| AS Kalev Group                                                               |
|                         | 01.07.2007-             | 01.07.2006-              |
|                         | 30.09.2007              | 30.09.2006               |
| Current ratio           | 0.68                    | 0.78                     |
| Financial gearing       | 0.76                    | 0.72                     |
| Asset turnover ratio    | 0.23                    | 0.18                     |
| Net profit margin (%)   | 3.5%                    | -7.2%                    |
| ROA (%)                 | 0.8%                    | -1.3%                    |

* The financial ratios have been calculated based on the following methods:     
Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities                            
Financial gearing = total liabilities / average total assets                    
Asset turnover ratio = revenue / average total assets                           
Net profit margin = net profit / revenue * 100%                                 
Return on assets (ROA) = net profit / average total assets * 100%               

3. Product market and sales                                                     

AS Kalev's total sales of confectionery and dairy products in the first quarter 
of the financial year 2007/2008 amounted to 7,883 tons. The sales thus increased
in the different production areas of the product sales group by a third (32%)   
compared to the same period last financial year.                                
While 88% of the total sales of confectionery products were realised on the     
domestic market and 12% were exported, the situation with the dairy product     
segment was quite the opposite, with 10% sold on the domestic market and 90%    
exported to different foreign markets.                                          

3.1. Dairy products                                                             

Different dairy products were produced from the crude milk stocked by AS Kalev  
Paide Tootmine in the first quarter of the financial year. For financial        
reasons, the company mainly focused on the production of concentrated skimmed   
milk and cream. The company also produced smaller volumes of skimmed milk       
powder, high temperature pasteurized milk, and whole milk powder. Nearly 90% of 
the milk output (80% in the comparative period) was marketed in EU countries,   
and about one-tenth in Estonia. Compared to the same period last year, the total
sales of dairy products have increased by nearly 56%, amounting to 5,600 tons.  

The increase in the price of stocked milk has a significant effect on the       
results for the first quarter of the financial year. The price of crude milk    
stocked by AS Kalev Paide Tootmine was 19% higher than in the comparative       
period. Although the raw material price has increased by one-fifth, the prices  
of dairy products on the global market have increased even more. The market     
balances itself against the demand. This results in the increase in dairy       
product prices which, in turn, reflected positively in the results of AS Kalev  
Paide Tootmine for the first quarter. At the same time, we cannot forecast      
continued profitability for the next quarters, as the global prices are showing 
downward trends while raw material stocking prices have increased by more than  

3.2. Confectionery products                                                     

According to the retail trade survey conducted by AC Nielsen (as of             
August/September 2007), AS Kalev Group is the firm leader of the Estonian       
chocolate and sugar confectionery product market. The company had a 37.7% market
share as regards turnover, and a 42.6% market share as regards volume. On the   
Estonian biscuit market, Kalev's market share was 8.7% in the period, as regards

The total sales of AS Kalev Group's sugar and chocolate confectionery products  
in the first 3 months of the financial year 2007/2008 increased by 19% compared 
to the same period last year, amounting to 97 million kroons (6.2 million       
euros). The total sales volume for the first quarter of the financial year      
amounted to 1,460 tons, exceeding the total volume of sugar and chocolate       
confectionery products sold by the company in the same period last year by 4%.  
At the same time, the dynamics of the sale of confectionery products was        
different for different product groups: the sale of chocolate tablets increased 
by 41%, dragees by 28%, boxed chocolate by 18% and candies by 3%, compared to   
the same period last year.                                                      

As regards volume, the sale of chocolate tablets increased the most (by 34%     
compared to the same period last year), followed boxed chocolate which showed an
increase of 17%. At the same time, the candy sales volume decreased by 9%. The  
turnover from the sugar and chocolate confectionery segment increased by 15% in 
the reporting period. Price corrections of the goods sold compensated the       
increase in production expenses. Enhanced production efficiency increased the   
total revenue from the segment.                                                 

The total sale of flour confectionery products, incl. pastry products, biscuits 
and flour mixes, increased by 23% in the first three months of the financial    
year 2007/2008. The total volume of the sale of flour confectionery products    
amounted to 824 tons. This constitutes a 13% increase compared to the same      
period last financial year. Similarly with the sugar and chocolate confectionery
product segments, product groups with different sales dynamics could be seen in 
the flour confectionery product segment - total sales of flour mixes increased  
by 41% (with the volume increasing by 23%) and biscuits by 24% (volume: +14%),  
compared to the same period last financial year.                                

A majority (88%) of the total sales of AS Kalev's confectionery products (i.e.  
sugar, chocolate and flour confectionery products) were realised on the domestic
market in the first three months of the financial year 2007/2008, with 12%      
exported to different foreign markets. The sale of confectionery products on    
foreign markets increased by 45% compared to the same period last financial     
year, with the so-called Travel Trade segment making up nearly 28% of the total 
export of confectionery products. Export to Latvia made up 27%, Lithuania 23%   
and other countries 22% of the total export of AS Kalev's confectionery         
products. Compared to the first three months of last financial year, export to  
Lithuania showed significant increase while export to Russia decreased          
materially (nearly 62%).                                                        

Through its 15 retail stores, AS Kalev sold a total of 4.1 million kroons worth 
of goods (incl. sugar, chocolate and flour confectionery products and pastry    

In the first quarter of the financial year 2007/2008, the company launched 47   
new products, with the total sales volume making up 4.5% of the total turnover  
from the segment. In the sugar and chocolate confectionery product segment, the 
company expanded the Kalev Pralinė candy series by adding four new flavours (in 
175-gram packages): the tiramisu-flavoured candy, candy with almond, candy with 
strawberry and candy with plum. The company also launched two new flavours in   
the Kalev brand chocolate series - Kalev dark chocolate with raspberry (100-gram
tablet) and Kalev milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts (200-gram tablet). Kalev's
200-gram chocolate series saw a new addition - dark chocolate with cherry, which
had previously become popular in 100-gram tablets. Kalev also launched a new    
series on the market - the Kalev Special chocolate series, which includes white 
chocolate with Indian nuts (50-gram tablet), milk chocolate with hazelnuts      
(50-gram tablet) and three different formats of Kalev Special milk chocolate.   
The Draakoni chewing candy family saw a new addition, especially popular with   
the children - the cola-flavoured candy.                                        

New pastry products marketed by the company in the first quarter of the         
financial year included eleven new white and dark bread products launched under 
the Linda and Kalevipoeg trademarks, and seven products launched under the      
Sakala trademark. A new cake portfolio consisting of 12 products was launched   
under the Linda trademark. Kalev's tart portfolio was also expanded with two new
flavours - Virsiku-kohupiimatort (850 g) and Toorjuustutort (700 g). Two new    
additions were also introduced to the Vilma flour mix series, which has received
a warm welcome from customers: Vilma õhukene pitsapõhjapulber (400 g) and Vilma 
vanillimaitseline keeksipulber (350g).                                          

3.3. Real estate activities                                                     

AS Kalev pursues real estate management and development activities through its  
subsidiary AS Kalev Real Estate Company (hereinafter Kalev REC), and through its
subsidiaries and associated companies. The most important current project in the
real estate segment is that pursued by OÜ BCA Center. The development project   
has to do with the reconstruction of five schools in Tallinn within the         
framework of the Private Partnership for Tallinn Schools Project. The earlier   
real estate projects of AS Kalev REC have been further developed - the company  
has sold all apartments in the 19-apartment building in Marat Street in Tallinn,
as well as the 25-apartment building in Hommiku Street in Pärnu. AS Kalev REC's 
Bulgarian-based subsidiary EOOD Stude REC launched construction of a 6,500 m2   
apartment building in the country's capital Sofia. The building is scheduled to 
be completed in the spring or early summer of 2008.                             

3.4. Media and publishing                                                       

AS Kalev Meedia publishes the gossip magazine Just, financial magazine Ärielu,  
sports magazines Sporditäht, Basket and Jalka; women's magazine Avenüü and      
Avenüü Professional as well as the children's magazine Muumi. According to the  
Estonian Media Survey conducted by TNS Emor in the third quarter of 2007, Just  
had 40,000 readers, Sporditäht 22,000 readers, Avenüü 20,000 readers, Muumi     
16,000 readers, Ärielu 8,000 readers and Basket 60,000 readers.                 

The sports magazine Sporditäht was renewed in the reporting period. With a new  
concept and a new editor, the magazine is published, from September, as a       
weekly. To launch the new product, the company organised an extensive           
advertising campaign. This was also the first bigger public campaign for AS     
Kalev Meedia. Several new projects were completed in the reporting period: the  
financial magazine Ärielu received a new concept, and a new web-based news      
portal www.kalev.ee was launched. A current project pursued by the company is   
the change scheduled to be introduced in the gossip magazine Just in November.  
The preparations for the launch of the new sports-orientated news and           
entertainment channel KalevSport by AS Kalev Meedia's subsidiary OÜ Eesti       
Spordikanal have also been completed.                                           

In the printing segment, the most important change in the reporting period was  
that in the distribution of market risks. With the aim of reducing customer     
credit risk in Russia and enhance profitability of the customer portfolio, AS   
Uniprint's subsidiary AS Unipress reduced the number of customers in Russia, as 
well as the volume of goods delivered on hire-purchase terms. This change had   
been planned in advance and will not condition a decrease in the business       
volumes of AS Unipress. As a result of the reorganisation, deliveries to Russia 
have been replaced with sales to other customers.                               

4. Future activities                                                            

AS Kalev Chocolate Factory aims to remain the leader of the domestic market (as 
regards monetary turnover) in both the sugar and chocolate confectionery        
segment. The rapid increase in the price of major raw materials is, however,    
making it difficult to achieve a higher margin in the segment. Profitability of 
major products can, in the future, be enhanced through optimizing product       
assortment and enhancing production efficiency. In general product development, 
the company is pursuing extension of expiry dates as well as creation of healthy
products and new flavours. The chocolate confectionery segment focuses on the   
development of chocolate tablets, chocolate candies and boxed chocolates, while 
the sugar confectionery segment focuses on chewing candies and toffee. In the   
pastry and flour confectionery sector, the company is continually pursuing its  
goal of achieving a material increase in the white and dark bread market share, 
thus taking third position among Estonian bakeries. The share of pastry products
will increase in the flour confectionery segment, with continual focus to be    
paid to the biscuit and flour mix segment.                                      

The dairy product segment is affected by global developments as well as         
positioning of AS Kalev's product portfolio in the segment. The milk processing 
segment is characterised simultaneously by the increase in global demand for    
agricultural products, abandonment of the EU support schemes and formulation of 
the supply conditions for domestic raw material. In order to achieve the        
established goals, the company plans to review its product portfolio in light of
the market situation.                                                           

AS Kalev's real estate activities are pursued through AS Kalev REC and its      
direct subsidiaries. The quick growth in the real estate sector in Estonia has  
allowed AS Kalev Group to actively pursue real estate development and           
management. So far, the main attention has focused around residential and       
commercial space development. In the future, the company plans to develop its   
activities also in the public real estate sector. AS Kalev is set to change its 
strategy in accordance with the dynamics of the sector, and the latest signals  
of changes in the real estate market.                                           

Major changes are revolving around AS Kalev's new fields of activity―media and  
printing services. The company is planning to further develop the group's       
magazines, enhance reader numbers and increase advertising revenue. The company 
will also develop the web-based news portal www.kalev.ee and the television     
channel KalevSport. Relocation of the editorial staff to Tornimäe 5, Tallinn is 
scheduled in November, when the office space of AS Kalev Meedia will be         
completed. The purpose of the relocation is to create synergy between the three 
segments - print media, internet and television - thus ensuring continued       
improvement in quality as well as increase in cost-efficiency and competitive   
ability. In the printing segment, the company aims to take better advantages of 
the options provided by printhouses specialised in quality publications in its  
advertising pursuits and production of various publications.                    
INCOME STATEMENT                                                                
in thousands of kroons and euros                                                

|               | Consolidated (in EEK         | Consolidated (in EUR)         |
|               | 3 months     | 3 months      | 3 months      | 3 months      |
|               | 2008         | 2007          | 2008          | 2007          |
| Revenue       | 311 832      | 190 975       | 19 930        | 12 206        |
| Cost of sales | -230 108     | -157 044      | -14 707       | -10 037       |
| of goods and  |              |               |               |               |
| services      |              |               |               |               |
| GROSS PROFIT  | 81 724       | 33 931        | 5 223         | 2 169         |
| Marketing     | -32 626      | -24 167       | -2 085        | -1 545        |
| expenses      |              |               |               |               |
| Administrativ | -25 695      | -17 361       | -1 642        | -1 110        |
| e and general |              |               |               |               |
| expenses      |              |               |               |               |
| Other income  | -89          | -75           | -6            | -5            |
| and expenses  |              |               |               |               |
| OPERATING     | 23 314       | -7 672        | 1 490         | -490          |
| PROFIT        |              |               |               |               |
| Net financial | -12 333      | -5 994        | -788          | -383          |
| items         |              |               |               |               |
| PROFIT BEFORE | 10 981       | -13 666       | 702           | -873          |
| INCOME TAX    |              |               |               |               |
| Income tax    | -149         | 0             | -10           | 0             |
| NET PROFIT    | 10 832       | -13 666       | 692           | -873          |
| BEFORE        |              |               |               |               |
| MINORITY      |              |               |               |               |
| INTEREST      |              |               |               |               |
| Profit        | 5            | 9             | 0             | 1             |
| attributable  |              |               |               |               |
| to minority   |              |               |               |               |
| interest      |              |               |               |               |
| PROFIT        | 10 837       | -13 657       | 693           | -873          |
| ATTRIBUTABLE  |              |               |               |               |
| TO THE PARENT |              |               |               |               |
| COMPANY       |              |               |               |               |
| EPS           |              |               |               |               |
| attributable  |              |               |               |               |
| to owners of  |              |               |               |               |
| the parent    |              |               |               |               |
| company       |              |               |               |               |
| (basic EPS    | 0,05         | -0,58         | 0,003         | -0,004        |
| and diluted   |              |               |               |               |
| EPS, in       |              |               |               |               |
| kroons)       |              |               |               |               |
BALANCE SHEET                                                                   
in thousands of kroons and euros                                                

|              | Consolidated (in EEK)         | Consolidated (in EUR)         |
|              | 30.09.2007    | 30.06.2007    | 30.09.2007    | 30.06.2007    |
| ASSETS       |               |               |               |               |
| Current      |               |               |               |               |
| assets       |               |               |               |               |
| Cash         | 60 398        | 17 337        | 3 860         | 1 108         |
| Receivables  | 129 220       | 148 050       | 8 259         | 9 462         |
| Prepayments  | 25 548        | 2 653         | 1 633         | 170           |
| Inventories  | 248 442       | 218 617       | 15 878        | 13 972        |
| Total        | 463 608       | 386 657       | 29 630        | 24 712        |
| current      |               |               |               |               |
| assets       |               |               |               |               |
| Non-current  |               |               |               |               |
| assets       |               |               |               |               |
| Long-term    | 3 667         | 3 733         | 234           | 239           |
| investments  |               |               |               |               |
| and          |               |               |               |               |
| receivables  |               |               |               |               |
| Investment   | 225 830       | 214 601       | 14 433        | 13 716        |
| property     |               |               |               |               |
| Property,    | 670 686       | 644 876       | 42 865        | 41 215        |
| plant and    |               |               |               |               |
| equipment    |               |               |               |               |
| Intangible   | 66 719        | 62 635        | 4 264         | 4 003         |
| assets       |               |               |               |               |
| Total        | 966 902       | 925 846       | 61 796        | 59 172        |
| non-current  |               |               |               |               |
| assets       |               |               |               |               |
| TOTAL ASSETS | 1 430 510     | 1 312 503     | 91 426        | 83 884        |
| LIABILITIES  |               |               |               |               |
| AND OWNER'S  |               |               |               |               |
| EQUITY       |               |               |               |               |
| Liabilities  |               |               |               |               |
| Current      |               |               |               |               |
| liabilities  |               |               |               |               |
| Borrowings   | 394 254       | 348 317       | 25 197        | 22 262        |
| Prepayments  | 1 585         | 1 461         | 101           | 93            |
| from         |               |               |               |               |
| customers    |               |               |               |               |
| Accounts     | 310 091       | 284 439       | 19 818        | 18 179        |
| payable and  |               |               |               |               |
| other        |               |               |               |               |
| payables     |               |               |               |               |
| Total        | 705 930       | 634 218       | 45 117        | 40 534        |
| current      |               |               |               |               |
| liabilities  |               |               |               |               |
| Non-current  |               |               |               |               |
| liabilities  |               |               |               |               |
| Borrowings   | 340 300       | 304 837       | 21 749        | 19 483        |
| Total        | 340 300       | 304 837       | 21 749        | 19 483        |
| non-current  |               |               |               |               |
| liabilities  |               |               |               |               |
| Total        | 1 046 230     | 939 054       | 66 866        | 60 017        |
| liabilities  |               |               |               |               |
| Owner's      |               |               |               |               |
| equity       |               |               |               |               |
| Share        | 236 325       | 236 325       | 15 104        | 15 104        |
| capital      |               |               |               |               |
| Mandatory    | 5 543         | 4 020         | 354           | 257           |
| reserve      |               |               |               |               |
| Revaluation  | 111 108       | 111 108       | 7 101         | 7 101         |
| reserve      |               |               |               |               |
| Retained     | 31 256        | 21 941        | 1 998         | 1 402         |
| earnings     |               |               |               |               |
| Total        | 384 232       | 373 395       | 24 557        | 23 864        |
| owner's      |               |               |               |               |
| equity       |               |               |               |               |
| Minority     | 48            | 54            | 3             | 3             |
| interest     |               |               |               |               |
|              |               |               |               |               |
| TOTAL        | 1 430 510     | 1 312 503     | 91 426        | 83 884        |
| LIABILITIES  |               |               |               |               |
| AND OWNER'S  |               |               |               |               |
| EQUITY       |               |               |               |               |

Aire Mill
tel 6161903