
AS Tallink Grupp


Muu oluline informatsioon


09.11.2007 16:28:24


2007 oktoobri statistika


Tallink'i turuosa Tallinn-Helsingi liinil tõusis eelmise aasta  oktoobri 44,1   
protsendilt 45,3 protsendini käesoleva aasta oktoobris.                         

AS Tallink Grupp vedas 2007 aasta oktoobris 526 500 reisijat, mida on 10.7%     
vähem kui oktoobris 2006. Veetud kaubaveo ühikute arv tõusis 6.0% ning veetud   
sõiduautode arv langes 0.9%.                                                    

Kontsern peab reisijate arvu langust ajutiseks, mis on peamiselt tingitud       
madalamast müügi- ja reklaamitöö aktiivsusest seoses uuele, kogu kontserni      
ühendavale piletimüügisüsteemile üleminekuga.                                   

2007 a. oktoobris veeti AS-i Tallink Grupp laevadega reisijaid, kaubaveo ühikuid
ja sõiduautosid järgmiselt:                                                     

|                   |    Oktoober 2007 |    Oktoober 2006 |             muutus |
| Reisijad          |          526,500 |          589,671 |             -10.7% |
| Soome-Rootsi      |          228,323 |          290,404 |             -21.4% |
| Eesti-Soome       |          212,364 |          220,636 |              -3.7% |
| Eesti-Rootsi      |           50,808 |           54,963 |              -7.6% |
| Läti-Rootsi       |           25,437 |           15,588 |              63.2% |
| Soome-Saksa       |            9,568 |            8,080 |              18.4% |
| Kaubaveo ühikud   |           32,344 |           30,504 |               6.0% |
| Soome-Rootsi      |            9,584 |           11,716 |             -18.2% |
| Eesti-Soome       |           10,744 |            9,018 |              19.1% |
| Eesti-Rootsi      |            4,470 |            3,829 |              16.7% |
| Läti-Rootsi       |            1,164 |              519 |             124.3% |
| Soome-Saksa       |            6,382 |            5,422 |              17.7% |
| Sõiduautod        |           43,095 |           43,491 |              -0.9% |
| Soome-Rootsi      |           11,409 |           15,344 |             -25.6% |
| Eesti-Soome       |           22,036 |           17,468 |              26.2% |
| Eesti-Rootsi      |            3,717 |            5,231 |             -28.9% |
| Läti-Rootsi       |            3,735 |            2,637 |              41.6% |
| Soome-Saksa       |            2,198 |            2,811 |             -21.8% |

Arengutele avaldasid mõju järgmised asjaolud.                                   


M/L SkyWind müügist 2007 aasta augustis tulenes madalam veomahutavus võrreldes  
eelmise aasta oktoobriga.                                                       

M/L Silja Festival oli dokis ning ei opereerinud 5 päeva.                       

Uuele piletimüügisüsteemile üleminekuga oli müügi- ja marketingitöö aktiivsus   
antud liinil ajutiselt madalam.                                                 


„Tallink Shuttle“ teenus mida opereerib uus M/L Star võrreldes kahe Autoexpress 
kiirlaeva, M/L Meloodia ja M/L Regal Star opereerimisega eelmise aasta samal    

Uuele piletimüügisüsteemile üleminekuga oli müügi- ja marketingitöö aktiivsus   
antud liinil ajutiselt madalam.                                                 


Erinevalt eelmisest aastast ei opereeri M/L Vana Tallinn enam                   
Paldiski-Kapellskäri liinil.                                                    


Opereerimine kahe laevaga ja igapäevased väljumised mõlemasse sihtpunkti        
võrreldes ühe laeva opereerimisega eelmisel majandusaastal on suurendanud       
Läti-Rootsi liini mahtusid.                                                     

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800
E-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee


Statistics for October 2007


Tallink's market share on the Estonia-Finland route increased from about 44.1%  
in October last year to approximately 45.3% in October 2007.                    

In October 2007 AS Tallink Grupp transported 526,500 passengers which is 10.7%  
less than in October 2006. The number of transported cargo units increased by   
6.0% and number of transported passenger vehicles decreased by 0.9%.            

The Group considers the decrease in volumes on the main routes to be temporary  
which is mainly resulted from the lower sales and marketing activity during the 
transition period to the new Group wide booking and check-in system.            

AS Tallink Grupp's passenger, cargo units and passenger car numbers for October 
2007 were the following:                                                        

|                           |   October 2007 |   October 2006 |         change |
| Passengers                |        526,500 |        589,671 |         -10.7% |
| Finland-Sweden            |        228,323 |        290,404 |         -21.4% |
| Estonia-Finland           |        212,364 |        220,636 |          -3.7% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |         50,808 |         54,963 |          -7.6% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |         25,437 |         15,588 |          63.2% |
| Finland-Germany           |          9,568 |          8,080 |          18.4% |
| Cargo units               |         32,344 |         30,504 |           6.0% |
| Finland-Sweden            |          9,584 |         11,716 |         -18.2% |
| Estonia-Finland           |         10,744 |          9,018 |          19.1% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |          4,470 |          3,829 |          16.7% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |          1,164 |            519 |         124.3% |
| Finland-Germany           |          6,382 |          5,422 |          17.7% |
| Passenger vehicles        |         43,095 |         43,491 |          -0.9% |
| Finland-Sweden            |         11,409 |         15,344 |         -25.6% |
| Estonia-Finland           |         22,036 |         17,468 |          26.2% |
| Estonia-Sweden            |          3,717 |          5,231 |         -28.9% |
| Latvia-Sweden             |          3,735 |          2,637 |          41.6% |
| Finland-Germany           |          2,198 |          2,811 |         -21.8% |

The following operational factors influenced the development.                   


The sale of M/S SkyWind in August 2007 resulted in smaller capacities in October
2007 compared to the same period of previous year.                              

M/S Silja Festival was in dock in October 2007 and did not operate for 5 days.  

Due to the implementation of new booking and check-in system the sales and      
marketing activity for the route has been temporarily lower.                    


Tallink Shuttle service with new M/S Star was operated between Tallinn and      
Helsinki route compared to the two Autoexpress vessels, M/S Meloodia and M/S    
Regal Star in the same period of last year.                                     

Due to the implementation of new booking and check-in system the sales and      
marketing activity for the route has been temporarily lower.                    


M/S Vana Tallinn does not operate any more between Paldiski-Kapellskär, but was 
there last year.                                                                

Due to the implementation of new booking and check-in system the sales and      
marketing activity on for the route has been lower.                             


The operations of two vessels and everyday departures to both destinations      
compared to one vessel operations in previous financial year have increased the 
volumes on Latvia-Sweden route.                                                 

Janek Stalmeister                                                               
Financial Director                                                              
AS Tallink Grupp                                                                
Tel. +372 6409 800                                                              
E-mail: janek.stalmeister@tallink.ee