




05.11.2007 09:51:50




As a result of the agreements concluded by AS Rubla with a Swedish investment
fund, East Capital Baltikumfonden, and Vipes Invest OÜ on 23 September 2007
whereby parties agreed on concerted practices in conducting takeover bid for
the shares of AS Kalev and to use concerted voting to apply common policies
towards the management of AS Kalev, AS Rubla together with other persons acting
in concert with it, GKG Investeeringute AS, Mailtec OÜ and Linderin Grupp OÜ,
gained dominant influence over AS Kalev within the meaning of the Securities
Market Act § 167. 

Pursuant to the Securities Market Act § 166 (1), a person who has gained
dominant influence over target issuer either directly or together with other
persons acting in concert is required to make a takeover bid for all shares of
the target issuer with the duration of at least twenty-eight days within twenty
days as from gaining the dominant influence. Considering that AS Rubla together
with persons acting in concert with it has gained dominant influence over AS
Kalev as of 23 September 2007, AS Rubla hereby makes an offer (the “Offer”) to
acquire all the shares of AS Kalev. 


AS Rubla, register code 10046724, address Pärnu mnt 139E, Tallinn, Republic of

Target issuer

AS Kalev, register code 10000952, address Tornimäe 5, Tallinn, Republic of

The shares of the target issuer and the voting rights attached to them
controlled by the offeror and persons acting in concert 

The number of shares of AS Kalev controlled by AS Rubla and persons acting in
concert with AS Rubla, GKG Investeeringute AS, Mailtec OÜ, Linderin Grupp OÜ,
East Capital Baltikumfonden and Vipes Invest OÜ, is 13,947,367 representing
59.02% of the share capital of AS Kalev. 

Description of shares subject to takeover bid

AS Kalev has issued 23,632,500 registered ordinary shares (the “Shares”) with
the nominal value of EEK 10 each. AS Kalev has issued only one class of shares.
The Shares are listed on the main list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange. Each
Share gives shareholder the right to participate in the general meeting of
shareholders and the right to participate in the distribution of profit and
proceeds upon liquidation, as well as other rights provided for in the law and
the articles of association of AS Kalev. 

Purchase price and payment

The price of the Offer is EEK 29 for one Share. Sold Shares will be paid for in

The term of the Offer is 28 days, starting from the date of publishing of the
notice of the offer. Transfer instructions must be delivered to the
administrator of the securities account in time to enable the administrator of
the securities account to register the transfer instructions in the Estonian
Central Register of Securities no later than 3 December 2007, i.e. by the last
day of the offer, at 17.00. 

Value date

The sale instructions by AS Kalev shareholders who have accepted the Offer will
be settled as delivery versus payment on 7 December 2007 (the “Value date”). AS
Rubla will pay to AS Kalev shareholders who have accepted the Offer the
purchase price corresponding to the number of Shares sold in exchange for the
transfer of Shares on 7 December 2007. 

Procedure for accepting the Offer

Every shareholder of AS Kalev who is willing to accept the Offer must turn to
the administrator of its securities account, through which he has opened a
securities account in the Estonian Central Register of Securities on which
account his Shares are held. A transaction order for the sale of Shares must be
registered by the administrator of the securities account in accordance with
the terms of the Offer. Further information about the procedure for accepting
the Offer can be obtained from the following phone numbers at Hansapank: 888
1501, 888 1856 or 888 5972. 

Dissemination of the prospectus

The prospectus relating to the Offer is available electronically at the website
of the Tallinn Stock Exchange, AS Kalev and the Estonian Financial Supervision
Authority. The prospectus is available as a hard copy at the office of LFS
Corporate Finance S.A. at Tartu mnt 2, Tallinn, Republic of Estonia. 

The offer prospectus and the conditions of the offer have been approved by the
Estonian Financial Supervision Authority on 2 November 2007. 

Allan Viirma
Head of the Legal Service
6161 916