
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


31.07.2024 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS 2024. aasta II kvartali ja I poolaasta auditeerimata majandustulemused


Koondtulemusena  vastab 2024. aasta esimene  poolaasta fondivalitseja ootustele.
Vakantsus  püsib  portfelli  tasemel  alla  3% kõikidest  pindadest,  mis üldist
ärikeskkonda   arvestades   on   väga  hea  tulemus.  Kui  välja  jätta  Hortese
kinnistutega  seotud üürniku makseraskused, on klientide maksekäitumine hea ning
võlgnevuste  tase püsib madal. Fondivalitseja  hinnangul on Hortese kinnistutega
seonduv  käsitletav  üksiku  kliendispetsiifilise  juhtumina ega kajasta laiemat
üürnike  olukorra halvenemist.  Fondivalitseja on  juba mõlema  Hortese kaupluse
osas  alustanud uute toimivate  lahenduste otsimist. Suurim  vakantsus on hetkel
büroopindade  sektoris, moodustades kogu portfelli vakantsusest 76%. See jaguneb
aga   kümne  erineva  büroohoone  vahel  ning  uusi  üürnike  järjest  lisandub.
Büroopindade  nõrgem nõudlus on  selge trend nii  globaalselt kui ka tuntav igas
Balti  riigi  pealinnas.  Laiemalt  on  intressimäärade  pöördumine langustrendi
toomas 2024. aasta teises pooles kaasa suureneva tehingute aktiivsuse, mis aitab
kasvatada  EfTEN Real  Estate Fund  AS-i konservatiivselt  hinnastatud portfelli
õiglast väärtust.

EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS'i konsolideeritud 2024. aasta  II kvartali müügitulu
oli  7,957 miljonit eurot  (2023 II  kvartal: 7,961 miljonit  eurot). EfTEN Real
Estate  Fund AS'i konsolideeritud 2024. aasta  I poolaasta müügitulu oli 15,918
miljonit  eurot  (2023  I  poolaasta:  15,749 miljonit  eurot).  Kontserni  neto
üüritulu oli 2024. aasta I poolaastal kokku 14,781 miljonit eurot (2023: 14,704
miljonit  eurot). Kontserni puhaskasum samal  perioodil oli 6,250 miljonit eurot
(2023: 2,445 miljonit eurot).

Konsolideeritud  neto üüritulu marginaal oli 2024. aasta I poolaastal 93% (2023:
93%), seega  moodustasid  kinnistute  haldamisega  otseselt  seotud  kulud  (s.h
maamaks,  kindlustus,  hooldus-  ja  parenduskulud) ning turustuskulud 7% (2023:
7%) müügitulust.

Kontserni varade maht 30.06.2024 seisuga oli 376 332 miljonit eurot (31.12.2023:
380,944 miljonit eurot), s.h kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglane väärtus moodustas
varade mahust 96% (31.12.2023: 94%).


2024. aasta   juuni   lõpu   seisuga   on   kontsernil   35 (31.12.2023:   sama)
ärikinnisvarainvesteeringut,  mille  õiglane  väärtus  bilansipäeval on 361,391
miljonit eurot (31.12.2023: 357,916 miljonit eurot) ning soetusmaksumus 359,405
miljonit  eurot  (31.12.2023:  354,408 miljonit  eurot). Lisaks kuulub kontserni
ühisettevõttele  hotell  Palace  Tallinnas,  mille  õiglane  väärtus 30.06.2024
seisuga oli 8,540 miljonit eurot (31.12.2023: 9,0 miljonit eurot).

2024. aasta   esimese   6 kuuga  teenis  kontsern  kokku  15,342 miljonit  eurot
üüritulu, mis on 1% rohkem kui 2023. aastal samal ajal.

Kontsernile  kuuluvate kinnisvarainvesteeringute  vakantsus portfelli  kohta oli
30.06.2024 seisuga  2,9% (31.12.2023:  2,6%). Suurim  on  vakantsus büroohoonete
segmendis  (12,4%), kus vakantsete üüripindade  täitmine võtab varasemast rohkem

EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  hindab korraliselt kinnisvarainvesteeringuid kaks
korda   aastas   -   juunis  ja  detsembris.  2024. aasta  juunis  langes  fondi
kinnisvarainvesteeringute  õiglane väärtus  ümberhindluste tulemusel 0,4% (1,454
miljoni   euro   võrra),   s.h   büroosektori   varade   väärtus  langes  1,3%,
logistikasektori  varade väärtus tõusis  0,7% ja kaubandussektori varade väärtus
langes   0,7%. Portfelli   allahindlus  on  suuresti  seotud  konservatiivsemate
rahavoogude prognoosiga, seda eriti büroopindade segmendis.


2024. aasta   esimese  6 kuu  jooksul  pikendasid  fondi  tütarettevõtted  EfTEN
Autokeskus  OÜ  ja  EfTEN  Jurkalne  SIA laenulepinguid. Järgmise 12 kuu jooksul
lõpeb kontserni ühe tütarettevõtte laenuleping, mille jääk 30.06.2024 seisuga on
2 196 tuhat eurot. Lõppeva laenulepingu LTV on 30,6% ning kinnisvarainvesteering
omab  stabiilselt tugevat üürirahavoogu,  mistõttu kontserni juhtkonna hinnangul
ei teki laenulepingu pikendamisel takistusi.

Kontserni  laenulepingute kaalutud  keskmine intressimäär  on 30.06.2024 seisuga
5,65% (31.12.2023:  5,91) ning LTV  (Loan to  Value) 42% (31.12.2023: 42%). Kõik
fondi tütarettevõtete laenulepingud on seotud ujuva intressimääraga.


EfTEN  Real Estate Fund  AS'i aktsia puhasväärtus  seisuga 30.06.2024 oli 19,79
eurot (31.12.2023: 20,21 eurot). EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS´i aktsia puhasväärtus
vähenes  2024. aasta I poolaastal 2%. Fond maksis 2024. aasta aprillis dividende
kogusummas  10,82 miljonit eurot. Ilma kasumit jaotamata oleks EfTEN Real Estate
AS'i aktsia puhasväärtus I poolaastal suurenenud 3,5%.

Fondil on 30.06.2024 seisuga 10 819 796 aktsiat.


                                                     II kvartal    I poolaasta
                                                      2024   2023   2024   2023
 EUR tuhandetes
 Müügitulu                                           7 957  7 961 15 918 15 749
 Müüdud teenuste kulu                                 -341   -363   -759   -757
 Brutokasum                                          7 616  7 598 15 159 14 992

 Turustuskulud                                        -178   -192   -378   -288
 Üldhalduskulud                                       -880   -860 -1 819 -1 727
 Kasum / kahjum kinnisvarainvesteeringute õiglase
 väärtuse muutusest                                 -1 454 -6 182 -1 454 -6 182
 Muud äritulud ja -kulud                                44      3     86     13
 Ärikasum                                            5 148    367 11 594  6 808

 Kasum / kahjum ühisettevõtetest                      -204   -100   -254   -109
 Intressitulud                                          64     14    165     20
 Muud finantstulud ja -kulud                        -2 238 -1 987 -4 473 -3 537
 Kasum enne tulumaksu                                2 770 -1 706  7 032  3 182

 Tulumaksukulu                                        -328   -483   -782   -737
 Aruandeperioodi puhaskasum                          2 442 -2 189  6 250  2 445
 Aruandeperioodi koondkasum kokku                    2 442 -2 189  6 250  2 445
 Kasum aktsia kohta
 - tava                                               0,23  -0,20   0,58   0,23
 - lahustatud                                         0,23  -0,20   0,58   0,23


                                    30.06.2024   31.12.2023
  EUR tuhandetes
  Raha ja raha ekvivalendid             10 772       14 712
  Lühiajalised hoiused                      50        3 400
  Nõuded ja viitlaekumised               1 555        2 360
  Ettemakstud kulud                        133          106
  Käibevara kokku                       12 510       20 578

  Pikaajalised nõuded                      409          214
  Ühisettevõtete osad                    1 824        2 078
  Kinnisvarainvesteeringud             361 391      357 916
  Materiaalne põhivara                     198          158
  Põhivara kokku                       363 822      360 366
  VARAD KOKKU                          376 332      380 944

  Laenukohustused                        8 758       16 907
  Võlad ja ettemaksed                    2 255        3 417
  Lühiajalised kohustised kokku         11 013       20 324

  Laenukohustised                      140 618      130 849
  Muud pikaajalised võlad                1 892        1 790
  Edasilükkunud tulumaksukohustus        8 681        9 283
  Pikaajalised kohustised kokku        151 191      141 922
  KOHUSTISED KOKKU                     162 204      162 246

  Aktsiakapital                        108 198      108 198
  Ülekurss                              84 721       84 721
  Kohustuslik reservkapital              2 799        2 749
  Jaotamata kasum                       18 410       23 030
  OMAKAPITAL KOKKU                     214 128      218 698
  KOHUSTISED JA OMAKAPITAL KOKKU       376 332      380 944

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee (https://connect-


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS unaudited results for 2nd quarter ja 1st half-year 2024


The  performance of EfTEN Real Estate Fund  for the first half of 2024 meets the
fund  manager's expectations.  Vacancy rates  remain below  3% of total leasable
area, which is an excellent result considering the overall business environment.
Excluding  the payment difficulties related to the tenant in Hortese properties,
the  payment behavior of clients is good,  and the level of arrears remains low.
The  fund manager considers the issues related to Hortese properties as isolated
cases  specific to the tenant and not indicative of a broader deterioration. The
fund manager has already begun to seek new solutions for both Hortes stores.

Currently,  the highest vacancy  rates are in  the office sector, accounting for
76% of the total portfolio vacancy. However, this is spread across ten different
office buildings, and new tenants are continually being added. The weaker demand
for  office space is  a clear trend  globally and is  noticeable in every Baltic
capital.  More broadly, the downward trend in  interest rates in the second half
of  2024 is expected to  increase transaction activity,  which will help to grow
the fair value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS's conservatively priced portfolio.

EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS  consolidated sales income for  the second quarter of
2024 was  7.957 million  euros  (2023  II  quarter:  7.961 million  euros).  The
consolidated  sales revenue of EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS  for the first half of
2024 was  15.918 million  euros  (2023  first  half:  15.749 million euros). The
group's  net rental  income totalled  14.781 million euros  in the first half of
2024 (2023:  14.704 million  euros).  The  net  profit  of the group in the same
period was 6.250 million euros (2023: 2.445 million euros).

The consolidated net rental income margin was 93% (2023: 93%), in the first half
of  2024, so costs directly related to  property management (including land tax,
insurance, maintenance and improvement costs) and distribution costs constituted
7% (2023: 7%) of sales revenue.

The  volume of  the Group's  assets as  at 30.06.2024 was  376.332 million euros
(31.12.2023:  380.944 million euros),  including the  fair value  of real estate
investments made up 96% of the volume of asset (31.12.2023: 94%).

Investment portfolio

As  of  the  end  of  June  2024 the  Group has 35 (31.12.2023: same) commercial
investment properties with a fair value as at the balance sheet date of 361.391
million  euros (31.12.2023: 357.916 million  euros) and the  acquisition cost of
359.405 million  euros  (31.12.2023:  354.408 million  euros).  In addition, the
Group's  joint venture owns the Palace hotel in Tallinn, the fair value of which
as of 30.06.2024 was 8.540 million euros (31.12.2023: 9.0 million euros).

In  the first 6 months of 2024, the group earned a total of 15.342 million euros
in rental income, which is 1% more than in the same period of 2023.

The vacancy of investment portfolio was 2.9% as of 30.06.2024 (31.12.2023:
2.6%). The highest vacancy is in the office segment (12.4%), where it takes
longer than before to fill vacant rental premises.

EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS regularly evaluates investment properties twice a year
-  in June and December.  In June 2024, the fair  value of the Fund's investment
properties decreased by 0.4% (by EUR 1.454 million) as a result of revaluations,
including  the value  of office  sector assets  decreased by  1.3%, the value of
logistics  sector assets increased  by 0.7%, and the  value of commercial sector
assets  decreased by 0.7%. The portfolio's downward valuation is largely related
to a more conservative cash flow forecast, especially in the office segment.


During  the first 6 months of 2024, the  Fund's subsidiaries EfTEN Autokeskus OÜ
and  EfTEN  Jurkalne  SIA  extended  their  loan agreements. Within the next 12
months,  the loan agreement of one of  the Group's subsidiaries will expire, the
balance  of  which  is  2,196 thousand  euros  as  of 30.06.2024. The LTV of the
expiring  loan agreement is 30.6%, and the  investment property has a stable and
strong  rental cash flow,  therefore, according to  the management of the Group,
there will be no obstacles to the extension of the loan agreement.

The weighted average interest rate of the Group's loan agreements is 5.65% as of
30.06.2024 (31.12.2023:  5.91) and the  LTV (Loan  to Value) is 42% (31.12.2023:
42%). All  loan agreements of  the fund's subsidiaries  are linked to a floating
interest rate.

Information on shares

The  net value of  the share of  EfTEN Real Estate  Fund AS as of 30.06.2024 was
19.79 euros  (31.12.2023: 20.21 euros). The net value  of EfTEN Real Estate Fund
AS  shares decreased by  2% in the first  half of 2024. In  April 2024, the fund
distributed dividends in the total amount of 10.82 million euros. Without profit
distribution,  the net value of EfTEN Real Estate AS shares would have increased
by 3.5% in the first half of the year.

As of 30.06.2024, the Fund has 10,819,796 shares.


                                                     II quarter   1st half-year
                                                      2024   2023   2024   2023
 EUR thousands
 Revenue                                             7,957  7,961 15,918 15,749
 Cost of services sold                                -341   -363   -759   -757
 Gross profit                                        7,616  7,598 15,159 14,992

 Marketing costs                                      -178   -192   -378   -288
 General and administrative expenses                  -880   -860 -1,819 -1,727
 Profit / loss from the change in the fair value of
 investment property                                -1,454 -6,182 -1,454 -6,182
 Other operating income and expense                     44      3     86     13
 Operating profit                                    5,148    367 11,594  6,808

 Profit / loss from joint ventures                    -204   -100   -254   -109
 Interest income                                        64     14    165     20
 Other finance income and expense                   -2,238 -1,987 -4,473 -3,537
 Profit before income tax                            2,770 -1,706  7,032  3,182

 Income tax expense                                   -328   -483   -782   -737
 Net profit for the reporting period                 2,442 -2,189  6,250  2,445
 Total consolidated profit for the reporting period  2,442 -2,189  6,250  2,445
 Earnings per share
 - basic                                              0.23  -0.20   0.58   0.23
 - diluted                                            0.23  -0.20   0.58   0.23


                                   30.06.2024   31.12.2023
  EUR thousands
  Cash and cash equivalents            10,772       14,712
  Current deposits                         50        3,400
  Receivables and accrued income        1,555        2,360
  Prepaid expenses                        133          106
  Total current assets                 12,510       20,578

  Long-term receivables                   409          214
  Shares in joint ventures              1,824        2,078
  Investment property                 361,391      357,916
  Property, plant, and equipment          198          158
  Total non-current assets            363,822      360,366
  TOTAL ASSETS                        376,332      380,944

  Borrowings                            8,758       16,907
  Payables and prepayments              2,255        3,417
  Total current liabilities            11,013       20,324

  Borrowings                          140,618      130,849
  Other non-current liabilities         1,892        1,790
  Deferred income tax liability         8,681        9,283
  Total non-current liabilities       151,191      141,922
  Total liabilities                   162,204      162,246

  Share capital                       108,198      108,198
  Share premium                        84,721       84,721
  Statutory reserve capital             2,799        2,749
  Retained earnings                    18,410       23,030
  TOTAL EQUITY                        214,128      218,698
  TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY        376,332      380,944

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee (mailto:marilin.hein@eften.ee)