
Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku kokkukutsumine


15.07.2024 16:30:00


Baltic Horizon Fondi korduskoosoleku kokkukutsumise teade


2. juulil  2024 toimus Tallinnas,  Eestis, Baltic  Horizon Fondi osakuomanike ja
Rootsi  hoidmistunnistuse (edaspidi ?SDR")  omanike (edaspidi koos ?investorid")
erakorraline    üldkoosolek   (edaspidi   ?Üldkoosolek").   Nagu   emitent   oma
2.juuli 2024 börsiteates  teavitas, ei olnud koosolekul esindatud vajalikku arvu
hääli  ning investorid ei saanud vastu võtta päevakorras olnud otsust. Kooskõlas
fondi  reeglite punktiga 10.11 kutsub fondivalitseja Northern Horizon Capital AS
käesolevaga kokku uue üldkoosoleku, sama päevakorraga.

Uus  üldkoosolek toimub  6. augustil 2024.a algusega  kell 14:00 (kohaliku Eesti
aja  järgi).  Koosolek  toimub  Northern  Horizon  Capital AS kontoris asukohaga
Hobujaama  5, 5. korrus, 10151 Tallinn, Eesti. Koosolekule registreerimine algab
kell 13:30. Üldkoosolek toimub inglise keeles.

Üldkoosolek kutsutakse kokku juhindudes Baltic Horizon Fondi reeglite punktidest
8.3, 8.7, 10.3.1, 10.4, 10.6 ja    10.11 ning    investeerimisfondide    seaduse
paragrahvi 47 lõikest 1 ja paragrahvi 55 lõikest 9.

Pakume  üldkoosoleku  jälgimiseks  võimaluse  osaleda  üldkoosolekut  kajastaval
veebiseminaril  6. augustil  2023.a kell  14:00. Investoritel  on  võimalik  oma
õiguste  teostamiseks anda  hääletusjuhisega volikiri.  Pakume võimalust kaaluda
esindajaks  määrata fondijuht Tarmo  Karotam (juhised selleks  on toodud allpool
ning lisas 1).

Veebiseminaril osalemiseks palume teil registreerida järgneva lingi kaudu:


Teile  saadetakse  link  ning  juhised veebiseminariga liitumiseks. Veebiseminar
salvestatakse ning on kõigile kättesaadav meie veebilehelt www.baltichorizon.com

Baltic Horizon Fondi osakute ja häälte koguarv on 119,635,429.


 1. Uute Baltic Horizon Fondi osakute väljaandmine suunatud pakkumise teel
    aastal 2024 Baltic Horizon Fondi bilansi tugevdamiseks.

Palume  investoritel saata  päevakorra punktidega  seotud küsimused  ja märkused
fondijuhi          e-maili          aadressile          Tarmo.Karotam@nh.cap.com
(mailto:Tarmo.Karotam@nh.cap.com)  hiljemalt 31. juulil 2024.a. Northern Horizon
Capital  AS vastab küsimustele ja  märkustele esimesel võimalusel kuid hiljemalt
üldkoosoleku ajal.

Õigus üldkoosolekul osalemiseks ja teavitus osalemisest

Üldkoosolekul  osalemiseks on õigustatud investor, kelle nimel on Baltic Horizon
Fondi  osakuomanike Nasdaq CSD SE poolt peetavas registris registreeritud Baltic
Horizon  Fondi osakuid  või Euroclear  Sweden AB  registris SDR-e  10 päeva enne
üldkoosoleku  toimumist,  s.o  26. juuli  2024.a Nasdaq  CSD  SE  tööpäeva  lõpu

Üldkoosolekul   sujuva   registreerimise   protsessi  toimimise  huvides  palume
investoritel,  kes  hoiavad  osakuid  enda  nimel,  teavitada  oma üldkoosolekul
osalemise       soovist       e-maili      aadressile      bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com
(mailto:bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com)   hiljemalt   31. juulil   2024.a. Teavitus  peab
sisaldama  investori nime,  isikukoodi (juriidilise  isiku puhul registrikoodi),
aadressi  ja  esindatud  osakute  arvu;  samuti,  juhul  kui  see on asjakohane,
üldkoosolekul  osaleva esindaja  informatsiooni koos  tema nime ja isikukoodiga.
Üldkoosolekul   esindaja  osalemine  ei  välista  ka  investori  enda  osalemist

Juhised Euroclear Sweden AB, Rootsi süsteemis registreeritud SDR-ide omanikele

OLULINE  UUS  NÕUE: SDR  omanikud,  kelle  hoidmistunnistused  on registreeritud
Euroclear  Sweden  AB  registris  panga  või  mõne  muu  esindajakonto kaudu, on
kohustatud  teavitama panka või esindajakonto pakkujat 26. juuliks 2024, et pank
või  esindaja  konto  pakkuja  lisaks  ajutiselt  isiku nime Euroclear Sweden AB
omanike registrisse.

Palume   SDR-ide   omanikel  teavitada  oma  üldkoosolekul  osalemisest  e-posti
aadressil  bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com  (mailto:bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com)  hiljemalt 31.
juulil  2024.a kell  16:00 Eesti  aja  järgi.  Teavitus peab sisaldama investori
nime,  isikukoodi (juriidilise isiku puhul registrikoodi), aadressi ja esindatud
osakute  arvu;  samuti,  juhul  kui  see  on  asjakohane,  Üldkoosolekul osaleva
esindaja  informatsiooni koos tema nime  ja isikukoodiga. Üldkoosolekul esindaja
osalemine ei välista ka investori enda osalemist Üldkoosolekul.

Volikirja alusel esindamine

Palume  investoritel, keda  esindatakse Üldkoosolekul  volikirja alusel, esitada
selleks kirjalik volikiri eesti või inglise keeles (käesoleva teate lisaks nr 1
on volikirja näidis).

Volikirja   koopia   tuleb   saata   e-posti   aadressile  bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com
(mailto:bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com)  koos teavitusega  soovist üldkoosolekul osaleda.
Juhul  kui  volikirja  on  andud  juriidiline  isik, tuleb esitada ka kinnitatud
koopia registrikaardist või sellega võrdsest dokumendist ja kui asjakohane, siis
ka  kinnitatud koopia  dokumendist, mis  tõendab volikirja  allkirjastanud isiku

Kuivõrd  Baltic  Horizon  Fond  on  registreeritud Eestis, juhime tähelepanu, et
teatud  juhtudel võib olla vajalik volikirja ja juriidilise isiku registrikaardi
notariaalne   või   apostilliga   kinnitamine   (näiteks   kohaldub  apostilliga
kinnitamise   nõue  Soomes  ja  Rootsis  välja  antud  notariaalselt  kinnitatud

Instruktsioonid Üldkoosoleku päevaks

Palume  Üldkoosolekul  osalejatel  olla  valmis  esitama isikut tõendav dokument
(pass või ID kaart) ning esindaja puhul ka esindusõiguse aluseks oleva volikirja
originaaldokument  eesti või inglise  keeles. Juhul kui  investor on juriidiline
isik,  palume  esitada  eesti-  või  inglisekeelsed  dokumendid,  mis  tõendavad
investori  esindamise õigust  ja kui  asjakohane, siis  volikirja allkirjastanud
isiku esindusõigust.

Northern  Horizon Capital AS kasutab volikirjade  ja Nasdaq CSD SE poolt peetava
osakuomanike  registri ning Euroclear Sweden AB, Rootsi süsteemis registreeritud
SDR-ide omanike kohta kogutud teavet Üldkoosolekule registreerimiseks.

Northern Horizon Capital AS ettepanekud päevakorrapunktide kohta

 1. Uute Baltic Horizon Fondi osakute väljaandmine suunatud pakkumise teel
    aastal 2024 Baltic Horizon Fondi bilansi tugevdamiseks

Northern Horizon Capital AS-i ettepanek on, et üldkoosolek otsustab välja lasta
uusi Baltic Horizon Fondi osakuid järgmistel tingimustel:

 a. Uued osakud antakse välja hinnaga, mis vastab Baltic Horizon Fondi osaku 90
    päeva kaalutud keskmisele hinnale Nasdaq Tallinna börsil, sealhulgas ja
    arvutatuna börsipäeval, mis eelneb märkimisperioodi esimesele päevale;
 b. Uute osakute väljalaskmisest saadavat tulu kasutatakse investeeringuteks
    olemasolevatesse kinnisvaraobjektidesse ja/või Baltic Horizon Fondi
    portfelli finantsvõimenduse vähendamiseks;
 c. Uued osakuid antakse välja ühes või mitmes osas 2024.aastal, vastavalt
    Northern Horizon Capital AS-i otsusele ning Baltic Horizon Fondi
 d. Uued osakud antakse välja suunatud pakkumise raames, s.t. avalikku pakkumist
    ei korraldata ning prospekti ei registreerita. Uued osakud esindavad 12-
    kuulise perioodi jooksul vähem kui 20 % Baltic Horizon Fondi juba
    kauplemisele võetud osakute arvust.

Lisa 1:

1. Volikirja   näidis  üldkoosolekul  investorite  õiguste  teostamiseks  (eesti
2. Volikirja  näidis  üldkoosolekul  investorite  õiguste  teostamiseks (inglise

Lisainformatsiooni saamiseks palume ühendust võtta:

Tarmo Karotam
Baltic Horizon Fond, fondijuht
E-mail tarmo.karotam@nh-cap.com

Baltic Horizon Fond on registreeritud lepinguline avalik kinnine kinnisvarafond,
mida valitseb alternatiivfondivalitseja Northern Horizon Capital AS.

Avaldamine: GlobeNewswire, Nasdaq Tallinn, Nasdaq
Stockholm, www.baltichorizon.com

Saamaks  börsiteateid  ning  uudiseid  Baltic  Horizon  Fondilt tema projektide,
plaanide   ja   muu   kohta,   registreeruge   aadressil   www.baltichorizon.com
(https://www.baltichorizon.com/et/).  Samuti  on  teil  võimalik  Baltic Horizon
Fondi                   jälgida                  aadressil www.baltichorizon.com
(https://www.baltichorizon.com/et/)                 ning                LinkedIn
(https://www.linkedin.com/company/baltic-horizon/),                     Facebook
(https://www.facebook.com/baltichorizon), X  (https://twitter.com/BalticHorizon)
ja YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@baltichorizon/featured) keskkondades.


Baltic Horizon Fund general meeting of investors and a notice to convene a new general meeting of investors


Extraordinary  General  Meeting  (hereinafter  the  "General Meeting") of Baltic
Horizon Fund unit-holders and Swedish Depositary Receipt (hereinafter the "SDR")
holders  (hereinafter  together  the  "Investors")  took place on 2 July 2024 in
Tallinn, Estonia.  As announced to the market on 2 July 2024, the quorum was not
reached  and investors were not able to adopt the proposed resolution. According
to  section  10.11 of  the  rules  of  the fund, the management company Northern
Horizon Capital AS  convenes a new general meeting, with the same agenda.

The new general meeting of Baltic Horizon Fund is to be held on 6 August 2024 at
14:00 (local  Estonian time)  at the  office of  Northern Horizon  Capital AS at
Hobujaama  5, 5th floor,  10151 Tallinn,  Estonia.  Registration for the meeting
will begin at 13:30. The general meeting will be held in English.

The      meeting     is     convened     in     accordance     with     sections
8.3, 8.7, 10.3.1, 10.4, 10.6 and  10.11 of the Rules of  Baltic Horizon Fund and
sections 47-1 and 55-9 of the Investment Funds Act of Estonia.

Investors  are invited to join the webinar to view the General Meeting online on
6 August  2024 at 14:00. Investors are invited to issue a power of attorney with
instructions  for voting to exercise their rights as an Investor. We propose the
Investors to consider designating fund manager Tarmo Karotam as their authorised
representative (please see instructions below and templates at Annex 1).

To join the webinar, please register via the following link:


You  will  be  provided  with  the  webinar  link  and  instructions how to join
successfully.  The webinar will be recorded and available online for everyone at
the company's website on www.baltichorizon.com (http://www.baltichorizon.com).

The  total  number  of  units  and  votes  in  Baltic  Horizon  Fund  amounts to


 1. Resolution on the issuance of new units by way of private placement in 2024
    in order to strengthen the balance sheet of Baltic Horizon Fund.

Investors are invited to send questions and comments on the agenda to the Baltic
Horizon   fund  manager  at  Tarmo.Karotam@nh-cap.com  (mailto:Tarmo.Karotam@nh-
cap.com)  by 31 July 2024. Northern Horizon Capital AS responds to questions and
comments as quickly as possible, but no later than at the general meeting.

Participation - requirements and notice

Investors  who are entered  in the Baltic  Horizon Fund registry of unit-holders
maintained  by Nasdaq  CSD SE  and holders  of SDRs  registered in the Euroclear
Sweden  AB system ten days  before the date of  the General Meeting, i.e. at the
end of business of Nasdaq CSD SE on 26 July 2024, are entitled to participate in
the meeting.

In  order  to  facilitate  the  registration  process, investors whose units are
registered  in their own name are invited  to provide notice of their attendance
by  31 July 2024 to bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com (mailto:bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com). Notice
should  include name, personal identification number (or the registration number
of  the legal person),  address, number of  units represented and, if applicable
attendance   of   any   representatives,   along  with  the  name  and  personal
identification number of the representatives. The attendance of a representative
does not deprive the unit-holder of the right to participate at the meeting.

Instructions  to holders of  Baltic Horizon Fund  SDRs registered with Euroclear
Sweden AB in Sweden

IMPORTANT NEW REQUIREMENT: SDR holders whose SDR-s are registered with Euroclear
Sweden  AB via  a bank  or other  nominee are  required to  notify their bank or
nominee  account provider by  26 July 2024 to temporarily  add their name on the
Euroclear Sweden AB owner register.

Notice  of  participation  should  be  sent  by  16:00 EET  on  31 July  2024 to
bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com   (mailto:bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com).  Notice  should  include
name,  personal identification number  (or the registration  number of the legal
person),  address, number of units represented and, if applicable, attendance of
any  representatives, along with the name  and personal identification number of
the  representatives. The  attendance of  a representative  does not deprive the
Investor of the right to participate at the meeting.

Representation under a power of attorney

Investors  whose  representatives  are  acting  under  a  power  of attorney are
requested  to  prepare  a  written  power  of attorney for the representative in
Estonian or English (templates can be found at Annex 1).

A copy of the executed power of attorney should be sent to bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com
(mailto:bhfmeeting@nh-cap.com)  together  with  the  notice of participation. In
case  the power of attorney is issued by a legal person, a certified copy of the
registration  certificate (or equivalent certificate of authority) shall also be
submitted  together with, as applicable,  the documents certifying the authority
of  the representative in case the power of attorney is signed by a person under
a power of attorney.

Baltic  Horizon Fund  is registered  in Estonia,  which means  that any power of
attorney  (or  any  certified  copy  of  the registration certificate of a legal
person)  issued in a foreign  country should be notarised  and accompanied by an
apostille. The apostille requirement applies, for example, to powers of attorney
issued and notarised in Sweden or Finland.

Instructions for the day of the General Meeting

We  kindly ask  Investors to  bring a  personal identification document, and for
their  representatives also to present the original written power of attorney in
English  or Estonian. In case  the Investor is a  legal person, documentation in
Estonian or English certifying the authority of the Investor's representative or
the signatory of the power of attorney will also be requested.

Data  collected  by  Northern  Horizon  Capital  AS from powers of attorney, the
unitholders  registry maintained by  Nasdaq CSD SE,  and the list  of holders of
SDRs  registered in the Euroclear Sweden AB  system will be used for the purpose
of registration and preparing the voting list for the meeting.

Northern Horizon Capital AS proposals on the agenda items

1. Resolution on the issuance of new units by way of private placement in 2024
in order to strengthen the balance sheet of Baltic Horizon Fund
Northern Horizon Capital AS proposes that the General Meeting resolves to issue
new Baltic Horizon Fund units under the following conditions:

 a. The new units are to be issued at a price corresponding to the weighted
    average price of Baltic Horizon Fund units on the Nasdaq Tallinn Stock
    Exchange during the past 90 days, calculated on and including the trading
    day preceding to the first day of the subscription period;
 b. Proceeds from the issuance of new units will be used for investments into
    existing real estate properties and/or to deleverage Baltic Horizon Fund´s
 c. The new units will be issued at once or on several occasions during 2024, as
    decided by Northern Horizon Capital AS, based on the funding needs of Baltic
    Horizon Fund;
 d. The new units will be issued by way of private placement, i.e. no public
    offering will be made and no prospectus registered. The new units to be
    issued represent, over a period of 12 months, less than 20 % of the number
    of Baltic Horizon Fund units already admitted to trading.

Annex 1:

Form  of power of attorney  to appoint a representative  for the general meeting
(in Estonian)

Form  of power of attorney  to appoint a representative  for the general meeting
(in English)

For additional information, please contact:

Tarmo Karotam
Baltic Horizon Fund manager
E-mail tarmo.karotam@nh-cap.com

Baltic Horizon Fund is a registered contractual public closed-end real estate
fund managed by Alternative Investment Fund Manager license holder Northern
Horizon Capital AS. Both the Fund and the Management Company are supervised by
the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority.

Distribution: Nasdaq, GlobeNewswire, www.baltichorizon.com

To  receive Nasdaq  announcements and  news from  Baltic Horizon  Fund about its
projects,     plans     and     more,    register    on    www.baltichorizon.com
(https://www.baltichorizon.com/).  You  can  also  follow  Baltic  Horizon  Fund
on www.baltichorizon.com   (https://www.baltichorizon.com/)   and   on  LinkedIn
(https://www.linkedin.com/company/baltic-horizon/),                     Facebook
(https://www.facebook.com/baltichorizon), X  (https://twitter.com/BalticHorizon)
and YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@baltichorizon/featured).