
AS Trigon Property Development


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


26.06.2024 12:57:20


Aktsionäride 26. juuni 2024. a korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


AS Trigon Property Development (registrikood 10106774; edaspidi ?Aktsiaselts")
aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus 26. juunil 2024.a. Tallinnas, Pärnu
mnt 18.

Üldkoosolek algas kell 10:00. Üldkoosolekul oli aktsiatega esindatud 2 570 164
häält, mis moodustab 57,127% kõigist Aktsiaseltsi aktsiatega esindatud häältest.
Üldkoosolek oli pädev võtma vastu otsuseid päevakorras olnud küsimustes.

Üldkoosoleku otsused:

          1.     Aktsiaseltsi 2023. a majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Kinnitada   Aktsiaseltsi   juhatuse   poolt   koostatud   Aktsiaseltsi   2023 a.
majandusaasta  aruanne,  mille  kohaselt  Aktsiaseltsi bilansimaht 31.12.2023 a.
seisuga oli 1 708 465 eurot ning aruandeaasta puhaskahjum oli 32 412 eurot.

Poolt 2 569 152 häält ehk 99.96% koosolekul esindatud häältest. Vastu oli 1 012
häält ehk 0.04%. Seega on otsus vastu võetud.

          2.     Aktsiaseltsi 2023. a majandusaasta kahjumi katmine

Kiita  heaks juhatuse poolt  esitatud kahjumi katmise  ettepanek ja katta 2023.
aasta  puhaskahjum  summas  34 412 eurot  eelmiste  perioodide  jaotamata kasumi

Poolt 2 569 152 häält ehk 99.96% koosolekul esindatud häältest. Vastu oli 1 012
häält ehk 0.04%. Seega on otsus vastu võetud.

          3.     Aktsiaseltsi  2024. a  majandusaastaks  audiitori  valimine  ja
audiitori tasustamise korra määramine

Valida Aktsiaseltsi 2024.a. majandusaasta audiitoriks AS PricewaterhouseCoopers
(registrikood 10142876; aadress Tatari 1, 10116 Tallinn). Audiitorteenuste eest
tasumine toimub audiitorühinguga sõlmitava lepingu alusel.

Poolt 2 569 152 häält ehk 99.96% koosolekul esindatud häältest. Vastu oli 1 012
häält ehk 0.04%. Seega on otsus vastu võetud.

Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku protokoll on kättesaadav Aktsiaseltsi
kodulehel http://www.trigonproperty.com/

Rando Tomingas

Juhatuse liige

+372 66 79 200



Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders from 26 June 2024


The annual general meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development
(registry code: 10106774; hereinafter the "Company") was held on 26 June 2024 in
Tallinn, Pärnu mnt 18.

The annual general meeting started at 10:00. 2,570,164 votes represented by the
shares of the Company, i.e. 57,127% of all the votes represented by the shares
of the Company, participated at the meeting. Therefore, the annual general
meeting was competent to pass resolutions regarding the items on the agenda.

Resolutions of the annual general meeting:

          1.     Approval  of the annual report of the Company for the financial
year 2023

To  approve the  annual report  of the  Company for  the financial year 2023, in
accordance  with which the balance sheet value  of the Company as at 31 December
2023 was  1,708,465 euros and  the net  loss for  the financial year was 32,412

In  favour 2,569,152 votes i.e.  99.96% of all votes  in the meeting and against
1,012 votes  i.e. 0.04% of  all votes  in the  meeting. Thus  the resolution was

          2.     Covering the net loss for the financial year 2023

To  approve the net loss allocation proposal made by the Management Board and to
cover  the  net  loss  for  2023 in  the amount of 32,412 euros from accumulated

In  favour 2,569,152 votes i.e.  99.96% of all votes  in the meeting and against
1,012 votes  i.e. 0.04% of  all votes  in the  meeting. Thus  the resolution was

          3.     Appointment  of  the  auditor  for  the financial year 2024 and
determining the remuneration policy for the auditor

To appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers (registry code 10142876, address Tatari
1, 10116 Tallinn) as the auditor of the Company for the financial year 2024. The
auditing services will be paid for in accordance with the contract to be drawn
up with the auditor.

In  favour 2,569,152 votes i.e.  99.96% of all votes  in the meeting and against
1,012 votes  i.e. 0.04% of  all votes  in the  meeting. Thus  the resolution was

The minutes of the general meeting of shareholders are available on Company's
web-page, at http://www.trigonproperty.com/

Rando Tomingas
Member of the Management Board
+372 66 79 200