
Nordic Fibreboard AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


18.06.2024 12:55:30


Nordic Fibreboard AS aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


NORDIC FIBREBOARD AS (registrikood 11421437, asukoht Rääma 31, Pärnu
80044) aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek toimus teisipäeval, 18. juuni 2024
algusega kell 10:00 ja lõppes kell 10:15 aadressil Rääma 31 Pärnu.

Aktsiaseltsil   on   põhikirja  kohaselt  kokku  4,499,061 häält,  kohal  viibib
3 097 974 häält mis moodustavad 68,86% aktsiakapitalist ja seega oli üldkoosolek
otsustusvõimeline võtma vastu otsuseid päevakorras olnud küsimustes.

Üldkoosoleku otsused:

1. 2023. a. majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Nõukogu ettepanek: Kinnitada juhatuse poolt koostatud Seltsi 2023. a.
majandusaasta  aruanne,  mille kohaselt  Seltsi konsolideeritud bilansimaht
seisuga 31.12.2023. a. oli 8 505 080,71 eurot ning aruandeaasta puhaskahjum oli
682 361,36 eurot.

Otsus võeti vastu 3 097 974 häälega, mis moodustab 100,00% registreerunud

2. 2023.a. majandusaasta kahjumi katmine

Nõukogu ettepanek: Katta 2023. a. majandusaasta puhaskahjum summas 682 361,36
eurot eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumi arvelt;

Otsus võeti vastu 3 097 974 häälega, mis moodustab 100,00% registreerunud

3. 2024. a. majandusaasta audiitori valimine ja tasustamise korra määramine

Nõukogu ettepanek: Valida Seltsi 2024.a. majandusaasta audiitoriks AS
PricewaterhouseCoopers (registrikood: 10142876; aadress: Pärnu mnt. 15, 10141
Tallinn). Audiitorteenuste eest tasumine toimub audiitorühinguga sõlmitava
lepingu alusel.

Otsus võeti vastu 3 097 974 häälega, mis moodustab 100,00% registreerunud

Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku protokoll on kättesaadav Aktsiaseltsi
kodulehel https://group.nordicfibreboard.com/et/investor/korraline-kooseolek

Enel Äkke
Juhatuse liige
group@nordicfibreboard.com (https://www.globenewswire.com/Tracker?data=y-
Tel: +372 55 525550


Decisions of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Nordic Fibreboard AS


NORDIC FIBREBOARD AS (reg nr11421437, address Rääma 31, Pärnu 80044) Annual
General Meeting of shareholders was held on Tuesday, 18th of June 2024 in Nordic
Fibreboard AS office, at Rääma 31, Pärnu.

The general meeting started at 10.00 and ended at 10:15

According to the Articles of Association, the company has a total of 4,499,061
votes, 3 097 974 votes are present representing 68.86% of the share capital and
therefore the General Meeting was quorate to adopt resolutions on the items on
the agenda.

Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting:

1. Approval of the annual report of the Company for the financial year 2023

Proposal  of the Supervisory Board: To approve  the annual report of the Company
for  the financial year 2023, in accordance  with which the consolidated balance
sheet  value of the Company as at 31 December 2023 was 8 505 080,71 euro and the
net loss for the financial year was 682 361,36 euros.

The number of votes in favor of the resolution was 3 097 974, wich is 100,00% of
registered votes.

2. Allocation of loss for the financial year 2023

Proposal  of the  Supervisory Board:  Cover the  net loss for the 2023 financial
year in the amount of 682 361,36 euro from the retained earnings;

The number of votes in favor of the resolution was 3 097 974, wich is 100,00% of
registered votes.

3. Appointment  and remuneration  principles of  auditor for  the financial year

Proposal   of  the  Supervisory  Board:  To  appoint  AS  PricewaterhouseCoopers
(register code: 10142876; aaddress: Pärnu mnt. 15, 10141 Tallinn) as the auditor
of  the Company for the financial  year 2024. Public accounting services will be
paid for in accordance with the contract to be drawn up with the auditor.

 The  number of votes in favor of the resolution was 3 097 974, wich is 100,00%
of registered votes.

The minutes of the shareholders' meeting are only available in
Estonian https://group.nordicfibreboard.com/et/investor/uldkoosolekud/2024

Enel Äkke
Member of Management Board
Phone: + 372 55 52 5550
E-mail: group@nordicfibreboard.com