
EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


11.06.2024 08:00:00


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS’i aktsia puhasväärtus seisuga 31.05.2024


EfTEN  Real  Estate  Fund  AS  teenis  mais  2 589 tuhat  eurot  konsolideeritud
üüritulu, mis on aprilliga võrreldes 44 tuhat eurot rohkem. Üüritulu kasvas tänu
kaubanduskeskuste  käibeüürile ning  hooajalisele tulule.  Fondi konsolideeritud
EBITDA  oli mais  2 253 tuhat eurot,  s.o 78 tuhat  eurot rohkem  kui kuu varem.
Maikuu   EBITDA  sisaldab  ühekordset  tulu  summas  29 tuhat  eurot  servituudi
seadmisest Tallinnas asuvale logistikakeskuse kinnistule.

Selle  aasta viie kuu konsolideeritud üüritulu  on kokku 12 771 tuhat eurot, s.o
1% rohkem kui eelmisel aastal samal ajal. Fondi viie kuu EBITDA on sellel aastal
10 889 tuhat eurot, mis on samuti 1% rohkem kui eelmisel aastal samal ajal.

Fondi   kinnisvaraportfelli   vakantsus  vähenes  mais  3,0%-lt  2,7%-ni  seoses
Vilniuses  asuva  Ulonu  büroomaja  viimaste vakantsete pindade väljaüürimisega.
Fondil  on  mai  lõpu  seisuga  8913m2 vakantseid pindu, s.h 6744m2 büroopindade

2024. aasta  viie kuu jooksul on EfTEN  Real Estate Fund AS teeninud 4 329 tuhat
eurot  vaba  rahavoogu  (EBITDA  miinus  laenumaksed  miinus  intressikulu), mis
võrreldes  eelmise aasta sama  perioodiga on 665 tuhat  eurot vähem. Rahavoog on
vähenenud  peamiselt  seoses   EURIBORi  kasvuga.  Fondi  selle  aasta  viie kuu
tulemuste  põhjal  arvutatud  potentsiaalne  brutodividend on 32,01 senti aktsia
kohta (13% vähem kui eelmisel aastal samal ajal).

Fondi  tütarettevõtete pangalaenude kaalutud keskmine intressimäär oli mai lõpus
5,78%. Võrreldes  2023. aasta lõpuga on kaalutud keskmine intressimäär vähenenud
0,13 protsendipunkti.

EfTEN  Real Estate  Fund AS'i  puhasväärtus aktsia  kohta oli 31.05.2024 seisuga
19,8038 eurot  ja  EPRA  NRV  20,6066 eurot.  Aktsia  puhasväärtus  tõusis  mais
tavapäraselt 0,7%.

Marilin Hein
Tel. 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee


The net asset value of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS shares as of 31.05.2024


EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS consolidated rental income was 2,589 thousand euros in
May,  an increase of 44 thousand  euros compared to April.  The growth in rental
income  was driven by turnover rents from shopping centers and from the seasonal
revenue.  The Fund's consolidated EBITDA for May was 2,253 thousand euros, which
is  78 thousand euros higher than the previous  month. The May EBITDA includes a
one-time  income  of  29 thousand  euros  from  establishing  an  easement  on a
logistics center property in Tallinn.

The  consolidated rental income for  the first five months  of this year totaled
12,771 thousand  euros, representing a  1% increase compared to  the same period
last  year. The Fund's EBITDA  for the five months  this year is 10,889 thousand
euros, also a 1% increase compared to the same period last year.

The  vacancy rate  of the  Fund's real  estate portfolio  decreased from 3.0% in
April  to 2.7% in May, due to the leasing  of the remaining vacant spaces in the
Ulonu  office building  in Vilnius.  As of  the end  of May, the Fund had 8,913
square meters of vacant space, including 6,744 square meters in the office space

During the first five months of 2024, EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS generated 4,329
thousand  euros in  free cash  flow (EBITDA  minus loan  payments minus interest
expenses),  which is  665 thousand euros  less compared  to the same period last
year.  The decrease in  cash flow is  primarily due to  the increase in EURIBOR.
Based on the results for the first five months of this year, the potential gross
dividend  is calculated  to be  32.01 cents per  share (13%  less than  the same
period last year).

The  weighted average interest rate on the bank loans of the Fund's subsidiaries
was  5.78% at the end of May. Compared  to the end of 2023, the weighted average
interest rate has decreased by 0.13 percentage points.

The  net asset value per share of EfTEN Real Estate Fund AS as of 31.05.2024 was
19.8038 euros, and the EPRA NRV was 20.6066 euros. The net asset value per share
increased by a usual 0.7% in May.

Marilin Hein
Phone +372 6559 515
E-mail: marilin.hein@eften.ee