
TKM Grupp AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


07.06.2024 16:30:00


TKM Grupp AS tütarettevõtete juhatuse ja nõukogu liikmete volituste pikendamine


TKM Grupp AS tütarettevõtete Kaubamaja AS, TKM Auto OÜ ja Kulinaaria OÜ nõukogud
otsustasid  pikendada juhatuse  liikmete volitusi.  Kaubamaja AS nõukogu otsusel
jätkab juhatuse liikmena Erkki Laugus, tema volitusi pikendati uueks 3-aastaseks
ametiajaks  kuni  15.06.2027. TKM  Auto  OÜ  nõukogu  otsusel  jätkab  ettevõtte
juhatuse   liikmena  Jüri  Kuusk,  tema  volitusi  pikendati  uueks  3-aastaseks
ametiajaks  kuni  18.06.2027. Kulinaaria  OÜ  nõukogu  otsusel  jätkab  juhatuse
liikmena  Andres Heinver,  tema volitusi  pikendati uueks 3-aastaseks ametiajaks
kuni 21.06.2027.

Ühtlasi  on TKM Grupp  AS ainuaktsionärina otsustanud  pikendada Kaubamaja AS ja
TKM   Auto   OÜ  nõukogu  liikmete  volitusi.  Kaubamaja  AS  nõukogus  jätkavad
ainuaktsionäri  otsusel Jüri Käo  (nõukogu esimees), Enn  Kunila, Meelis Milder,
Gunnar  Kraft,  Raul  Puusepp  ja  Kristo  Anton  uuel 3-aastasel ametiajal kuni
22.06.2027. TKM  Auto OÜ nõukogus  jätkavad Aarne Õllek  (nõukogu esimees), Jüri
Käo,  Enn Kunila,  Raul Puusepp  ja Kristo  Anton uuel 3-aastasel ametiajal kuni
15.07.2027. Samuti  on TKM Grupp  AS tütarettevõte TKM  Auto OÜ ainuaktsionärina
otsustanud  pikendada  aktsiaselts  VIKING  MOTORS  nõukogu  liikmete  volitusi.
Aktsiaselts  VIKING MOTORS nõukogus jätkavad  ainuaktsionäri otsusel Aarne Õllek
(nõukogu  esimees), Jüri  Käo, Enn  Kunila, Raul  Puusepp, Kristo  Anton ja Jüri
Kuusk uuel 3-aastasel ametiajal kuni 03.07.2027.

Kaubamaja  AS opereerib kahte täisformaadis  kaubamaja, mis hõlmab moe-, toidu-,
kodu-, ilu- ja lastekaupade müüke ning mille müügimajad asuvad Tallinna ja Tartu
kesklinnas.  TKM Auto OÜ koondab enda alla kogu TKM Grupp AS autokaubanduse ning
tema  tütarettevõte  Aktsiaselts  VIKING  MOTORS  tegeleb  autode  jaemüügi-  ja
teenindusega Eestis. Kulinaaria OÜ on Selver AS tütarettevõte, mille põhitegevus
on  valmistoidu tootmine  ja müük  nii jaekaubanduses  kui e-poes  ning catering
täisteenuse pakkumine.

Raul Puusepp
Juhatuse esimees
Tel 731 5000


Prolongation of authorities of members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of the subsidiaries of TKM Grupp AS


The  Supervisory Boards of  the subsidiaries of  Kaubamaja AS, TKM  Auto OÜ, and
Kulinaaria  OÜ  have  resolved  to  prolong  the  authorities  of members of the
Management  Board. As per  the resolution of  the Supervisory Board of Kaubamaja
AS,  Erkki Laugus shall  continue as a  member of the  Management Board, and his
term  of authorities was  prolonged for another  3-year term until the 15(th) of
June  2027. As per the resolution of the  Supervisory Board of TKM Auto OÜ, Jüri
Kuusk  shall  continue  as  a  member  of  the Management Board, and his term of
authorities  was  prolonged  for  another  3-year  term until the 18(th) of June
2027. As  per the resolution  of the Supervisory  Board of Kulinaaria OÜ, Andres
Heinver  shall continue  as a  member of  the Management  Board, and his term of
authorities was prolonged for another 3-year term until the 21(st) of June 2027.

Additionally, TKM Grupp AS, as the sole shareholder, has resolved to prolong the
authorities of all members of the Supervisory Board of Kaubamaja AS and TKM Auto
OÜ.  As per  the resolution  of the  sole shareholder  of Kaubamaja AS, Jüri Käo
(Chairman  of the Supervisory  Board), Enn Kunila,  Meelis Milder, Gunnar Kraft,
Raul  Puusepp, and  Kristo Anton  shall continue  as members  of the Supervisory
Board  for another  3-year term  until the  22(nd) of June  2027. Members of the
Supervisory  Board  of  TKM  Auto  OÜ,  Aarne Õllek (Chairman of the Supervisory
Board),  Jüri Käo, Enn Kunila, Raul Puusepp,  and Kristo Anton will continue for
another  3-year  term  until  the  15(th) of  July  2027. Also,  TKM  Grupp AS's
subsidiary  TKM Auto  OÜ, as  the sole  shareholder, has  decided to  extend the
powers  of the  Supervisory Board  members of  Aktsiaselts VIKING  MOTORS. Aarne
Õllek  (Chairman of the Supervisory Board),  Jüri Käo, Enn Kunila, Raul Puusepp,
Kristo  Anton, and Jüri  Kuusk will continue  for another 3-year  term until the
3(rd) of July 2027.

Kaubamaja  AS  operates  two  full  format  department stores that offer fashion
items,  food  products,  home,  beauty  and  children's products and which sales
facilities  are located in  the city centres  of Tallinn and  Tartu. TKM Auto OÜ
runs  all  the  vehicle  sales  operations  of  TKM Grupp AS, and its subsidiary
Aktsiaselts  VIKING MOTORS  operates in  vehicle sales  and service  in Estonia.
Kulinaaria  OÜ  is  a  subsidiary  of  Selver  AS,  whose  main  activity is the
production  and sale of prepared food both in  retail and the e-shop, as well as
providing full catering services.

Raul Puusepp
Chairman of the Board
Phone: +372 731 5000