
Bigbank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


03.06.2024 11:00:00


Bigbanki nõukogu uueks liikmeks saab Alari Aho


Bigbank  AS aktsionärid  valisid Bigbank  AS uueks  nõukogu liikmeks  Alari Aho.
Alari  Aho  volitused  nõukogu  liikmena  algavad  10.06.2024 ja  kestavad  kuni

Alari  Aho  on  omandanud  majandusalase  kõrghariduse  Tartu Ülikoolist. Alates
2007. aastast töötab Alari Aho Toggl OÜ juhatuse liikmena, mis on rahvusvaheline
veebipõhise  tarkvara arendusega tegelev ettevõte.  Alari Ahol on aastatepikkune
tehnoloogivaldkonna ja -sektori kogemus, ta töötas aastatel 2000-2012 Online App
OÜ-s   juhtiva   partnerina,   oli   aastatel   2004-2021 OÜ  ELIKO  Tehnoloogia
Arenduskeskuse nõukogu liige ning 2007-2009 Smartfid OÜ juhatuse liige.

Bigbank AS (www.bigbank.ee) on Eesti kapitalil põhinev era- ja äriklientide
laenudele ja hoiustele keskendunud pank, millel on lisaks tegevusele Eestis
filiaalid Soomes, Rootsis, Lätis, Leedus ja Bulgaarias ning mis pakub piiriülese
teenusena oma tooteid ka Austrias, Saksamaal ja Hollandis. Bigbanki bilansimaht
ületab 2,5 miljardit eurot.

Martin Länts
Juhatuse esimees
E-mail:  martin.lants@bigbank.ee


Alari Aho to Become the New Member of the Supervisory Board of Bigbank


The  shareholders of Bigbank AS  elected Alari Aho as  the new Supervisory Board
member  of Bigbank AS. Alari Aho's term of office as a member of the Supervisory
Board starts on 10 June 2024 and lasts until 09 June 2026.

Alari  Aho has  a higher  education in  economics from  the University of Tartu.
Since  2007, Alari Aho has been  working as a member  of the management board of
Toggl  OÜ,  which  is  an  international web-based software development company.
Alari  Aho has an  extensive experience in  the technology field  and sector. He
worked  as a  leading partner  at Online  App OÜ  from 2000 to 2012, served as a
member  of the Supervisory Board of  OÜ ELIKO Technology Development Center from
2004 to 2021, and was a member of the management board of Smartfid OÜ from 2007
to 2009.

Bigbank  AS (www.bigbank.ee) is  based on Estonian  capital and focuses on loans
and  deposits for private and corporate customers. In addition to its activities
in  Estonia, Bigbank  has branches  in Finland,  Sweden, Latvia,  Lithuania, and
Bulgaria  and also  offers its  products as  a cross-border  service in Austria,
Germany  and the Netherlands. Bigbank's  total balance sheet exceeds 2.5 billion

Martin Länts
Chairman of the Management Board
E-mail:  martin.lants@bigbank.ee (mailto:martin.lants@bigbank.ee)
www.bigbank.eu (http://www.bigbank.eu)