
Hepsor AS


Aktsionäride üldkoosoleku otsused


23.05.2024 12:39:54


Hepsor AS-i aktsionäride korralise üldkoosoleku otsused


Hepsor   AS-i   (registrikood   12099216; aadress  Järvevana  7b, 10112 Tallinn)
aktsionäride  korraline  üldkoosolek  toimus  neljapäeval,  23. mail  2024, kell
11:00 Mövenpick hotelli konverentsikeskuses aadressil Lembitu 12, Tallinn.

Korralise   üldkoosoleku   kokkukutsumise   teade  avaldati  30.04.2024 ajalehes
Postimees ning 29.04.2024 börsiteatena Nasdaq Tallinna Börsi infosüsteemi kaudu.
Seega on korraline üldkoosolek nõuetekohaselt kokku kutsutud.

Korralisel   üldkoosolekul  osalemiseks  õigustatud  aktsionäride  ring  määrati
seisuga  7 päeva  enne  üldkoosoleku  toimumist,  s.o  16.05.2024 Nasdaq  CSD SE
arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga.

Aktsionäride  nimekirja  fikseerimise  kuupäeva  seisuga  on  Hepsor AS-il kokku
10 223 aktsionäri, kellel kuulub kokku 3 854 701 aktsiat.

Korraline  üldkoosolek  oli  otsustusvõimeline,  kuna seal osales 21 aktsionäri,
kellele  kuuluvate aktsiatega  oli esindatud  3 002 521 häält, st  kokku 77,89%
Hepsor  AS-i aktsiatega esindatud häältest,  sealhulgas 1 aktsionär, kes kasutas
võimalust  hääletada  enne  koosolekut  ning  kellele  kuuluvate  aktsiatega oli
esindatud 507 000 häält.

Hepsor AS-i aktsionäride korraline üldkoosolek otsustas:

 1. 2023. aasta majandusaasta aruande kinnitamine

Otsustati  kinnitada Hepsor AS  2023. aasta majandusaasta aruanne üldkoosolekule
esitatud kujul.

 1. Kasumi jaotamine

Otsustati  jaotada  31.12.2023 lõppenud  majandusaasta  puhaskasum summas 1 185
tuhat eurot järgmiselt:

-        kanda eelmiste perioodide jaotamata kasumi arvele 1 185 tuhat eurot.

 1. Nõukogu liikmete volituste pikendamine

Otsustati   pikendada   seniste   nõukogu  liikmete  Andres  Pärloja  (isikukood
37705120246), Kristjan Mitt'i (isikukood 38108256014) ja Lauri Meidla (isikukood
38009066011) volitusi   kolme   aasta  võrra  aktsionäride  üldkoosoleku  otsuse

Henri Laks
Juhatuse liige
Telefon: +372 5693 9114
e-post: henri@hepsor.ee (mailto:henri@hepsor.ee)


Hepsor AS (www.hepsor.ee
XxLEoTqjc-PsU=)) on üks kiiremini kasvavaid elu- ja ärikondliku kinnisvara
arendajaid Eestis ja Lätis, kes tegutseb alates 2023. aastast ka Kanada
kinnisvaraturul. Kolmeteistkümne tegutsemisaasta jooksul oleme loonud üle 1600
kodu ja ligi 36 000 m2 äripindasid. Hepsor on esimese arendajana Balti riikides
rakendanud mitmeid uuenduslikke insener-tehnilisi lahendusi, mis muudavad
ettevõtte rajatavad hooned energiasäästlikumaks ja seeläbi
keskkonnasõbralikumaks. Ettevõtte portfellis on kokku 24 arendusprojekti
kogupindalaga 171 000 m(2).


Resolutions of the annual general meeting of Hepsor AS


The  annual  general  meeting  of  shareholders  of  Hepsor  AS  (registry  code
12099216, address  Järvevana  7b, 10112 Tallinn)  was  held  on Thursday, 23 May
2024 at 11:00 in the conference hall of Mövenpick Hotel at Lembitu 12, Tallinn.

The  notice  of  convening  the  ordinary  general  meeting  of shareholders was
published  on 30 April 2024 in the newspaper Postimees and on 29 April 2024 as a
stock  exchange  news  through  the  information  system of Nasdaq Tallinn Stock
Exchange. Therefore, the meeting was duly convened.

The list of shareholders eligible to participate at the ordinary general meeting
of  shareholders was  fixed 7 days  before holding  the meeting,  i.e. on 16 May
2024 at the end of the working day of the settlement system of Nasdaq CSD SE.

As  at the  date of  fixing the  list of  shareholders, Hepsor AS has altogether
10 223 shareholders who hold altogether 3,854,701 shares.

The  ordinary general meeting of shareholders  was eligible to adopt resolutions
due  to the  fact that   shareholders participated  at the  meeting whose shares
represent  3 002 521 votes,  i.e.  77,89% of  all  the  votes represented by the
shares  of  Hepsor  AS,  including  one  (1)  shareholder  who  chose to use the
opportunity to vote before the meeting and whose shares represent 507 000 votes.

The   general  meeting  of  shareholder  of  Hepsor  AS  adopted  the  following

 1. Approval of the 2023 annual report

It  was decided to  approve the 2023 annual  report of Hepsor  AS in the form as
submitted to the general meeting.

 1. Distribution of profit

It  was decided to distribute the net profit in the amount of EUR 1,185 thousand
of the financial year which ended 31.12.2023 as follows:

  * allocate EUR 1,185 thousand to the retained profit from previous periods.

 1. Extension of the term of office of the supervisory board members

It  was decided to  extend the term  of office of  the supervisory board members
Andres  Pärloja  (personal  identity  code 37705120246), Kristjan Mitt (personal
identity   code   38108256014) and   Lauri   Meidla   (personal   identity  code
38009066011) for  three years as of the adoption  of the decision of the general
meeting of the shareholders.

Henri Laks
Member of the Management Board
Phone: +372 5693 9114
e-mail: henri@hepsor.ee (mailto:henri@hepsor.ee)
Hepsor  AS  (www.hepsor.ee)  is  one  of  the  fastest  growing  residential and
commercial  real estate developers in Estonia  and Latvia, operating also in the
Canadian  real estate market since 2023. Over the last thirteen years Hepsor has
developed  more than 1,600 homes  and 36,000 m2 of commercial  space. Hepsor was
the  first real estate developer  in the Baltic States  to implement a number of
innovative  engineering  solutions  that  make  the  buildings we construct more
energy-efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. The company's portfolio
is  comprised of 24 development projects with a total sellable space of 171,000