
Coop Pank AS


Muud korporatiivtoimingud


13.05.2024 09:30:00


Coop Pank AS taotlus pandikirjade väljastamiseks täiendava tegevusloa saamiseks


Täna, 13. mail 2024 esitas Coop Pank AS Finantsinspektsioonile avalduse
pandikirjade emiteerimist võimaldava täiendava tegevusloa saamiseks. Täiendava
tegevusloa saamine sõltub regulaatori heakskiidust ning võib eeldatavalt võtta
aega kuni kuus kuud.

Pärast  pandikirjade väljastamist  lubava täiendava  tegevusloa saamist otsustab
pank  pandikirjade  emissiooni  toimumise,  mahu  ning muud tingimused vastavalt
turuolukorrale ning panga finantseerimisvajadustele.

Pandikirjade    emiteerimise    eesmärk    on   panga   finantseerimisstruktuuri
mitmekesistamine  ja stabiilsete  pikaajaliste vahendite  kaasamine. Kaasatavate
vahendite  arvelt saab pank finantseerida  täiendavat laenutegevust ja vähendada
kallimate tähtajaliste hoiuste mahtu.

Coop  Panga finantsjuhi Paavo Truu sõnul on Coop Panga eluasemelaenude portfelli
maht  kasvanud  piisavalt  suureks,  et  pakkuda  pangale võimalust pandikirjade
emiteerimiseks.  Ühtlasi toob  see pikemas  vaates kaasa stabiilsema rahastamise
täiendavate  laenude väljastamiseks. Esimene samm pandikirjade väljastamiseks on
tehtud täiendava tegevusloa taotluse sisseandmisega.

Eesti   kapitalil   põhinev   Coop   Pank   on  üks  viiest  Eestis  tegutsevast
universaalpangast.  Pangal  on  191 800 igapäevapanganduse  klienti.  Coop  Pank
kasutab   jaekaubanduse   ja  panganduse  vahel  tekkivat  sünergiat  ning  toob
igapäevased   pangateenused  kodule  lähemale.  Panga  strateegiline  omanik  on
kodumaine kaubanduskett Coop Eesti, mille müügivõrgustikku kuulub 330 kauplust.

Paavo Truu
Telefon: 5160 231

E-post: paavo.truu@cooppank.ee (mailto:paavo.truu@cooppank.ee)


Coop Pank AS application for obtaining an additional license for issuing covered bonds


Today,  May 13(th), 2024, Coop Pank AS submitted an application to the Financial
Supervision  Authority for an additional  activity license enabling the issuance
of  covered  bonds.  Obtaining  an  additional  license is subject to regulatory
approval and can be expected to take up to six months.

After  obtaining  an  additional  activity  license  authorizing the issuance of
covered bonds, the bank decides on the issue, volume and other conditions of the
covered  bond  issue  in  accordance  with  the  market situation and the bank's
financing needs at the time.

The  purpose  of  issuing  covered  bonds  is  to diversify the bank's financing
structure  and  raise  stable  long-term  funds.  At the expense of the included
funds,  the bank can finance additional lending activities and reduce the volume
of  more expensive term deposits. The  more expensive deposits attracted through
the  current deposit platforms can  be reduced at the  expense of capital raised
with  covered  bonds  issued  on  the  collateral of housing loans. Reducing the
financing cost enables the Bank to offer cheaper loans to customers.

According  to Paavo Truu,  CFO of Coop  Pank, the volume  of Coop Pank's housing
loan portfolio has grown large enough to offer the bank the opportunity to issue
covered bonds. At the same time, in the longer term, it will lead to more stable
funding  for financing  customers. The  first step  in issuing covered bonds has
been taken by submitting an application for an additional activity license.

Coop  Pank,  based  on  Estonian  capital,  is  one  of the five universal banks
operating  in Estonia.  The number  of clients  using Coop  Pank for their daily
banking  reached 191,800. Coop  Pank aims  to put  the synergy  generated by the
interaction  of retail business  and banking to  good use and  to bring everyday
banking services closer to people's homes. The strategic shareholder of the bank
is the domestic retail chain Coop Eesti, comprising of 330 stores.

Additional information:
Paavo Truu
Phone: 5160 231
E-mail: paavo.truu@cooppank.ee (mailto:paavo.truu@cooppank.ee)